The basic salts are those that in their structure have some basic ion such as hydroxide (OH). Some examples are MgCl (OH) (magnesium hydroxychloride), CaNO3 (OH) (calcium hydroxynitrate) and Mg (OH) NO3 (basic magnesium nitrate).
A salt is a chemical product resulting from the union by ionic bonds of a cation (positive compound) and an anion (negative compound) and depending on the intensity of the charges of each compound, neutral, acidic or basic salts can be formed.
That is why when this union occurs with an anion stronger than the cation, an imbalance in electronegativity occurs and the result is a basic salt.
Main characteristics of basic salts
The creation of this type of salts follow a transformation given by this formula:
Acid + hydroxide → water + basic salt
Basic salts can also occur by hydrolysis.
Like other salts, they have a crystalline structure, so in appearance they are very similar to other salts.
The colors and shape of the arrangement change slightly depending on which atoms are attached to which.
This type of properties are given by the reflection capacity of the molecules according to the geometry they are forming and that is why they are highly variable.
Salts have general characteristics: they form crystalline structures, have a high melting point and are dielectric in the solid state. That is, they do not conduct electricity. However, when making aqueous solutions, salts do conduct electricity.
An interesting property of aqueous solutions with salts is that of osmosis, which is the capacity to transfer mass from one place to another, separated by a permeable layer.
It is a process that occurs in many biological processes and is also used in industry as part of a separation process.
Something very important about salts is that these compounds can produce all flavors, not just the salty characteristic of sodium chloride (table salt). However, not all salts can be consumed by humans.
The uses that are given to salts are very varied. For hundreds of years, humanity has already used the properties of salts for food preservation or cleaning habits.
Specific basic salts are used in industries such as paper, soap, plastic, rubber, cosmetics, in the preparation of brine and others.
In research they are used primarily to carry out controlled oxidation and reduction reactions.
They are also used in the catalysis process and as a medium in an aqueous solution to promote certain reactions.
It is normal to find various metallic elements in basic salts such as magnesium (Mg), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), iron (Fe), among others, because these form ionic bonds easily.
Some examples of basic salts are the following:
-MgCl (OH) (magnesium hydroxychloride)
-CaNO3 (OH) (calcium hydroxynitrate)
-Mg (OH) NO3 (basic magnesium nitrate)
-Cu2 (OH) 2SO4 (dibasic copper sulfate)
-Fe (OH) SO4 (basic iron sulfate)
-Pb (OH) 2 (NO3) 2 (lead nitrate)
- (Fe (OH)) Cl2 (ferric hydroxy dichloro)
-Al (OH) SO4 (basic aluminum sulfate)
-Pb (OH) (NO2) (basic lead nitrate)
- (Ca (OH)) 2SO4 (dibasic calcium sulfate)
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