- Characteristics of Apert syndrome
- Statistics
- Signs and symptoms
- Craniofacial alterations and anomalies
- Musculoskeletal disorders and abnormalities
- Skin / dermatological disorders and abnormalities
- Visceral abnormalities and abnormalities
- Cognitive / psychological disturbances and abnormalities
- Causes
- Diagnosis
- Is there a treatment for Apert syndrome?
- References
The Apert syndrome or acrocephalosyndactyly type I (ACS1) is a disease of genetic origin characterized by the presence of different alterations and malformations of the skull, the face and extremities.
At a clinical level, Apert syndrome is characterized by the presence or development of a pointed or elongated skull, sunken facial area with an alteration in the projection of the teeth, fusion and closure of the finger bones and joints, mental retardation variable, language disturbances, etc.
Although this pathology can be hereditary, in most cases Apert syndrome occurs without the presence of a family history, essentially due to a de novo mutation during the gestation phase.
The genetic mechanisms that cause Apert syndrome are not exactly known. Currently, several genetic alterations that are capable of producing this pathology have been identified, essentially related to mutations in the FGFR2 gene.
On the other hand, the diagnosis of Apert syndrome usually begins with clinical suspicion in the prenatal period after the identification of abnormalities in routine ultrasound scans and is confirmed through the performance of a genetic study.
Regarding treatment, there is no type of curative intervention for Apert syndrome. However, throughout the history of this pathology, various specific interventions have been designed, which usually include neurosurgery, craniofacial surgery, maxillofacial surgery, drug treatment, physical therapy, psychological and neuropsychological intervention, among others.
Characteristics of Apert syndrome
Apert syndrome is a genetic pathology characterized by the presence of different skeletal malformations at the cranial, facial and / or limb level.
The essential alteration of Apert syndrome is constituted by a premature or early closure of the cranial fissures, which causes an abnormal growth of the rest of the structures of the face and skull. In addition to these, malformations may also appear in the upper and lower extremities, such as the fusion of the fingers and toes.
On the other hand, the cognitive abilities of people with Apert syndrome may also be affected, with varying severity from mild to moderate.
Despite the fact that Baumgartner (1842) and Wheaton (1894) made the first mentions about this medical condition, it was not until 1906, when the French medical specialist Eugene Apert, accurately described this syndrome and published the first clinical report.
In his publication, Eugene Apert, describes a set of new cases of patients affected by a well-defined malformative pattern and characterized by the characteristic signs and symptoms of this pathology.
Thus, it was not until 1995 that the etiological genetic factors of Apert syndrome were identified. Specifically, Wilkie et al. Described the presence of two mutations in the FGFR2 gene in around 40 affected patients.
In addition, Apert syndrome is a medical condition that is classified within the diseases or pathologies characterized by presenting craniosynostosis (premature closure of cranial sutures).
Other pathologies belonging to this group are Pfeiffer syndrome, Crouzon syndrome, Saethre-Chotzcen syndrome and Carpenter syndrome.
Apert syndrome is considered a rare or infrequent pathology, that is, it has a prevalence of less than one case per 15,000 inhabitants of the general population.
Specifically, Apert syndrome occurs around one person for every 160,000-200,000 births and, in addition, there is a 50% probability of transmitting this pathology at the hereditary level.
Furthermore, in terms of distribution by sex, a higher prevalence in men or women has not been identified, nor has it been associated with ethnic groups or particular geographic locations.
Currently, and since the Apert syndrome was identified in approximately 1984, in clinical reports and in the medical literature that have published more than 300 cases of this pathology.
Signs and symptoms
The clinical manifestations of Apert syndrome usually include a malformation or incomplete development of the cranial structure, an atypical phenotype or facial pattern, and skeletal changes in the extremities.
In the case of Apert syndrome, the central involvement is related to the formation and closure of the bone structure of the skull. During embryonic development, a process called creneosynostosis occurs, characterized by premature closure of the cranial sutures.
Cranial fissures or sutures are a type of bands of fibrous tissue that have the fundamental objective of connecting the bones that make up the skull (frontal, occipital, parietal and temporal).
During the gestation phase and the early postnatal period, the bone structure that makes up the skull is held together thanks to these fibrous and elastic tissues.
Normally, the cranial bones do not fuse until around 12 to 18 months. The presence of soft spots or spaces between the cranial bones is part of normal childhood development.
Therefore, throughout the infantile stage, these sutures or flexible regions allow the brain to grow rapidly and, in addition, protect it from impacts.
Thus, in Apert syndrome, premature closure of these cranial sutures and cranial bones makes normal development of cranial and brain growth impossible.
Consequently, the most common signs and symptoms of Apert syndrome may include:
Craniofacial alterations and anomalies
- Craniosynostosis: early closure of the skull sutures causes a wide variety of craniofacial alterations, which may include inadequate expansion of brain structures, development of papillary edema (inflammation of the ocular blind spot where the optic nerve arises), optic atrophy (injury or deficit that affects ocular functionality) and / or intracranial hypertension (abnormal increase in cerebrospinal fluid pressure).
- Unilateral or bilateral facial hypoplasia: the head has an atypical appearance with poor or incomplete development of some of its halves. At a visual level, a sunken face is observed, with protruding eyes and drooping eyelids.
- Proptosis or exophthalmos: significant and abnormal protrusion of the eyes out of the eye socket.
- Macroglossia: increase in the size of the tongue due to the presence of a volume of tissue greater than normal.
- Mandibular malocclusion: the presence of different alterations related to the growth of the bone structure of the jaw that prevent the correct functioning and closure of the chewing system or apparatus are frequent.
- Palatal cleft : presence of a hole / fissure in the central or middle area of the palate.
