- How does ecstasy work?
- Short-term effects of ecstasy
- 1- Positive emotional state
- 2- Sociability
- 3- Emotional self-awareness
- 4- Alteration of antegrade and retrograde memory
- 5- Alteration of perception
- 6- Sympathomimetic symptoms
- 7- Neurological symptoms
- 8- Increase in energy levels
- 9- High levels of sexual arousal
- Effects of ecstasy overdose
- Long-term effects of ecstasy
- References
The Ecstasy, also known as MDMA or 3,4 methylene-dioximetanfetamina, is a synthetic drug that promotes euphoria and social ties. The effects of ecstasy are mainly stimulant and hallucinogenic, making it a widely used drug for recreational use and long-term parties.
Merk laboratories synthesized it for the first time around 1912 with the intention of creating a drug to reduce appetite. In the 1980s it was made illegal for its dangerous effects and abuse on young people.
Currently, ecstasy is among the most famous recreational illicit drugs, being the second most used drug after marijuana in some countries. Apparently, from the 90s to the present, its use has progressively increased, mainly in Europe and the United States (Miñarro, Aguilar and Rodríguez).
When ecstasy is ingested, it crosses the blood-brain barrier very quickly to distribute throughout the central nervous system (Molero Chamizo, 2005).
This drug begins to work quickly, in about 20-30 minutes. It is usually administered orally and the effects last between 2 and 8 hours. There are different types of effects: those seen shortly after taking ecstasy, long-term effects, and those caused by overdose.
How does ecstasy work?
For a better understanding of the effects of ecstasy, it is necessary to explain how it exerts. This drug acts on the nervous system by modifying the activity of two fundamental neurotransmitters for our body: serotonin and dopamine.
These neurotransmitters are related to mood (especially pleasure), sleep cycles, appetite, and heart rate.
It seems that the psychostimulant properties (such as the sensation of energy) are due to dopaminergic effects. While it increases the accumulation of serotonin, since ecstasy prevents it from being reabsorbed by nerve cells. In addition, it stimulates the release of this substance. As if that were not enough, an increase in the release of serotonin produces a greater activity of the neurotransmitter dopamine (Molero Chamizo, 2005).
The end result is a significant serotonergic and dopaminergic hyperactivity that will produce multiple effects in our body: some desired and pleasant, and others not so pleasant.
Below, you can discover all the effects that ecstasy produces both in the short and long term.
Short-term effects of ecstasy
1- Positive emotional state
The use of ecstasy causes a rapid positive emotional state through the elevation of the mood. The individual when under its influence can feel euphoria, well-being, satisfaction with himself and with the world. This antidepressant effect is closely linked to increased serotonergic activity in areas of the brain related to emotions.
2- Sociability
The main psychoactive property that stands out in ecstasy is its ability to induce empathy, which is called the entactogenic or empathogenic effect. Thus, the person feels a strong affective closeness towards the feelings and behaviors of others.
That is why it is not uncommon for them to live experiences of strong emotional connection and intimacy with practically strangers. Other effects are disinhibition, a sense of security and talkativeness that facilitate social contact.
3- Emotional self-awareness
In addition to producing empathy with others, ecstasy creates a sense of self-acceptance and emotional self-awareness. Many think that this substance favors access to consciousness and helps to solve the emotional conflicts that torment us.
It has been used in certain psychoanalytic therapies, since it is supposed to evoke repressed traumatic experiences and assume them with intense emotional control.
4- Alteration of antegrade and retrograde memory
That is, when under the influence of ecstasy, it can be difficult to remember events that happened in the past (deficit in retrograde memory).
Just as there are difficulties in learning new information (anterograde memory problems), so users can suffer from "gaps" and not remember well what happened when they had taken this substance.
5- Alteration of perception
Although it does not act as a hallucinogen itself, it does share some pharmacological properties with mescaline. For this reason, individuals who consume it claim to feel distortions in sensory perception; as well as in space and time.
This drug "refines" and exalts the senses, and causes the characteristics of the environment to be intensely captured. In addition, pleasant interpretations are associated with the stimuli that are perceived.
On the other hand, ecstasy transforms temporal perception, in such a way that the individual may feel that they are not aware of time or that it stops.
6- Sympathomimetic symptoms
They are named for the effects produced by substances that enhance the activity of the sympathetic system. It is the one in charge of activating the smooth muscles, the heart and the different glands of the body.
The main sympathomimetic effects of ecstasy are: increased heart rate and blood pressure, arrhythmias (changes in heart rate), dilation of the pupils (mydriasis), muscle tension, excessive sweating (diaphoresis) and dry mouth.
Other secondary symptoms such as gastrointestinal symptoms (nausea and diarrhea), muscle cramps, increased body temperature (including fever), chills, blurred vision, and feeling faint are also observed.
7- Neurological symptoms
The most typical neurological symptoms of ecstasy are loss of appetite, tremors, or insomnia; as it is an exciting substance.
It is very common to observe tension in the jaw muscles in people who have consumed this drug. Thus, involuntary contractions occur in these muscles that lead to limitations in the opening of the mouth. This is called lockjaw. On the other hand, bruxism, which means clenching or grinding the teeth, is common.
8- Increase in energy levels
Because of the exciting components and the pleasure it causes in its users, they can feel that they have great energy. Therefore, it is a substance that is widely used in music festivals and rave parties that can last 24 and even 48 hours. It also produces an increase in alertness and concentration.
