I leave you the best Krishnamurti phrases about love, fear, friendship, life and much more. They will make you think about your life, what the world is, or the implications of living a purposeful life.
Jiddu Krishnamurti (May 11, 1895 - February 17, 1986) was a philosopher, speaker, and writer on human-related matters. His themes included the nature of the mind, meditation, research, human relationships and achieving a radical change in society.
He constantly stressed the need for a revolution in the psyche of every human being and emphasized that such a revolution cannot be brought about by any external entity, be it religious, political or social.
Krishnamurti was born on May 11, 1895, in Madanapalle, a small town in southern India. He and his brother were adopted in their childhood by Annie Besant, then president of the Theosophical Society. Dr. Besant and others proclaimed that Krishnamurti must be a spiritual master whose coming the Theosophists had predicted.
To prepare the world for this coming, a world organization called the Order of the Star was formed and young Krishnamurti led it. In 1929, however, Krishnamurti resigned from the role he was expected to play, dissolved the Order with his followers, and returned all donated money and goods.
From then on, for almost sixty years, until his death on February 17, 1986, he traveled the world speaking to large audiences about the need for radical change in humanity.
He did not expose any philosophy or religion, but spoke of the things that concern us in our daily lives, of the problems of living in modern society with its violence and corruption, of the search for the security and happiness of the individual and of the need for humanity to free itself of the internal burdens of fear, anger, pain and pain.
He explained with great precision the workings of the human mind, and pointed out the need to bring meditation and spirituality into our daily lives. You may also be interested in these Zen phrases or these spiritual ones.
Krishnamurti's most outstanding quotes
-With so much poverty and degradation, one must have a very thick skin to be rich.
-Life has no answer. Life has only one thing, one problem: living.
-Only the innocent mind knows what love is and the innocent mind can live in a world that is not innocent.
-Talking of another, pleasantly or maliciously, is an escape from oneself, and escape is the cause of concern.
-Life is action Life is a series of continuous and endless actions until you die.
-To forgive, there must have been a wound; and to be hurt, there must have been pride.
-Most of us want to keep our minds continually occupied so that we don't see ourselves as we really are. We fear being empty. We are afraid to look at our fears.
-The correct type of education consists of understanding the child as he is without imposing on him an ideal of what we believe he should be.
-Where jealousy is, obviously love is not; And yet, for most people, jealousy is an indication of love.
-We are never happy, except when we pursue pleasure, when we experience a certain sense of enjoyment, gratification, satisfaction. However, if you carefully examine the internal content, leaving aside what you have learned from the books and the answers according to the country in which you live, do you realize that there is absolutely nothing except what each of you has put inside?
-Externally, one can have a different appearance from other people, it can be yellow, brown, black, tall or short, be a woman or a man, but internally, deep down we are similar, perhaps with some variation, but that similarity it is like a thread that holds the pearls of a necklace together.
-When we fight with opposites we strive to get rid of one and realize the other, then the other is rooted in its own opposite, right? Through conflict, freedom cannot be understood in any way.
-In reality, we never hear anything because our mind is not free; our ears are full of what we already know, so listening becomes extraordinarily difficult.