I leave you with the best Colombian sayings, some of them very popular and others more specific for a specific moment. Sayings are a reflection of culture and usually reflect a teaching or moral advice for everyday life situations.
Like all the sayings of Latin American countries, these are strongly influenced by other Spanish-speaking countries, in addition to sharing their variety with them.
Flag of the Republic of Colombia. Source: pixabay.com
-You are in the procession and you also want to ring the bells.
-If the afternoon caught him today, tomorrow he will get up early.
-Prepaid musician doesn't play well.
-Whoever goes wrong ends badly.
-He who owes it, fears it.
-Indian eaten, Indian gone.
- Spoiled son, spoiled son.
-The more who looks, the less sees.
- Greed breaks the sack.
-Bullet that buzzes does not kill.
-Everything extreme is vicious.
-So much was the pitcher at the source until it finally broke.
-A smile costs nothing, but it is worth a lot.
-In the blacksmith's house, wooden hoe.
-The fallen fall.
-Good ox does not tread it kills, and if it treads it does not kill.
-If you want to get old, you have to drop the loads.
-You have to draw strength from weakness.
-There are many caciques and few Indians.
-You have to plow with the oxen you have.
-You don't have to be a horse to know about racing.
-If the pitcher hits the stone, or the stone into the pitcher, bad for the pitcher.
-Bad horse is sold far.
-The best cook cooks the pot.
- Grown children, rainy jobs.
-When the dead man finds someone to carry him, he becomes heavy.
-The one who leaves, is not necessary.
-It's a danger to be alive.
-Do not throw stones at the neighbor if your roof is made of glass.
- Better freedom with poverty than prison with wealth.
-Don't burn your mouth for eating the soup early.
-Things are taken according to who they come from.
-In the long run everything is known.
-Old dog barks sitting up.
-Since the excuses were made, everyone looks good.
-A old cat, cute mouse.
-God punishes neither with a stick nor with a fence.
-The strength is in the joining.
-The stars advise you but do not force you.
-Small cow, it's always veal.
-If you search you will find.
-There is no small enemy.
-He came for wool and was shorn.
-That loads a rag to 'steal a mojao'.
-The toads are crushed to death on the road.
-Antioqueño stains, but does not fade.
-Each one scratches where it stings.
-They are not all who are, nor are all who are.
-The truth, although severe, is a true friend.
-Who does love you, will make you cry.
-He who waits despairs.
-He who goes wrong, ends badly.
-They want to win indulgences with someone else's scapular.
-While the ax comes and goes, rest the stick.
-A good sleep, no bad bed.
-Bad road is light.
-Thief who robs a thief, has a thousand years of forgiveness.
-God uses the repentant.
-It's better bread with love than hen with pain.
-Sometimes the collar is more expensive than the dog.
-With virtue and goodness authority is acquired.
-More is learned in a lonely day than in a hundred in society.
-The fewer dogs, the less fleas.
-I know the traveler from the suitcases.
-Don't take the old man's advice as vain.
-The teeth are so beautiful and the pronunciation is so bad.
-Back or to gain momentum.
-To see is to believe.
-The bad clerk blames the pen.
-The one who goes out to dance, loses his place.
-Gathering of foxes, doom of chickens.
-Praise yourself chicken that will cook you tomorrow.
-No one is for anyone.
-The best hunter the hare goes.
-The cold meets the naked and the fly the rolled up sleeves.
-There is so much leak on the stone until it breaks.
-The agony is long but death is certain.
-A good cat, good mouse.
-The tail is worth more than the chiringa.
-It is better to owe money and not favors.
-From the sea the grouper and from the land the ram.
-God knows how he does his things
- Better healthy than paying the surgeon.
-No need to look for the drowned upriver.
-Published favor, dishonored favor.
- Better something than nothing.
-Every career has an end.
- He is never right who does not have money.
-Pasons age more than gray hair.
-He who is a good rooster, sings in any corral.
- Better little and well earned than much but muddy.
