Rubble body is a qualifier received by those whose body is not exercised, so they are rather weak. It is a term used in the slang of the field of exercises and nutrition. The expression, of colloquial connotation, refers in the first instance to the unexercised and very thin bodies.
However, some Internet users also associate it with people with certain excess weight. Also, the term is linked to the word “rubble” in the construction context, and refers to waste or waste that has no value.
People qualified with this expression do not have developed muscles, which is why some health experts have associated it with people with the physical biotype of the ectomorph type.
On the Internet there are several forums with user advice to improve the physical condition of people whose bodies are classified as "rubble".
As noted above, the word refers to those people who are not in good physical condition because they are below their ideal weight, without muscles and with localized fat in certain parts of the body.
These types of people have long limbs, narrow bones and a sunken chest, making it difficult for them to gain muscle mass.
However, although the expression refers to what was indicated in the previous point, recently it has also been used to qualify people who are overweight to a lesser extent; However, this meaning is still the subject of discussion among Internet users.
Ectomorphic bodies
The rubble body is the biotype of people with the ectomorphic structure, which are naturally thin and have difficulty gaining muscle mass.
That is why the specialists recommend a combination of exercises based on strength or hypertrophy routines, to increase muscle and improve appearance. It is suggested the execution of strength-speed and explosive strength exercises, with a diet rich in calories.
In this context, resistance training or endurance training (such as athletics) should be avoided, as this will only cause the cessation of muscle growth and decrease in weight.
Health experts indicate that exercise and diet are the keys to a healthy mind and body. That is why they have made a series of recommendations for those who wish to improve their "body rubble" appearance:
-It must be taken into account that spending more time in a gym does not mean that good results will be obtained in the long term. In fact, for people with the ectomorph biotype, a routine of no more than three days a week is recommended.
-The routines to be implemented must be intense and relatively short, this will help muscle growth.
-It is important to remember that, to obtain the changes you want, it is important to invest time, perseverance and effort to see the results. These results can range from six months to a year.
-Don't focus too much on aerobic exercises or so-called "cardio"; these will only produce the loss of weight and muscle mass.
-It is important to consume a diet high in calories, but especially proteins and other derivatives of eggs and chicken. Carbohydrates and healthy fats should also be integrated into the diet.
-Try to work all muscle groups at a time and not focus on just one.
Origin of the term
Despite the fact that it is a widely used expression in the colloquial sphere in various regions of Spain, it is still not clear as to the emergence of these words.
It is believed that its use was eventually brought to the Internet, which influenced its popularity in the rest of the digital environment.
It is believed that the term is linked to the world of construction, as it refers to the “rubble” or waste that remains after a work has been carried out.
It is worth mentioning that there is an interesting connotation: it is also used as a joke or insult. That is, it is not only a way to qualify someone's physique, but also to make them understand that it lacks some kind of value or importance.
-According to some Internet users, “body rubble” also refers to the following: “being destroyed”, “collapsed” or “rubble inside”.
-In general, it is an expression that is often said among men.
-There is a song by the Estopa group that mentions the meaning of this expression; it is the song "Sad Body". This is a demonstration of the degree of popularity that the word has in Spanish slang.
-As noted above, "body rubble" is also linked to people with a certain degree of overweight (without falling into obesity). The common trait appears to be the lack of muscle definition as well as the hunched posture.
-There are a series of blogs and profiles on social networks where success stories are told of people who stopped being “body rubble” and became healthy and exercised figures.
-Unlike a "rubble body", the person who is "hunk" or "mashed" has muscles and a defined body. This comes from intense strength exercises that will allow you to switch to a more massive and bulky type.
-Another word related to the world of exercises and physique is "fofisanos" (they can also be classified as "rubble body"), which are men who at one point had an athletic physique but stopped exercising. It comes from English, dad bod.
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