- Characteristics of the sinalefa
- - The main rule
- Example
- - Sinalefa of closed vowels
- Example
- - Poetic function
- Example
- - Conversations
- - The letter «y» is taken as a vowel
- Example (simple synale with the "y")
- Example (triple synalepha with the "y")
- - The "h" does not prevent sinalefa
- Example
- - Exceptions regarding the "h"
- Example
- - Variety of vocal combinations
- Examples
- - Punctuation marks do not prevent it
- Example
- - Several in the same verse
- Example
- Types of sinalefa
- Two-vowel synalepha
- Three-vowel synalepha
- Examples of synalepha in sentences
- Examples of sinalefas in poems
- He does not know what love is who does not love you ...
- Spring
- Cultivate a white rose
- Sonnet to a nose
- Love
- To a nightingale
- References
A synalepha is a union that occurs between two or more vowels that belong to different words, which are next to each other. For example, "Pedro was walking" has a sinalefa between the vowel "o" of "Pedro" and the vowel "e" of "was". This union can occur with metric-poetic purposes to achieve that a verse has a certain measure.
This link between vowels occurs regardless of whether the second word begins with an "h". For example, “María did her homework” presents a synalepha between the vowel “a” and the vowel “i”. If we separate into syllables it would look like this: Ma / rí / a_hi / zo su task. The sign "_" denotes the union of the vowels.
"María_anda sola", example of sinalefa. Source: pixabay.com.
The word sinalefa comes from the Latin word sinaloepha which is derived from the Greek term synaloiphé. This is made up of the prefix syn, which means "with", and the root aleiphein, which translates as "spread" or "glue". So etymologically sinalefa comes to be “with tail”, that is to say “joined” or “glued” and can be understood as “joining vowels”.
Characteristics of the sinalefa
The sinalefa has some characteristics that make its operation possible. Each of them is described below:
- The main rule
The sinalefa consists of the formation of a single syllable through the union of the last vowel of a word with the first of the one that follows.
- Juan a_e stab a_a cost.
- If we separate into syllables it would be like this: Jua / n a_e s / ta / b a_a / cos / ta / da. 7 syllables.
- Sinalefa of closed vowels
The fact that two vowels are closed does not prevent a synalepha from occurring between them. Remember that two closed vowels form a hiatus, however that does not affect anything that they join.
- The sunset_was broken_in two.
As you can see, the "o" joins with the "e" and vice versa, forming two perfect synalephs, regardless of the fact that they are two closed vowels.
- Poetic function
The sinalefa works as a figure or poetic license that allows adjusting the meter of the verses. Using this resource can cut the number of syllables in a verse.
Let's imagine that we need an eight-syllable verse and we write: "Singing there goes Maria."
If we separate it into syllables, we get: Can / tan / do / a / llá / va / Ma / rí / a, and they add up to a total of 9 syllables.
However, if we apply the synalefa between «singing» and «there», the number of syllables is reduced by one and the objective is achieved: Can / tan / d o_a / llá / va / Ma / rí / a, 8 syllables.
- Conversations
Sinalefa is not only used in poetry, it is also frequently used in everyday conversation naturally.
- The letter «y» is taken as a vowel
In creating a synalepha the letter "y" is counted as a vowel. In this case it is common to see triple synalephs, that is, the union of three words counting the connective "and" as a bridge.
Example (simple synale with the "y")
- José, just the coat and gloves is enough.
Separating into syllables it would be: Jo / sé / so / lo / con / el / a / bri / g o_y / los / guan / tes / es / su / fi / cien / te. 17 syllables.
Example (triple synalepha with the "y")
- Maria and the friend.
Separating into syllables it would be: Ma / rí / a_y_el / a / mi / go. 6 syllables.
- The "h" does not prevent sinalefa
Sinalefa can also be given when the word that follows after the one ending in a vowel begins with the letter "h". Although it should be noted that there are some exceptions.
- Peace and humanity must go hand in hand.
Separating into syllables it would be: La / paz / y / l a_hu / ma / ni / dad / de / ben / ir / de / la / ma / no. 14 syllables.
- Exceptions regarding the "h"
In the sinalefa, the exceptions that exist regarding the use of the letter “h” are given by the presence of the diphthongs: ie, ia, ui and ue. This means that if the "h" is accompanied by the aforementioned diphthongs, its sound is no longer mute and therefore the synalepha is not produced.
- The truck was carrying sheets of zinc and iron.
The / ca / mión / lle / va / ba / la / mi / nas / de / zinc / y / Hier / rro. 14 syllables.