However, this feeling is not real and masks the real needs of the body. This one needs rest, hydration and adequate nutrition. It is not surprising, therefore, that in situations of abuse there have been cases of death.
9- High levels of sexual arousal
The effects of connection perceived with the people in the environment, greater tactile sensitivity, well-being, and decreased anxiety enhance sexual arousal. Thus, this drug promotes high levels of sexual desire so many who ingest it seek this type of physical contact.
No wonder ecstasy is used as an aphrodisiac to facilitate sexual abuse and rape. However, it is important to know that, although it improves desire, it impairs sexual performance. Males may have trouble getting an erection, while females may suffer from a lack of lubrication.
Both sexes tend to have a hard time reaching orgasm while under the influence of this drug.
Much less frequently, some users may experience other effects such as dizziness, nausea, vomiting, difficulties in attention, concentration and language; and even paranoid ideas.
Effects of ecstasy overdose
Ecstasy is a dangerous drug, and its users may want to take it again when its effects are wearing off. This is because serotonin levels are depleted and well-being is transformed into depression and irritability.
For this reason, many may take more than one dose at a time or consume each time they notice the "drop" in effects. This practice can lead to an overdose, characterized by:
- High blood pressure.
- Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
- Visual and auditory hallucinations.
- Panic attacks.
- Seizures.
- Disorientation and confusion.
- Loss of consciousness.
- Extreme increase in body temperature, causing high fever that can reach 42 degrees. This increase in temperature brings with it a series of complications and significant damage to the body if it is not treated immediately.
The toxic effects of hyperthermia on the kidneys and liver, coupled with cardiovascular consequences, tend to be the most common causes of ecstasy-induced death.
- Fainting.
In its most extreme form, an overdose could lead to death from heat stroke, dehydration, exhaustion, and heart failure. Since, as mentioned, the individual does not perceive the need to eat, drink and rest.
Other unexpected effects can occur, but it is difficult to attribute them only to ecstasy, since many times this drug is acquired adulterated with other substances without the consumer knowing it.
For example, methamphetamine, caffeine, or ketamine. Also, it is common for ecstasy to be administered in conjunction with alcohol and other drugs. So it is not known with certainty if there are symptoms that are due to this mixture and not to ecstasy alone.
Long-term effects of ecstasy
One week after taking ecstasy (or longer for regular users), they may experience:
- Deep sadness. It occurs because during consumption, serotonin levels are very high, making the addict feel euphoria. But this neurotransmitter has its limits. When the drug breaks down, it takes several days for the body to synthesize more serotonin. Thus, the serotonin deficit produces a significant decrease in mood.
- Anxiety and restlessness.
- Alterations in mood characterized by irritability, impulsiveness and aggressiveness.
- Depersonalization, that is, a feeling of disconnection with reality and with oneself.
- Sleep disorders and reduction of the REM phase.
- Exhaustion.
- Lack of appetite.
- Thirst.
- Decreased interest and sexual arousal.
- Reduction of cognitive abilities and "mental dullness".
Currently, the long-term effect of ecstasy in our body is being investigated, mainly through addicted animals and humans. There are authors who have found that prolonged use of ecstasy produces a reduction in the natural activity of the serotonergic system.
Thus, a continuous administration of ecstasy can cause a decrease in the responsiveness of serotonergic neurons, producing less of this neurotransmitter.
In addition, it has been shown that, over time, neurodegeneration of serotonergic and dopaminergic axons (neuronal extensions where nerve impulses travel) occurs. The main areas of the brain affected are the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, striatum, hypothalamus and amygdala.
As a consequence, this is reflected in deficits in memory, learning, sleep cycles, and emotional well-being. As psychopathological disorders, depression and anxiety are common.
Miñarro, Aguilar, and Rodríguez collected data on human studies on the effects of ecstasy in the medium and long term, concluding that:
- Ecstasy causes cognitive and psychiatric changes. Mainly there seems to be an important link between chronic use of this substance and a decrease in memory.
- There is enough evidence to confirm that the behavioral and psychopathological changes (anxiety and depression) caused by ecstasy abuse do not improve. They remain in time, even if there is a prolonged abstinence.
- One of the common medium and long-term effects that these subjects present is self-medication behavior and the presence of psychiatric disorders.
These conditions can be present for a long time, even after stopping the use of this substance. Obviously the long-term consequences and their recovery vary according to the intensity, frequency and time that the individual has been using the drug.
- Almeida, SPD, & Silva, MTA (2003). Ecstasy (MDMA): effects and patterns of use reported by users in Sao Paulo. Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria, 25 (1), 11-17.
- Ecstasy / MDMA. (sf). Retrieved on November 29, 2016, from the Center for Substance Abuse Research.
- Ecstasy. (sf). Retrieved on November 29, 2016, from the United Nations: Office on Drugs and Crime.
- Miñarro López, JA (sf). LONG-TERM EFFECTS OF ECSTASY USE (“MDMA”). Retrieved on November 29, 2016, from "XII Conference on Drug Addiction: Leisure and Synthetic Drugs".
- Molero-Chamizo, A. (2005). 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine ('ecstasy'): long-term emotional and cognitive effects and serotonergic depletion. Rev Neurol, 41 (2), 108-114.
- The Effects of Ecstasy Use. (sf). Retrieved on November 29, 2016, from Drug Abuse.
- Volkow, N. (sf). MDMA (ecstasy) abuse. Retrieved on November 29, 2016, from the National Institute on Drug Abuse.