- The 7 main elements of stage montage
- 1- Scenario
- 2- Scenic script
- 3- Director
- 4- Actors
- 5- Costumes
- 6- Decorated
- 7- Lighting
- References
Some of the elements of the stage montage are the director, the actors, the stage, the libretto, the music, the lighting and the stagehand. These elements help compose the dramatic representation.
The scenic elements also include scenography, which are the visual elements that make up the staging. These are the elements of the set and the characterization of the characters, the makeup and the costumes.
Every play has a technical file detailing the people who make the staging possible through their technical or manual work: tailor, make-up artists, machinists, illuminators, sound engineers, among others.
There is also an artistic file. This includes the actors, as well as the set designer, costume designer, sound and lighting technician, and director.
The 7 main elements of stage montage
1- Scenario
It is the place where the actors are located; In front of this is the group of people that make up the spectators.
According to contemporary director Peter Brook, any empty space can be transformed into a stage.
2- Scenic script
It is the libretto in which all the elements that are needed for the work to be carried out are developed.
It contains the dialogues of the actors, details about the development of each scene, details of the scenery, data on the gestures or attitudes of the actors in each scene, among other elements.
3- Director
He is the one who gives life to the script, who manages to materialize the written work through the actors and the environment.
Transfer the literary medium to the stage or theatrical medium. Its objectives are to explain to the actors the behavior of the characters, project the main ideas of the script into the space, and give their personal vision and interpretation.
4- Actors
They are the people who give life to the characters that will be part of the work. In low-budget works, the use of the doublet is common, a figure through which the same actor or actress plays several characters.
In other works this inconvenience does not occur, since the script includes fewer characters.
To select the cast, auditions or auditions are held. The performance and physical attributes of the actor are examined, and it is sought that they coincide with those of the character to be interpreted.
5- Costumes
It helps the actor to compose his character, assisting him in his external appearance. The costumes indicate the time, social class and specific situation (mourning, work, leisure). It is the first impression to recognize the character.
6- Decorated
It is useful to frame the scenes and set the environment of the work. Includes backdrops, furniture, curtains, props, miscellaneous objects, and accessories, including the drapery.
7- Lighting
Lighting is extremely important in creating the desired atmosphere on stage. Light has four controllable qualities.
The first is the intensity that can go from total darkness to extreme brightness.
The second is color. By electronic means, lights of any imaginable color can be created to combine or highlight the wardrobe or the set.
The third quality is direction, which is the area from where the light hits the stage. It can come from below, from the side, or from above. This produces a unique highlight and shadow effect.
Finally, movement stands out, which refers to changes in intensity, color or direction of light.
- Michael Eagan (2017) What is Scenography? 11/30/2017. Scenic Design at The National Arts Center. artsalive.ca
- Rafael Portillo (1995) The theater in your hands: initiation to stage practice. Editorial Complutense, Madrid.
- David Martin Jacques (2017) The Basic Elements of Stage Design. 11/30/2017. Church Production. churchproduction.com
- Jerez Theater Group (2017) The set of a Theater. 12/01/2017. More Jerez. masjerez.com
- Editor (2017) Definition of Theater Script. 12/01/2017. Definition of. definition of