- Variety of vocal combinations
The sinalefa generates a great variety of combinations of the vowels. Some of them are: aa, ae, ai, ao, au, ee, ei, eo, eu, ia, ie, ii, io, iu, uu, uo, aaa, eaa, eao, iau, oaa, oao, uau, uou, iaau, ioae, ioau, uoau, ioaeu.
- Aa: Friend a _ a mada.
- Eo: Wait e_o tro.
- Iu: Yes i_u doesn't want to.
- Uu: Spirit u_u nest.
- Eao: I am always going.
- Ioae: Sub ió_a_e sperar.
- Ioaeu: I sent it ió_a_Eu genia.
- Punctuation marks do not prevent it
Synalepha occurs even when there are punctuation marks that separate words.
- Marí a, _h oy let's go.
- Several in the same verse
Sinalefa can be generated more than once within a verse.
- Marí a_a ndaba playing o_at ten
Types of sinalefa
Two-vowel synalepha
It is the common one that has been explained throughout the article. This type of synalepha occurs when the last vowel syllable of a word is linked with the first of the next.
An example is: I wore a shirt.
Three-vowel synalepha
The three-vowel synale is produced, as explained, through the union of three words.
Example: Walking a_a_e lla.
Examples of synalepha in sentences
- When the sun sets the night comes out.
- He_it was told to cry all night.
- Margarit a_e s the perl a_i nnegable of the Caribbean.
- Juan was not upset with her.
- I can only have a rope.
- He walked a_and goes sideways.
- And o_a BRACE fuertemen te_a l os o_y I fell asleep.
- He wiped her with one hand.
- His tin hoops broke.
- My lips have forgotten you, but my heart still feels you.
- After Diego finished his studies, he left a_a_E cuador.
- Inés estab a_a Brumada so much work.
- The women of e_a ntaño dressed more demure.
- Everything is going windy_in stern.
- The child wants to be an astronaut par a_e l know space.
- The hat was made of dry straw.
- The pastry chef o_hi zo great wedding cakes.
- The car is a means of transport.
- Pumpkin s e_ha Bia convertid o_e n a beautiful carriage.
- The sun burned hotly.
- L e spi na_hi river s u _ i NOCENTE finger.
- The dog barked at_the moon in April.
- N o_i r é_a l a_e scuel a_ho y.
- Go see what he_e know what you do with the clothes in your room.
- It is necessary to do well everything that we have.
- The respet o_e s base of Confianz a_e n any relationship.
Examples of sinalefas in poems
He does not know what love is who does not love you…
"What was Tant o_a mor by so many lady?
only ashes l A_IN mensa pyre
the clouds look at, _The Army Nurse Corps o_e xpira
y_e l WANT soul E_a sirs E_a l a_a LTA branch. "
(Vicente Gaos).
"April, without your clear system, out
winter of fallen splendors;
aunq more UE_A Bril no t E_a br a_a you flowers, you will always e_e xaltarás the spring ”.
(Juan Ramón Jiménez).
Cultivate a white rose
"Cultiv o_u na white rose
in June as o_in January
pa ra_e l sincere friend
who gives me his frank hand ”.
(Jose Marti).
Sonnet to a nose
"You were e_u nhombr e_a_u na nose stuck,
You were a superlative nose
You were e_u n a_a lquitara half alive, once upon a time there was a bad bearded pej e_e spada;
er a_a badly faced sundial.
You were an elephant boc a_a up, You were e_u na nose sayón y_e scriba
a badly nosed Ovidio Nasón… ”.
(Francisco de Quevedo).
"Woman, and o_hu it had been your_hi jo, for drinking you
the milk of the breasts as from a spring, for mirart e_y sentirt e_a mi lad o_y have you
in the golden laugh and the crystal voice… ”.
(Pablo Neruda).
To a nightingale
"Can ta_en night, cant a_e n the morning,
nightingale, in the forest your loves;
sing, who will cry when you cry
the dawn pearls in the early flower… ”.
(José de Espronceda).
- (2019). Spain: Wikipedia. Recovered from: es.wikipedia.org.
- Sancler, V. (S. f.). (N / a): Euston 96. Recovered from: euston96.com.
- Cabré, L. (2012). (N / a): Online Linguistics Dictionary. Recovered from: ub.edu.
- The sinalefa. (2014). (N / a): Escolares.Net. Recovered from: escolar.net.
- Fernández, J. (2018). Diphthong-tripthong-hiatus-synalepha. (N / a): Hispanoteca. Recovered from: hispanoteca.eu.