- The 5 most traditional dishes of Lambayeque
- 1- The rice with duck
- 2- The dry goat
- 3- The beach bar
- 4- The rice with seafood
- 5- The King Kong
- References
The typical dishes of Lambayeque are the result of an ancient tradition that begins before the pre-ceramic period. In addition, in recent centuries the presence of other cultures in Peru has contributed to enriching the typical dishes of the area.
Thus, the inheritance of pre-Hispanic cultures -the Mochica, Chimu and Sicán, for example- are joined by the gastronomic techniques and traditions of Europe, China and Japan.
Among the products most used to prepare dishes in Lambayeque are tubers such as potatoes and yucca, beans, corn, peppermint, molle, goat, pork and poultry, and fish and shellfish.
The 5 most traditional dishes of Lambayeque
1- The rice with duck
Rice with duck is the typical dish par excellence of the department of Lambayeque. It is also cooked in other parts of the country, presenting various variants.
Its presence in the gastronomy of the region dates back to the 19th century, as has been documented through historical and literary writings.
The base of its preparation, in addition to the duck meat, is the initial sauté of onion, pepper, yellow chili, butter, salt and coriander.
Duck, rice and beer complete the list of ingredients for this characteristic dish of the region.
2- The dry goat
Seco de cabrito is another of the most representative dishes of the Lambayeque region, as well as the rest of the northern part of Peru.
It is prepared with stewed goat meat, accompanied by local ingredients such as yellow chili, chicha and squash, as well as onion, garlic and coriander. The garnish generally consists of beans and cooked cassava.
It is a very present dish in the great banquets and social events that are celebrated in Peru.
3- The beach bar
The chiringuito is a variety of ceviche, which in Peru is the Cultural Heritage of the Nation.
In the specific case of Lambayeche, for the elaboration of its variant, shredded white fish is used (generally ray is used) along with other ingredients to season it.
These ingredients include lemon, onion, chili, coriander, yucca, sweet potatoes, corn, and salt.
The flavor is very similar to that of traditional ceviche, hence it is considered a variant of the same dish.
4- The rice with seafood
One of the bases of the traditional cuisine of Lambayeque is the use of seafood. Historically, fish and shellfish used daily in the cuisine of the region were caught off the Pacific coast.
This tradition dates back to pre-colonial times. For this reason, these ingredients are still very important today in the gastronomy of this department of Peru.
A good example is the seafood rice, which is cooked with rice, fish and different species of shellfish, such as squid, shrimp and pepitonas.
5- The King Kong
Manjar Blanco King Kong is a typical Peruvian dessert whose origins lie in the Lambayeche region.
It is considered regional heritage and its name is due to the size of the candy, compared to that of the giant gorilla in the cinema.
It is a large alfajor made from flour, butter, egg yolks and milk biscuits, compacted and made one whole with manjar blanco.
Generally the pieces are rectangular and today they are sold industrially throughout the country.
- Gastronomy in Lambayeque, on Peru Traveling, at perutravelling.com.
- Lambayeque, on Peru Travel Tips, at perutraveltips.org.
- Lambayeque, on Peru Travel, at peru.travel.
- "The Art of Peruvian Cuisine". Vol. I & II, by Tony Custer. (2000 & 2003).
- "Ceviche: The Peruvian Kitchen", by Martín Morales. (2013).