Musculoskeletal disorders and abnormalities
These types of alterations mainly affect the upper and lower extremities, usually the fusion and development of the fingers.
- Syndactyly: abnormal and pathological fusion of one or more fingers with each other, in the hands or feet. Different variants can be distinguished, type I (fusion of the 2nd, 2nd and 4th fingers), type II (fusion of the 5th finger), type III (fusion of all fingers). Generally, type I syndactylias are more common in the hands, while type III syndactylias are more common in the feet.
In addition to these, it is also possible to observe other clinical findings at the musculoskeletal level, shortening of various bones (radius, humerus, femur), hypoplasia of the scapula or pelvis, fusion of cervical vertebrae.
As a consequence, many affected will have reduced joint mobility and, therefore, may develop various difficulties for the acquisition of gross and fine motor skills.
Skin / dermatological disorders and abnormalities
These types of anomalies are very heterogeneous and variable among affected individuals, however, some of the most common have been identified:
- Hyperhidrosis: excessive increase in sweating, especially in the hands and feet.
- Maculo-vesicular or scab lesions: the most common is the presence of acneiform skin lesions.
- Hypopigmentation: changes in the color of the skin that imply a decrease in pigmentation.
- Skin thickening: abnormal increase in the thickness of the skin in one or more areas.
Visceral abnormalities and abnormalities
The etiological alteration of this pathology can lead to the development of lesions or secondary pathologies at a morphological and structural level in various areas of the body, some of them include:
- Malformation in the central nervous system: the development of agenesis or hypoplasia of the corpus callosum (absence or partial development) and of various structures of the libic system has been observed in some cases. Furthermore, abnormal or altered development of the cerebral white matter has also been described.
- Genito-urinary malformations: in the case of affected males, posterior urethral valves may appear causing renal failure and hydronephrosis. On the other hand, in the case of affected women, the presence of malformations in the clitoris is frequent.
- Cardiac malformations: alterations related to cardiac function and the heart are usually associated with the presence of left ventricular hypoplasia or intraventricular communication.
Cognitive / psychological disturbances and abnormalities
Despite the fact that in many cases it is possible to observe the presence of a general alteration of the cognitive functions and the intellectual level, mental retardation is not unequivocally present in all cases of Apert syndrome.
In addition, in cases where there is an impairment of the intellectual level, this can be variable, on a scale from mild to moderate.
On the other hand, in the linguistic area, the development of various deficits is frequent, fundamentally related to the articulation of sounds as a result of mandibular and oral malformations.
Apert syndrome is due to the presence of a specific mutation in the FGFR2 gene. Experimental studies have indicated that this gene is responsible for the production of a protein, called fibroblast growth factor receptor 2.
Among the functions of this factor, the sending of different chemical signals to immature cells to cause their transformation and differentiation into bone cells during the fetal or prenatal phase of development is described.
Therefore, the presence of mutations in the FGFR2 gene alters the functioning of this protein and, therefore, can cause the early fusion of the bones of the skull, hand and feet.
A good part of the clinical features of Apert syndrome can be identified during pregnancy, specifically in ultrasound examinations of pregnancy and of fetal development.
In this way, when there is a clinical suspicion, a genetic study is restarted to identify the presence of a genetic mutation compatible with Apert syndrome.
On the other hand, when the signs are subtle or have not been identified before birth, after this it is possible to perform a detailed physical analysis and various genetic tests to confirm the diagnosis.
Is there a treatment for Apert syndrome?
Although there is no specific cure for Apert syndrome, various approaches have been described for the treatment of the symptoms and medical complications of this pathology.
The most effective therapeutic interventions are those that are implemented early, in the first moments of life and involve professionals from different areas.
Typically, the treatment of affected children requires individualized planning, with multiple surgeries scheduled. Thus, the management of this pathology is based on the correction of skeletal and craniofacial malformations, and psychological and neuropsychological support.
Through neurosurgery, the aim is to reconstruct the cranial vault, while specialists in maxillofacial surgery try to correct facial malformations. On the other hand, the participation of trauma surgeons is also frequent, for the reconstruction of the malformations present in the hands and feet.
In addition, the design of individualized early stimulation programs, communication rehabilitation, social skills training or psychopedagogical follow-up, are beneficial for the achievement of optimal, functional and independent development of the affected individuals.
- Arroyo Carrera, I., Martínez-Frías, M., Marco Pérez, J., Paisán Grisolía, L., Cárdenas Rodríguez, A., Nieto Conde, C., Lara Palma, A. (1999). Apert syndrome: clinical-epidemiological analysis of a consecutive series of cases. Fetal Medicinal and Neonatology.
- Boston Childre's Hospital. (2016). Apert syndrome. Obtained from Boston Childre's Hospital.
- Children's Creniofacial Association. (2016). Guide to understanding Apert syndrome. Children's Creniofacial Association. Obtained from Children's Creniofacial Association.
- Genetics Home Reference. (2016). Apert syndrome. Obtained from Genetics Home Reference.
- Landete, P., Pérez-Ferrer, P., & Chiner, E. (2013). Apert syndrome and sleep apnea. Arch Bronconeumol, 364-368.
- NIH. (2015). Apert Syndrome. Retrieved from MedlinePlus.
- NIH. (2015). Cranial Sutures. Retrieved from MedlinePlus.
- NORD. (2007). Apert Syndrome. Obtained from National Organization for Rare Disorders.
- Pi, G., Zúñiga, A., Cervera, J., & Ortiz, M. (2014). Prenatal diagnosis of Apert syndrome due to a novel mutation in the FGFR2 gene. An Peditr, 104-105.
- Ruíz Cobo, R., & Guerra Díez, L. (2016). Chapter X. Apert syndrome. Obtained from Feaps.