-To the one who does not carry the load it seems that it does not weigh.
-There are many children of the dead.
-A bad with a good goes out.
-Things fall under its own weight.
-Where there is love, there is no fear.
-Don't burn your mouth for eating the soup early.
-A black donkey, do not look for white hair
-You don't just have to be good but show it.
-You have to bring two bags, one to carry and one to receive.
-To that man, you don't even believe what he says.
-In the end, the goat to the mountain pulls.
-Under the shadow of the good, the bad live.
-The richest is not the one who has the most, but the one who needs the least.
-Kills the tiger but is scared by the leather.
-It is more pleasant to give than to receive.
-For knife that cuts, there is no hard meat.
-You can't cover the sky with your hand.
-He who does not cry does not breastfeed.
-The one who snores is the one who can.
-The sun shines for everyone.
-The man lives in hope, and he dies of disappointments.
-You have to have your pants on well.
-Hell is full of good intentions.
-A talker falls sooner than a lame man.
-Who gives first, gives twice.
-Well is the coriander, but not so much.
-No hand in silver, no eye on letter.
-Nothing can give who has nothing.
-God gave a beard to those who do not have cumbamba.
-It made a storm in a glass of water.
-According to the vine, so should the sweet potato be.
-Who does not risk anything, neither loses nor wins.
-More does a walking ant than a resting ox.
-Better pale once than hundreds of times red.
-Weed never dies.
-Between husband and wife, no one should meddle.
-He who starts and rebuilds, always takes the best part.
-The one who does not know is like the one who does not see.
-He's hanging himself with his own rope.
-Everything depends on the color of the glass you look at.
-He touches himself with his eyes and looks at himself with his hands.
- Envy is a bad adviser.
-He who plays with fire, burns.
-Fear guards the vineyard.
-So long in the field and you don't know the malojilla.
-A nail drives out another nail.
-The laundry is washed at home.
-Marriage and shroud from heaven come down.
-After one-eyed maluca, it would be better for her to be dead.
-To be missing, what about.
-Even the smartest monkey drops the sapote.
-The last to arrive, the ugliest one has to dance.
-To get lost that hurts me.
-He who walks with honey, something sticks to him.
-Absence causes forgetfulness
- Better a living coward than a dead hero.
-What does not happen in a hundred years, happens in a day.
-It is better to prevent than to have to remedy.
-Better a bad settlement than a good lawsuit.
-Don't talk to me about flowers, I'm a gardener.
-The fruit is known from the tree.
-The virgin appeared to that fool.
-There is much to gain and little to lose.
-Dreaming costs nothing.
-God gives and takes.
-Bad road does not lead to a good place.
-To the brave bull, to the horns
- From wise man, poet and madman, we all have a little.
-He who wants fish, let him get his feet wet.
-You don't know who you work for.
-Ignorance is bold.
-In the oven door, the bread is burned.
-Secrets in meeting is rude.
-For taste the colors were made.
-No rule without exception.
-Do not stumble who does not walk.
-In this maluca life, if there is no bread, yucca is eaten.
-He doesn't run, he flies.
-Tiger's son comes out painted.
-Learn to be quite, so you can learn to speak properly.
-The one who chooses the worst leaves.
-He who plays out of necessity, always loses out of obligation.
-That your left hand does not know what the right hand does.
-It is not the same with violin as with guitar.
-Love with jealousy causes sleepless nights.
-What is given, is not taken away.
- Between oxen there are no goring.
-Don't cut the tree that gives you shade.
-He who gets into the redeemer comes out crucified.
-That whoever wants more, dance a tango.
-There is no worse effort than that which is not made.
-A bad apple damages the whole barrel.
-Where woman reigns, the devil is prime minister.
-To the poor and the ugly, everything goes in desire.
-Small town, big bell.
"Better one just in case than I'll think about it."
-White it is, hen puts it.
-If it's not Juan, it's Pedro.
-Quiet louse that the comb arrives.
-You have to give the wing to eat the breast.
