- History
- Concept in psychology
- Indicators that we are trapped in the comfort zone
- Lack of personal growth
- Be closed to opportunities
- Feeling of stagnation
- Examples of comfort zone
- 1- At work
- 2- In the sentimental field
- 3- In health
- How to get out of the comfort zone?
- Understand the reasons
- Create a plan in the face of excuses
- Expose yourself
- Set a day to start
- Exercise
- Exercise: travel to the future
- References
The comfort zone is a concept that refers to a set of mental states, habits and beliefs that cause a state in which we feel safe but in which we cannot grow. It is one of the most popular ideas in psychology, despite the fact that there is no single definition of it or a single vision of what it implies or how to get out of it.
An example of a person who is in the comfort zone could be someone who has found a job, but it does not allow him to continue growing or learning new things; In addition, it may bore you or even cause you discomfort. You have something valuable, a job, but at the same time you miss out on opportunities that you might have if you risk leaving that job and trying new things.
Going on a trip is only one way to get out of your comfort zone. Source: pexels.com
It is generally said that the comfort zone is one of the main enemies of change, personal growth and obtaining desired results. However, having a certain vital security is something necessary for your own well-being, so many psychologists believe that the key is to find a balance between leaving this zone and staying in it.
The concept of the comfort zone first appeared as a result of an experiment carried out by Robert Yerkes and John Dodson in 1908. These researchers affirmed that a state of relative relaxation generates a constant level of performance in different tasks. However, to increase this performance it is necessary to feel certain levels of anxiety and face uncomfortable situations.
Today, the idea that there is a comfort zone from which you have to escape to achieve your own goals is very popular both in traditional psychology and in related disciplines, such as self-help or coaching. In this article we will see exactly what it is and what can be done to get out of it.
Concept in psychology
The comfort zone is not a unique situation shared by all people in the world, but each individual has their own version of it based on their beliefs, previous experiences, tastes and lifestyle.
At a theoretical level, the concept of the comfort zone refers to a state of mind that gives us calm, and in which we do not feel any type of fear, anxiety or discomfort. This occurs because within it we feel that our environment is predictable, and we can control its most important aspects.
Externally, the comfort zone is mostly made up of habits. These translate into the aforementioned feeling of security, but also in a passive attitude towards one's life and great difficulty in changing or improving. As a consequence, people caught in it often experience large doses of boredom, apathy, and monotony.
Indicators that we are trapped in the comfort zone
The set of habits, thoughts, beliefs and behaviors that make up the comfort zone are not generated from one day to the next, but are slowly formed over the years. Many times, in addition, this process is totally unconscious, so that a large number of people trapped in this space do not realize what is happening.
Due to this, in the field of psychology a multitude of lists of symptoms have been created that may indicate that we are stuck within the comfort zone.
Lack of personal growth
One of the most important indicators is the lack of growth on an emotional and intellectual level, the most common feeling being apathy.
Be closed to opportunities
In addition to this, people trapped in their comfort zone are often closed to new ideas and opportunities, due to an unconscious fear of not being able to control what would happen if they opened up to them.
As a consequence, they tend to avoid risks, staying locked in the same routine for very long periods of time.
Feeling of stagnation
Finally, this lack of challenge and stimulation causes a great feeling of boredom and being stuck. This can translate into different emotions such as anger or sadness.
In fact, many of the people who are trapped in their comfort zone end up entering a depressed state from which it is very difficult to get out if they do not change their habits or face some new challenge.
Examples of comfort zone
The comfort zone is not related to a single area of life, but we can get trapped in it in different areas of our day to day life. For example, for some people this state of mind can occur in their relationship, while for others it will have more to do with their work or with their personal projects.
Here are some concrete examples of what it means to be stuck in the comfort zone in different areas.
1- At work
Having a job that we like, motivates us, and gives us the life we want is one of the most important aspects of many people's lives. However, sometimes we can get stuck in a job that does not meet these characteristics, either out of fear, comfort or an apparent lack of options.
