- Main purposes of physical education in education
- 1- Maintain physical and mental health
- 2- Encourage teamwork
- 3- Create discipline
- 4- Develop an attitude of respect
- 5- Create an environment of healthy competition
- 6- Promote leadership attitudes
- 7- Promote the attitude of self-demand
- 8- Provide values to students
- References
One of the purposes of physical education in education is to empower individuals to have a healthy body. Body health can lead to better performance in daily activities for students.
In fact, there have been studies that prove that memory, attention and other cognitive functions are positively influenced by coordinated physical activity (such as that carried out in the physical education chair).
Added to this, physical education has other objectives in the field of education. These include: fostering teamwork, creating discipline, developing an attitude of respect towards authority and rules, creating an environment of healthy competition, promoting leadership attitudes, fostering an attitude of self-demand in students and instilling values in them..
As can be seen, physical education brings many benefits to individuals. For this reason, it is part of the school curriculum.
Main purposes of physical education in education
1- Maintain physical and mental health
The main objective of physical education is to maintain the student's bodily health through physical activity. For this reason, the chair includes the practice of various sports and the performance of complementary exercises.
This allows to develop the four physical valences, which are strength, speed, endurance and flexibility.
Strength is the ability of muscles to oppose resistance. It can be isometric (if there is no displacement of an object) or isotonic (if there is displacement).
Speed is the speed with which you respond to a stimulus. It can be of three types: reaction speed, muscle contraction speed and displacement speed.
- The reaction speed is that which occurs when the muscles respond to an external stimulus.
- The speed of contraction is the speed that occurs when the muscles flex and extend as fast as possible.
- Finally, the speed of movement is the one that occurs when the individual covers a certain distance in the shortest possible time.
Endurance is the ability to withstand the fatigue generated by physical activities. Over time, the feeling of tiredness decreases, thus increasing endurance.
Flexibility is the conditional capacity that consists of extending the muscles that surround the joints.
The more developed these capacities are, the better the condition of the individual.
In addition to this, scientific studies have shown that physical activity and body health can positively affect a person's mental condition.
Memory and attention are two of the cognitive activities that are influenced by coordinated physical activity. In this way, it also increases the student's learning capacity and improves her academic performance.
2- Encourage teamwork
Many of the activities practiced in the physical education chair are group activities. For example, soccer, basketball, and volleyball are played with two groups facing each other.
All this encourages teamwork, since the members of the group act as one entity. Each participant plays a role and together they make up a system.
3- Create discipline
The practice of any sport or any physical activity generates discipline in students. Physical education as a chair teaches individuals certain patterns of behavior that make their performance within a group effective.
4- Develop an attitude of respect
In addition to discipline, physical education develops an attitude of respect in students. This respect occurs on two levels:
At a first level, sports are governed by a set of rules that players must follow. In this way, students learn to respect the rules.
At a second level, there is a referee who enforces the rules and sanctions those who have not complied with them. Thanks to this, players learn to respect an authority figure.
5- Create an environment of healthy competition
Through sports, physical education creates an environment of healthy competition. The student learns the importance of trying their best regardless of the outcome.
While winning is satisfying, it's okay to lose as long as your best effort has been made.
In fact, in physical education there are no winners and losers, there are only individuals who play to develop their motor skills and create camaraderie and cooperation.
6- Promote leadership attitudes
In football, basketball, volleyball teams, among others, there are captains who guide the team and develop strategies to ensure the best performance of the group.
In the chair of physical education this situation is recreated. In this way, students are given an opportunity to develop their leadership qualities.
This allows them to get to know their peers better, as a leader must be aware of the strengths and weaknesses of the people they lead.
7- Promote the attitude of self-demand
The physical education chair creates a conducive environment for the student to develop their physical skills.
In addition to this, the fact that the student is in constant competition with other classmates makes him decide to demand more of himself. Then, the requirement of the instructor adds to the own requirement.
8- Provide values to students
In addition to discipline and respect, physical education provides other values. To begin, it teaches them to cooperate, as many sports require group participation. This strengthens the bonds of friendship.
Added to this, it gives students a sense of belonging, as they are part of a team. It instills in them the value of responsibility, as each individual plays a role within the team and must fulfill their obligations.
They learn to be props. Many times the practices of certain sports require arriving at a certain time. In addition, they learn that their movements are precise.
Lastly, physical activity requires dedication. This means that students learn to commit, do their best, and do their best.
- The Importance of Physical Education. Retrieved on September 7, 2017, from venea.org
- Physical Education. The Importance of PE Retrieved on September 7, 2017, from shakopee.k12.mn.us
- The Importance of Physics to Society. Retrieved on September 7, 2017, from triumf.info
- Physical Education: Need and Importance of Physical Education. Retrieved on September 7, 2017, from importantindia.com
- Importance of physical education specialists. Retrieved on September 7, 2017, from phecanada.ca
- The Importance of Physical Education and Recreation in Schools. Retrieved on September 7, 2017, from christianschoolproducts.com
- What are the benefits of Physical Education in School? Retrieved on September 7, 2017, from livestrong.com