-Alligator does not eat stifle.
-Money without charity is real poverty.
-Son of cat, hunting mouse.
-Each arepa finds its pot.
-The brave words is very light on his feet.
-With love and spirit, nothing feels.
-If the mountain does not come to Muhammad, Muhammad goes to the mountain.
-He who gets up in the morning, advances in his work.
-The lazy and the poor, everything costs double.
-A good deed is the best prayer.
-Hunger is good, not food.
-Some are lime and some are sand.
-By the thread clew is removed.
-You have to stretch your feet as far as the sheet reaches.
-Two male oxen do not live in the same cave.
-He who sows thorns do not expect to harvest flowers.
-The garlic was more expensive than the chicken.
-He who speaks little, says a lot.
-Where there is wins, there is skill.
-Everyone is generous giving what is not theirs.
-Love with love is paid.
-If you don't punish your son, you will be his worst enemy.
-No loose ends should be left.
-He who takes away the occasion, avoids the thief.
-He who asks little, deserves little.
-The monkey dances for silver.
-Forget it, more was lost in the war.
-The one that is chopped is because it eats garlic.
-Every day a fool is thrown into the street.
-The man who walks does not get the flies on him.
-The one who lends does not improve.
-Who with the wolf joins howling learn.
-The lamp is more expensive than the candle.
-It's a danger to be alive.
-He who was born for a bull from heaven, his horns fall off.
-The monkey knows the stick that it climbs.
-Old fox does not fall into the trap.
-In donkey fighting, the pagan is the muleteer.
-Work started, half finished.
-The lost only has the tongue.
-The dead to the hole and the living to the sapling.
-Among honest friends, compliments dispensed.
-Money calls money.
-There is no worse wedge than the same suit.
-On the way the loads are arranged.
- Better one today than two mornings.
-Eyes that saw you go, eyes that will never see you again.
-Do not suffer from other people's fever.
-Proposing is not forcing.
-The fish that looks for a hook, looks for a duel.
-The least can always speak.
-It pleases him a little, annoys him a lot.
-Don't dirty the water and drink it later.
-Practice works miracles.
-He who enters the redeemer, comes out crucified.
-Whoever comes close to a good tree, is sheltered by good shade.
-Dress me slowly, I'm in a hurry.
-Weeping cat, does not fish for mice.
-He who thinks a lot does little.
-Better to be alone than in bad company.
-It does not matter that the one in front runs as long as the back does not stay behind.
-The light ahead is what shines.
-It is never late if happiness is good.
-There is no shortcut without work.
- Luck belongs to whoever has it.
-Go green for the ripe ones.
-Everything clean is beautiful, except the pocket.
-So much swimming, only to die on the shore.
-Flee from danger and you will not fall into it.
-The wind is older and still blows.
-At night, all cats are gray.
-A pig's screams, butcher's ears.
-The skinniest pig eats the best ear.
-While there is life, there is hope.
-The one who wants brown that can withstand jerks.
-He who does more, less reaches.
-That egg want salt.
-A mule that another tamed, some aftertaste remains.
-Don't cross the bridge before reaching it.
- Better a living coward than a dead hero.
-Where the needle passes, the thread passes.
-Water past, does not move mill.
-Cat's nails and Blessed's tunic.
-Faith moves mountains.
-Enjoy, eat and drink, that life is short.
- An intense act is better than a thousand remiss.
-When you're sick, even dogs bark at you.
-The birds already shoot the shotgun.
-In lawsuits of brothers, do not put your hands.
-Who gives the cat a bell?
-Everyone knows where the shoe pinches.
-The fine perfume comes in a small container.
-I give you a finger and you want to take my arm.
-Dog that does not walk, does not find bone.
-The son who is touched, dance.
-No monkey can see its tail.
-The capital is dead, the interest is over.
-Beans are cooked anywhere.
-Don't look for the five legs of the cat.
-Each one brings the grilled sardine together.
-Hard, but safe.
-There is no bad curve going slowly.
