- Techniques of modern agriculture
- High Yield Seeds
- Irrigation practices
- Fertilizers
- Pesticides
- Crop rotation
- Cattle raising
- Machinery
- Technology
- The path to sustainable agriculture
- References
The modern agriculture is one in which the success of the process depends on the use of technology, access to resources, management, investment, market characteristics and the support at government level is held.
This type of practice allows better control of the factors that intervene in the processes of agricultural crops and animal husbandry. In this way, the results obtained will depend on the success of the management of these factors.
However, keeping the soil fertile with an amount of necessary nutrients and with adequate irrigation, can be achieved with the help of technology and the appropriate machinery for this.
Broadly speaking, the global demand for food represents a real challenge, since in developed countries the middle class population obtains better income and in turn. This type of activity is compatible with subsistence agriculture, which in some areas is reluctant to disappear.
Some studies estimate that between 2010 and 2050, the population of developed countries will need nearly double the agricultural production. As a consequence, it will be necessary to increase production requirements, which will lead to a delay, raising the price of food.
Techniques of modern agriculture
The new technologies adopted for the development of crops bring with them a number of elements, among which we can mention: the variety of high-yield seeds, the appropriate irrigation practices, fertilizers, pesticides, sowing various types of crops. at the same time, what is known as crop rotation, etc.
Each of these techniques implemented by this type of agriculture is detailed below:
High Yield Seeds
This type of seeds is identified as HYV seeds for its acronym in English, they have their own characteristics that make them capable of making better use of the irrigation water, the nutrients. The amount of product obtained per sown area is higher compared to a traditional seed.
However, they are very delicate and in order to obtain the desired results, special care must be taken with them since any change in crop management causes production and productivity to be reduced without having a successful harvest.
Irrigation practices
It is known that water is necessary for crops to grow, which is why it is called the life blood of agriculture.
Water plays a decisive role in the development of the cropping pattern, cropping combinations, cropping intensity and the extent of the sown land and the seasonal rhythm for each crop.
Therefore, it must be taken into account that without adequate irrigation it is not possible to use high-yield seeds, and neither can they be properly fertilized.
The use of fertilizers is an important ingredient for modern agriculture. With them you can increase the productivity of the cultivation of high-yield seeds.
However, it is important to make the selection of biofertilizers since they are sustainable and more environmentally friendly. In many cases, this practice is achieved with the addition of nitrogen-fixing bacteria to high-yield seeds.
Pesticides are chemicals used to control pests that attack crops. However, many of them contaminate crops causing health problems.
In modern agriculture, farmers are embracing integrated pest management (IPM) as a sustainable alternative to using pesticides.
This type of management allows the incorporation of a series of techniques to control pests that attack crops but with less damage to the environment.
An example of this practice is to plant crops resistant to pests, use biological control with insects that eat them, destroy the areas where they make nests, among others. In this way the use of chemical pesticides is a last resort.
Crop rotation
Crop rotation allows different types of crops to be planted in the same place, allowing the soil to recover the nutrients that were removed by a previous crop.
This technique is considered one of the most powerful in modern agriculture, since it avoids the consequences of sowing the same type of crop in the same area, year after year.
Another benefit of crop rotation is the biological control of pests, since many of these like a specific crop, planted every year on the same surface, so they are guaranteed to have enough food for their growth and development..
An example of crop rotation implemented by some farmers has been to plant soybeans and other legumes. Thanks to this practice, the farmers have been able to replace the nutrients in the soil so that in the following season, in that same space that already has enough nutrients, they will plant corn.
Cattle raising
Modern agriculture and livestock farming depend on each other and are part of the valuable resources that the earth offers. Each plant or animal has a specific role in this process.
Some studies have determined that for the production of one kilogram of meat, 3 to 10 kilograms of grains are needed. In this sense, most farmers raise cattle to feed their families or to sell them in an increasingly competitive market.
But to achieve a balance between the level of performance, food stability and conservation of the environment, it is necessary that there are appropriate incentives that encourage the practice of livestock.
One element of this incentive is the biological knowledge and agricultural practices applicable to the different types of ecosystems, regions, types of soil and relief.
Even though many problems caused by livestock farming are difficult to control, with the right incentives you can help increase the benefits of agricultural production to society.
Therefore, the coordinated participation of the offices or ministries of agriculture and environment is necessary to develop a common goal, which allows achieving sustainable development by addressing the concerns of both entities regarding the use and management of land and the resources.
However, it must be taken into account that without adequate investment, the perceived gains from crop yields as well as environmental protection may be insufficient to achieve the transition to sustainable agriculture.
This is an element of great importance in modern agriculture, since, like the aspects discussed above, without them, it is not possible to develop a good agricultural process.
Access to modern machinery and technology are determining factors for the success of modern agriculture. Both elements provide a great help, since each one plays a decisive role in a certain stage of the agricultural process.
For soil preparation, irrigation, sowing the seeds, harvesting the crop, fertilizing and controlling pests, each of these activities requires the participation of modern machinery to ensure the success of the process.
Agricultural technology is considered one of the most impressive and revolutionary areas in this field since it is focused on achieving the production of enough food to meet the growing demand of the population.
Although it should not be forgotten that technology evolves rapidly. Modern farmers can do a better job compared to what their ancestors did.
Technology has changed the way machines operate, the use of computer systems, global positioning systems (GPS), automatic management programs, allow reducing fuel consumption, loss of seeds and fertilizers, among others.
The path to sustainable agriculture
Modern agriculture allows farmers to plan their goals with the sustainability of their practice in mind. This implies conserving and protecting natural resources, providing food and fuel to a growing population, all in a financially viable way for producers and consumers.
However, it all depends on the proper management of each of the elements that make up the modern agricultural system. If any of them fails, it will not be possible to achieve the desired yield or productivity and as a consequence the quality and quantity of available feed will decrease.
To be successful in this work, investment in agricultural research, development and extension is necessary, as well as the implementation of better goods and services and the improvement in the practice of processes, which are derived from research.
Government entities and private companies must be submerged in this research process to be able to implement programs and policies that provide the regulatory framework and that in turn provide incentives to those who take the risk of innovating.
As a last piece of information, the United Nations Organization for Agriculture indicates that world agriculture has been able to satisfy the demand for food during the last half century. However, productivity growth will depend on the good management of the resources available for it.
- Motes, C. (sf). Modern Agriculture and Its Benefits- Trends, Implications and Outlook. Global harvest Initiative. Retrieve from globalharvestinitiative.org.
- Priyadarshini, S. (2016). Characteristics of Modern Agricultural Techniques. Retrieve from yourarticlelibrary.com.
- Manas (2011). High Yielding Variety Seeds. Retrieve from manas.expertscolumn.com.
- Carvajal-Muñoz and Carmona-Garcia. (2012). Benefits and limitations of biofertilization in agricultural practices. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 24, Article # 43. Retrieved from www.lrrd.org.
- GRACE Communications Foundation. (2017). Pesticides Retrieved from sustainabletable.org.
- Union of Concerned Scientists. (sf). Sustainable Agriculture Techniques. Retrieved from www.ucsusa.org.
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- New World Encyclopedia. (2016). Agricultural technology. Retrieved from newworldencyclopedia.org.