- General characteristics
- Morphology
- Habitat and distribution
- Chemistry
- Active principle
- Health benefits
- Other apps
- Contraindications
- References
The zoapatle (Montanoa tomentosa Cerv.) Is a species of plant belonging to the Asteraceae family, native to Mexico and much of Central America. It is a shrub with yellow flowers that is used in traditional herbal medicine.
The name zoapatle derives from the Nahuatl "cihuatl" (woman) and "phatli" (medicine), which is translated in Spanish as "medicine for women." According to each region it is known as cihuapatli, ciguapatle, cacahpachtle, chapus, ground mullein, grass of to, zihuapatle, zoapatle or zuhuapatli.
Montanoa tomentosa Cerv plant. Source: Krzysztof Ziarnek, Kenraiz, from Wikimedia Commons
It is a medium-height, highly branched shrub with pubescent stems, branches and leaves, and a hairy appearance. The very aromatic brittle leaves and the flowers grouped in clusters are characteristic of the species.
In traditional Mexican medicine it is a plant used for its properties in the so-called diseases of women. It is used to solve problems related to labor, either to induce it or to speed it up, it is even used as an abortifacient.
It is usually used to relieve menstrual problems; activates vaginal discharge, stimulates menstrual periods, regulates the menstrual cycle and reduces pain. It is useful to increase the secretion of breast milk and to apply postpartum sitz baths; it also prevents rheumatism.
General characteristics
Flowers of Montanoa tomentosa Cerv. Source: Krzysztof Ziarnek, Kenraiz, from Wikimedia Commons
The zoapatle plant is a 1 to 2 m high branched shrub with pubescent stems. The leaves of the deltoid or corbada type are wider at the petiole and pointed at the end.
The leaves are brittle in appearance, have jagged edges and are strongly aromatic. The upper surface is pubescent and on the underside it has very fine bristles with a tomentose appearance.
Flowers of different sizes grow in clusters at the end of the stem, the smallest yellow and the largest white. The fruit is a compressed oblong achene of a single dark colored seed.
Habitat and distribution
The zoapatle is a native plant of Mexico adapted to the conditions of temperate and semi-warm climates. It is located at altitude levels between 1200 and 4000 meters above sea level.
It is a medium to tall shrub associated with xerophilous grassland and scrub ecosystems. Likewise, it is located in oak and pine forests, mixed oak-pine forests, and in juniper or juniper forests -juníperos-.
Chemical analysis of the species Montanoa tomentosa Cerv. it shows the presence of an essential oil made up of various terpenoids. Among them a and b-pinene, a-terpineol, a-thuyen, borneol, camphene, limonene, linalool, myrtenol, myrcene and ocimene; as well as the sesquiterpenes b-caryophyllene, a-copaen, b-cubebene and b-endesmanene.
At the root and leaf level, diterpenes, grandifloric, kaurenoic, kauradienoic and monoginoic acids have been detected. Diterpenes, sesquiterpenoids and sterols have been identified in the leaves; and in the root diterpenes.
Active principle
Laboratory analyzes have made it possible to isolate compounds of pharmacological activity in zoapatle plant material; Kaurenoic and monogynic acids -which regulate fertility in mammals-, angeloylgrandifloric acid -which acts on the contraction of the uterus-, and sesquiterpene lactones -with cytotoxic activity-.
Health benefits
In traditional culture it is common to use zoapatle for the treatment of natural ailments of women. It is used to alleviate problems related to childbirth, being effective in promoting, hastening and expediting labor.
The traditional way of ingesting it is as an infusion based on leaves and roots accompanied by chocolate and cinnamon. It is recommended to consume at the time of starting contractions, likewise when a complicated delivery is in sight.
In the postpartum phase it is advisable to drink a zoapatle tea prepared with branches and leaves of epazote -paico- and rue flavored with brown sugar -panela-. Taken before and after delivery, it allows cleaning the womb and prevents postpartum hemorrhage.
The ancestral beliefs of Mesoamerican cultures highlight the zoapatle and chocolate baths in the temezcal -traditional steam bath-. In fact, this practice makes it possible to accelerate contractions when labor is at term and the woman has not dilated the cervix.
The zoapatle has an emmenagogue principle, since it allows to regulate menstrual disorders, normalize the cycle and speed up the menstrual flow. In this case, it is recommended to eat a thick decoction of leaves and tender branches on an empty stomach for a period of three days.
This same infusion diluted in a larger quantity of water is used to activate delayed menstruation. Likewise, the addition of foliar buds to the infusion relieves menstrual pain or cramps and uterine contractions.
The cooking of zoapatle leaves is very effective in healing wounds after childbirth, it also stimulates the production of colostrum. Besides, it is used to soothe the pain caused by rheumatism and constipation; it is said to be helpful in removing laziness.
Other apps
Due to its size and great leafiness, the zoapatle plant is planted in coffee and cocoa plantations to provide shade. In addition, it is used as a fence around pastures or demarcation of various agricultural holdings.
The shoots and flowers are appreciated in traditional cuisine as a food supplement due to their high protein and lipid content. The flowers are boiled, stewed or fried and used in dressings of traditional dishes as a gastronomic alternative.
In gardening zoapatle plants are grown in parks and gardens. The soft, fine and moldable wood is used to make handicrafts, kitchen utensils, and figures of Mexican culture.
Montanoa tomentosa Cerv shrub. Source: Krzysztof Ziarnek, Kenraiz, from Wikimedia Commons
There is experimental evidence that zoapatle decoctions stimulate the contractions and dilation of the uterus, as well as its abortifacient effect. This plant has toxic effects due to the presence of toxins in the bark and seeds.
The presence of an alkaloid similar to tubocurarine, also known as d-tubocurarine or DTC, causes semi-paralysis in some people. Consuming highly concentrated concoctions can cause muscle paralysis, inhibit nerve impulses, respiratory paralysis, suffocation, and even death.
The Montanoa tomentosa species is considered a very dangerous abortive plant. The infusion of zoapatle mixed with apple leaves and corn roots consumed fasting induces early abortion.
- García Ríos Yesenia (2005) Cihuapatli or Zoapatle (Montanoa tomentosa Cerv). Traditional and Alternative Medicines. Recovered at: tlahui.com
- Vibrans Heike, Hanan Alipi Ana María and Mondragón Pichardo Juana (2009) Asteraceae = Compositae. Montanoa tomentosa Cerv. Zoapaxtle. Mexican weeds. Recovered at: conabio.gob.mx
- Villa Ruano Nemesio (2013) Distinctions of the Mexican zoapatle and its secondary metabolism. Science and Technology Topics. Institute of Public Health Research. University of the Sierra Sur. vol. 17 number 51. pp 3-9.
- Wikipedia contributors. (2018, March 22). Montanoa tomentosa. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Recovered at: wikipedia.org
- Zoapatle. Montanoa tomentosa Cerv. Compositae (2009) Digital Library of Traditional Mexican Medicine. Recovered in: medicinatraditionalmexicana.unam.mx