Thus, a person trapped in the comfort zone in his work would be one who does not enjoy what he does and who would like to change, but does not do it because he is lazy to train and acquire new skills; or because she believes that there are no other alternatives and does not bother to look for them.
2- In the sentimental field
Ideally, the people closest to us (our partner, friends and family) should help us lead a fuller life and be more satisfied with our existence. However, for some individuals this aspect causes more suffering than pleasure, but they still choose to do nothing to change their situation.
The comfort zone in the sentimental area can cause, for example, that a breakup with a partner does not occur even if it constantly hurts us; or choosing not to find new friends for fear of not being able to forge interesting relationships with strangers.
3- In health
One of the most common goals among the majority of the population is to get fit, lose weight and be healthier. However, almost everyone who sets these goals ends up abandoning them before they achieve results, because it takes less effort to maintain the same unhealthy habits as always.
In the field of health, the comfort zone has to do with the maintenance of ways of behaving that are not very useful to have a greater physical and mental well-being, such as sedentary lifestyle or eating a harmful diet, simply because it is uncomfortable to change them.
How to get out of the comfort zone?
One of the most common questions in the world of psychology and personal development is the one that refers to how you can get out of your comfort zone. We have already seen that staying trapped in it often has very negative consequences in different areas, so learning to escape from it can be very useful.
Understand the reasons
In the first place, in order to get out of your comfort zone, you need to be clear about why you want to do this. Creating new habits and changing the way we act and think requires a lot of effort, so if you don't have a strong reason, you will most likely give up as soon as the first difficulty arises.
Create a plan in the face of excuses
On the other hand, it is also often very useful to anticipate your own excuses so that you can take them into account and fight them before they appear. In the beginning, your mind will do its best to demotivate you and keep you within your comfort zone, so you have to be prepared to fight whatever is thrown at you.
Expose yourself
Once you have the right mindset, the next step is to expose yourself to new situations, people, or ideas as often as possible. Leaving the comfort zone requires you to change the way you act and think, so this step is crucial for you to meet your goals in this regard.
Set a day to start
Finally, it is essential that you realize that escaping from your routine is always going to be uncomfortable. Because of this, the last step to get out of your comfort zone is to stop waiting for the fear to disappear: start acting as soon as possible and soon you will have left stagnation behind.
Although the tips you just read can help you get out of your comfort zone in most cases, sometimes it is necessary to take even more focused actions to solve this problem. The following exercise will help you to achieve this even if you feel that you are very stuck.
Exercise: travel to the future
Imagine that you travel twenty years into the future and see that you have achieved everything you wanted to achieve in life. Your relationships are just how you dreamed of them, you have the job you've always wanted, and you're bursting with health and energy. Enjoy for a few seconds the feeling of having achieved your goals.
Now ask yourself: how did your future self get to that point? What steps did you have to take, and what learnings did you have to carry out, to go from where you are right now to the moment when you achieved all your goals?
Even if you are not clear about the exact steps, write down all the answers that come to mind. These will tell you what direction you have to take from now on in order to get out of your comfort zone as soon as possible and start moving towards the life of your dreams.
- "What is the comfort zone?" in: Psychoadapt. Retrieved on: January 03, 2020 from Psicoadapta: psicoadapta.es.
- "What is the comfort zone - and what is it not?" in: Corner of Psychology. Retrieved on: January 03, 2020 from Rincón de la Psicología: rinconpsicologia.com.
- "How to get out of your comfort zone? 7 keys to achieve it ”in: Psychology and Mind. Retrieved on: January 03, 2020 from Psychology and Mind: psicologiaymente.com.
- "Get out of your comfort zone" in: The Mind Is Wonderful. Retrieved on: January 03, 2020 from La Mente Es Maravillosa: lamenteesmaravillosa.com.
- "Comfort zone" in: Wikipedia. Retrieved on: January 03, 2020 from Wikipedia: es.wikipedia.org.