- characteristics
- They give identity to the texts
- They give readers security
- Several can be presented in the same text
- Types and examples
- Argumentative
- Example
- Narrative
- Example
- Instructional
- Example
- Expository-explanatory
- Example
- Descriptive
- Example
- Conversational
- Example
- References
The frames textual are the order in which ideas or assumptions are distributed and presented in a text. This particular organization that can be perceived gives consonance to the works, allowing the interpretation of their patterns and facilitating their categorization.
Over time, this order in which the authors organize the contents of their works were classified into six types: argumentative, narrative, instructional, expository-explanatory, descriptive and conversational. Each of these, of course, adjusted to the communicative needs of the writer.
Source: pixabay.com
Writing is an expressive-communicative act, its aim is to express ideas and feelings through letters. Textual plots offer authors the possibility of choosing the organizational sequence of premises that best suits what they want to convey.
They give identity to the texts
That is, they categorize them according to their properties, and in doing so they favor the understanding of their contents by giving ideas of how the premises are organized and presented within them.
They give readers security
Textual frames, by allowing a refined appreciation of the elements that make up a text and how they are sequenced, provide the reader with security in how to approach the work to obtain from it, more effectively, the knowledge they possess.
Several can be presented in the same text
Textual frames can work together, adjusting, of course, to what the author wants to convey. Depending on the requirements and complexity of the ideas to be written, the different frames are available to interweave the contents in the text in the most convenient way.
To achieve this it is necessary not only to want to write, but to be fully aware of how each textual plot is developed and how to get them to work together effectively with each other. Reading examples of each type and making sketches helps greatly.
Types and examples
The argumentative plot is intended to demonstrate something, the defense of a point of view, a knowledge, a belief. It is characterized by presenting a predominance of thesis-antithesis and cause-effect relationships, to lead the reader to the conviction about a position.
Its character is clearly persuasive, it seeks to transform thematic perspectives into lyrical emitters. In general, their authors must use supported examples that allow them to present their vision, evidencing its feasibility.
Facebook and its impact on human interrelation
With the appearance of social networks, there was a communicative “boom” like never before since the internet made an appearance. Previously, going to the web was summarized in sending emails or investigating information regarding activities or a topic of interest. This interaction with technology did not imply a great use of time, at most an hour a day.
When Facebook made its appearance in February 2004, there was a radical change in the way we take on the internet. At the beginning, and like everything else, you only saw the advantages of this resource and how it facilitated the union between people around the world.
Ironically, with the passing of the months and years, the common behaviors of interaction between people have changed.
Facebook has come, in a way, to supplant the real world. There are people who no longer greet their acquaintances on the streets, but when they get home they write to them on their walls or by private messages instantly.
This behavioral alteration has spread enormously, making what at first served for the unification of the masses, today is the main cause of distance and separation.
The purpose of the narrative plot is to present successive actions, a series of circumstances and events where an approach, a middle and an outcome can be evidenced.
It is very common to see it present in stories, however it does not escape from it, due to its wide literary possibilities, fiction, even history manuals and journalistic chronicles.
The lady of the ants
It was the lady of the ants, it was enough to see a few on the floor and she appeared through the door. That was her brimstone match, an army of loins laying out paths for war.
They followed the orphan step, the coffee in the armpits, the smell of lying down and getting lost through the water window in the corner.
They were a thread of dark meat for the sun and its animals, waiting for the dark vessel, full of red Sundays between the eyebrows.
She crossed the threshold with her love for an instant and several deaths and her sign became customary, her floor carpeted with crystals and incense.
As its name implies, this textual plot is intended to show the indications that allow carrying out an activity or achieving a goal.
It is very common for them to be written in an imperative, since it is the second person who performs the actions that are considered necessary to achieve the desired end. This type of plot can be found in kitchen recipes, in object user manuals, and in regulations.
Instructions for using the pool
- Please use the shower before entering the pool.
- Do not urinate in the pool.
- This pool is not suitable for children under 5 years of age.
- Do not leave food or garbage remains on the premises.
- Leave the umbrellas, folding chairs and tables as you found them.
Its main objective is to broaden the perspectives of the lyrical receiver regarding a theme or concept. It does not intend to debate, but simply to expose and make known other points of view that allow a knowledge to be elucidated more easily.
To achieve its end, it uses the definition and uses adversative, logical, causal and additive connectives, thus providing a greater and broader notion of the object of study.
The tenth spinel
The tenth spinel is a poetic form awarded to the famous Spanish writer Vicente Espinel. It has, as its name says, ten verses, these are eight syllables, that is to say: minor art.
What makes this tenth particular and the difference from the rest is the type of rhyme that Espinel gave it. The man from Ronda made sure that the rhyme was a perfect consonant, distributed as follows: abbaaccddc.
This type of textual frames is in charge of showing the most relevant characteristics of people, events or objects, through the enhancement of their prominent features.
To achieve its mission, it goes to the basic questions: what is it? What is it for? Where did it come from? What does it oppose? What does it look like? give it uniqueness.
Josué was a tall, skinny man with black eyes. Looking at him, no one would think he was capable of something like that. He worked hard in the canning factory, attended mass every Sunday, helped his peers.
He came from a very poor but humble family. None of the aforementioned could prepare the villagers for the surprise that ensued.
This type of textual plot clearly exposes a linguistic exchange, an alternation of voices, between two or more interlocutors.
It is normally used in theatrical texts or movie scripts. It is also included within the narrative to expose the communications between the members of a story.
-And what are we? she asked, after a dark silence.
"We, woman, we are fugas, ephemeral," he answered, calm and thoughtful.
-And the kisses? What are kisses? the woman asked, puzzled.
"Kisses, woman, kisses are small eternities that disrupt our finitude," replied the man, certain and insurmountable. She was hopelessly silent.
- Gorostiza, C. (1971). Textual frames. Argentina: Google Sites. Recovered from: sites.google.com
- Saucedo, A. (2013). Textual frames. (n / a): ABC Color. Recovered from: abc.com.py
- Textual frames. (2010). Argentina: Language in freedom. Recovered from: lenguaeempalibertad.blogspot.com
- Quiroga, E. (2010). Main textual frames. (n / a): Estela Quiroga's blog. Recovered from: estelajquiroga.blogspot.com
- Adam, J. (1992). The textual frames. (n / a): Rhetoric. Recovered from: edoc.site