- Tropism concept
- Types of tropism
- - Phototropism and heliotropism
- - Geotropism
- - chemotropism
- - Hydrotropism
- - Thigmotropism
- - Electrotropism
- - Other tropisms
- Examples of tropism
- Phototropism
- Gravitropism
- References
A tropism is the movement or directional growth of an organism in response to external stimuli such as light, gravity, touch, among others. It is used, above all, to describe the behavior of plants and some "lower" animals.
Charles Darwin and his son, Francis Darwin, were among the first scientists to report studies concerning tropisms in plants. Both researchers were especially dedicated to the study of the movement of plants towards light, also known as phototropism.
Phototropism of an orchid (Source: Tangopaso via Wikimedia Commons)
The Darwin experiments and many subsequent studies provided enough information to assert that these tropic movements in plants are dependent on plant growth promoting substances (phytohormones) known as auxins.
Numerous forms of movement and / or growth have been described by tropism, among which are phototropism, geotropism, thigmotropism, chemotropism, hydrotropism, electrotropism, among others.
Tropism concept
The term tropism comes from the Greek "tropos", which means "turn" and has to do with the responses of organisms to external stimuli.
In plants, tropisms are commonly said to be the result of growth responses to specific stimuli such as light, touch, gravity, water, etc. Many authors consider that these are partially irreversible responses, since they have to do with the differential growth of different regions in the same organ.
In animals it is a bit more difficult to define, since those scientists dedicated to the study of animal behavior define tropisms specifically for those "lower animals" that respond to stimuli as a kind of unconscious "reflex".
Types of tropism
According to the type of movement they induce, tropisms can be classified as positive or negative.
A positive tropism is one that causes the movement or growth of a plant or an animal in the same direction from which the stimulus that triggers it comes; most of the tropic movements are positive and are also known as "orthotropic".
A negative tropism, on the other hand, is one that induces the movement or growth of a plant organ or an animal in the opposite direction to the stimulus, that is, it promotes growth away from the stimulus.
According to the nature of the stimulus, tropisms are classified as:
- Phototropism and heliotropism
Phototropism, as its name implies, refers to the movement or growth of an organism in response to light stimuli. It is commonly observed in plants and has also been found in photosynthetic protozoa such as eugleneids, paramecia, and amoebas.
Like all tropisms, there are individuals who move or grow towards the stimulus and others who do so "fleeing" from it.
Diagram of positive phototropism in a plant (Source: MacKhayman via Wikimedia Commons)
Heliotropism refers specifically to movement towards the sun in response to the light stimulus emitted by it; is a term used very often to describe the daily movements of the leaves that are induced by sunlight.
Leaves that "avoid" the sun are said to be paraheliotropic, while those that seek to expose the greatest amount of leaf surface to the sun's rays to maximize exposure are called diaheliotropic.
If a plant has sufficient hydration, its leaves most likely exhibit diaheliotropic movement responses, but if the same plant is under water deficit stress, its leaves will respond with paraheliotropic movements, avoiding evapotranspiration due to exaggerated surface exposure.
- Geotropism
Geotropism, also called gravitropism, is a type of motion that occurs in response to the force of gravity. All plant organs are said to exhibit some type of growth or movement in a direction imposed by gravity.
The nature of the geotropic movement depends on the organ, the species and some environmental parameters. The shoots of plants, for example, grow erect in the opposite direction to the force of gravity, while the roots do so in the same direction of this force.
Gravitropism or geotropism in a tree (Source: Mathieu Rodriguez via Wikimedia Commons)
As well as phototropic movements, it has been proven that gravitropism in plants depends on the redistribution of auxins in the tissues.
- chemotropism
This is the movement or growth of plants and some animals in response to chemical stimuli, either attractive or repellent.
Chemotropic responses often depend on the presence of specialized surface receptors that are sensitive to the concentration of a given chemical compound.
- Hydrotropism
Hydrotropism can be defined as the growth or movement of an organism, plant or animal, towards or away from a water source (different water potentials).
It is especially important for sessile organisms such as plants, since it depends on positive hydrotropic responses whether or not they get the water they need to survive.
- Thigmotropism
The term thigmotropism comes from the Greek "thigma", which means "to touch" and describes the growth and / or movement responses of plants and animals to mechanical stimulation or contact with a solid object.
In many animals this type of tropism is also understood as a "reflex" or instinctual response, which allows them to get away from potentially dangerous objects.
- Electrotropism
This kind of tropism describes the responses of certain animals and plants to electrical stimuli. In some cases it refers to inhibitory stimuli, but this depends on the species, the organ and the intensity of the current.
- Other tropisms
Thermotropism and traumatropism are two additional types of tropisms described by some authors. They are concerned, respectively, with growth or movement in response to thermal gradients and in response to trauma or "injury."
Examples of tropism
As this type of movement has been studied more extensively in plant organisms, the examples that will be presented relate to the responses of plants to light and gravity.
Phototropism causes an elongation or elongation of the cells of the apex of the organ that are in the portion that does not receive light, which generates a "folding" or curvature in it. This is thanks to the effects of light on auxins, which are one of the phytohormones that are involved in plant growth.
Thus, when a plant is kept in complete darkness, it lengthens considerably in "search" for light. If a small ray of light is present, then the branches of the plant are oriented in the direction of the ray of light.
Regarding gravitropism, the best example is to imagine a plant in a pot that falls to the ground and ends up in a completely horizontal position.
After a few hours it will be possible to notice that the roots will "settle" in search of the soil, that is, in the direction of the gravitational stimulus, and that the stems will do the opposite, arranging themselves in the opposite direction to the direction of gravity.
The gravitropic or geotropic responses depend on the sedimentation of cytosolic particles known as amyloplasts, inside which starch granules are stored.
- Azcón-Bieto, J., & Talón, M. (2000). Fundamentals of plant physiology (No. 581.1). McGraw-Hill Interamericana.
- Brusca, RC, & Brusca, GJ (2003). Invertebrates (No. QL 362. B78 2003). Basingstoke.
- Esmon, CA, Pedmale, UV, & Liscum, E. (2004). Plant tropisms: providing the power of movement to a sessile organism. International Journal of Developmental Biology, 49 (5-6), 665-674.
- Estelle, M. (1996). Plant tropisms: the ins and outs of auxin. Current Biology, 6 (12), 1589-1591.
- Schrank, AR (1950). Plant tropisms. Annual Review of Plant Physiology, 1 (1), 59-74.
- Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, IM, & Murphy, A. (2015). Plant physiology and development.