-The cage is so beautiful and the pigeon is so ugly.
-There are not roses without spines.
-It is not the same to call the devil than to see him come.
-So many hands on a plate, the ajiaco soon runs out.
-You say it and you don't know it.
-What you leave for later, stays for later.
-Meat that the cat takes does not return to the plate.
-He who does not risk does not cross the river.
-He's more lost than a cockroach at a chicken dance.
-To those who do not want broth, they are given two cups.
-Soldier warned, do not die in war.
-Cat scalded from cold water flees.
-Who scratched you to paint you.
-Tell the miracle, but don't say the saint.
-The difficult step, take it first.
-Pay to get credit.
-Who does not nothing does not drown.
-Swallowing even saliva.
-If the child cries, give him milk from a jar, and if he continues, give him a jar.
-The stolen does not shine.
-God gives bread to the toothless.
-When the ship is sinking, all the rats come out.
-Antioqueño that is respected asks for a reduction.
-The horns and gray hair do not come out due to old age.
-Cacheted in other people's leather does not hurt.
-No one learns from someone else's head.
- Friend is a weight in the pocket.
-Who loves Beltran well, loves his dog well.
-Don't fall asleep on the straws.
-According to the bird it is the nest.
-Big bunch, small banana.
-Don't speak through someone else's mouth.
-The easy is lost light.
-Before you get married, watch what you do.
-The donkey thinks one thing and the one who herds him another thing.
-To great evils, great remedies.
- Bread with bread, food for fools.
-Mother is the one who raises, not the one who gives birth.
-With the eye out there is no Santa Lucia worth.
-No one knows what is in the pot except who moves it.
-The pig always looks for the mud.
-He who drinks water in a tapara or marries in a foreign land, does not know if the water is clear or if the woman is good.
-If you want to meet Andrés, live with him for a month.
-What is not appropriate does not come.
-There are tastes that deserve sticks.
-Not all that icing falls off.
-He who looks in old yaguas, finds cockroaches.
-Dead Indian does not shoot an arrow.
-The fever is not in the sheet.
-He who eats the meat, let him also eat the bone.
-Honor and money do not walk the same path.
-Machete, stay in your sheath.
-Each pig gets its Saturday.
-It is not the same to say it than to do it.
-Many children, wealth of the poor.
-It is not as fierce as they paint the lion.
-First my teeth than my relatives.
-He who does not fall, slips.
-You don't have to believe in witches, but there are, there are.
-Four eyes see more than two.
-He who marries, seeks a home.
-In the absence of bread, good are cakes.
-The best thing God did was one day after the other.
- After the stride, the saint forgotten.
-The ox licks just fine.
-Not everything dark is black pudding.
-Don't think that the Indian is poor because the suitcase is made of leaves.
-You are not born a knight, you have to know how to be.
-Single words are blown away by the wind.
-Pay what you owe and you will know what you have.
-He is more pelao 'than the knees of a goat.
-Dies well who lives well.
-He who does not expect to win is already defeated.
-To err is human, to forgive divine.
-He who runs for his pleasure never gets tired.
-It's more out of habit than out of devotion.
-Nobody is a prophet in their own land.
- The advice of the woman is little, and the one that does not take it is crazy.
- Preaching in the desert is like advising a dead person.
-After death there is no one who snores.
-He who sings, scares his ills.
-They remember Santa Barbara when it thunders.
-The moon is not made of cheese nor is it eaten with honey.
-To swim you have to jump into the water.
-When the comadres get angry, the truths are told.
-If you want the dog, accept the fleas.
- Testing is how it is cooked.
-Scabies with pleasure does not itch.
-Not everyone who cries cries out of grief.
-Hear, see and shut up, to be at peace.
-A long way, short step.
-Of relatives and the sun, the further away the better.
-No need to look for sleeves for the vest.
-He who trusts a lot, keeps the empty bag.
-The one with a nose, don't let him smell.
-It is better to lose a minute in life than life in a minute.