- Basis
- Preparation
- Homemade preparation (not commercial)
- Preparation using commercial medium
- Preparation for fermentation tests
- Other variants of peptone water
- Buffered or buffered peptone water
- -Alkaline peptone water
- Use
- Stool samples
- Food samples
- QA
- Limitations
- References
The peptone water is a liquid enrichment medium, nonselective, mainly used as diluent food samples or other materials. This medium from a chemical point of view is very simple, it contains meat peptone, sodium chloride and water.
It has a certain nutritional value, allowing to enrich the sample. If there are abused bacteria, this medium has the power to repair viability. It is especially useful in the recovery of bacteria belonging to the Enterobacteriaceae family.
Peptone water in bottles. Source: MSc. Marielsa gil
In the case of the recovery of Salmonellas, the use of the buffeted peptone water variant is recommended; This serves as a pre-enrichment medium for the sample, in this case it contains other elements such as disodium phosphate and dipotassium phosphate.
Normally peptone water is prepared at neutral pH, however there are other variants where it is necessary for the pH to be 8.5 ± 0.2 (alkaline), because the bacterium to be isolated is alkaliphilic, such as Vibrio cholerae.
Furthermore, this medium can be used as a base medium for carbohydrate fermentation tests.
Peptones provide the nutrients required for bacterial growth, especially nitrogen and short-chain amino acids, while sodium chloride maintains osmotic balance.
Furthermore, the medium makes it possible to disperse, homogenize and repair bacterial cells that have been damaged by industrial processes.
As a diluent it is ideal, effectively replacing physiological solution (SSF) or phosphate buffer solution (PBS).
Bacterial growth is evident by observing its turbidity.
Homemade preparation (not commercial)
Weigh out 1 g of peptone and 8.5 g of sodium chloride, dissolve in 1 liter of distilled water. The pH should be adjusted to 7.0. For this, 1N sodium chloride can be used.
Preparation using commercial medium
Weigh 15 g of the dehydrated medium and dissolve in a liter of distilled water. Homogenize the mixture. If necessary, the mixture is boiled for 1 minute to help the total dissolution. Serve in 100 ml bottles or 10 ml tubes as needed. Autoclave at 121 ° C for 15 minutes.
Cool and use or store in a refrigerator. The final pH of the medium is 7.2 ± 0.2.
The color of the dehydrated medium is light beige and the prepared medium is light amber.
Preparation for fermentation tests
To the previous preparation -before sterilizing- the carbohydrate must be added to a final concentration of 1%, plus the Andrade indicator (acid fuchsin) or phenol red (0.018 g / L). The tubes should be fitted with a Durham bell to observe gas formation.
Other variants of peptone water
Buffered or buffered peptone water
It contains enzymatic hydrolyzate of casein, sodium chloride, dihydrogen potassium phosphate and sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate. The final pH is 7.0 ± 0.2.
For its preparation, weigh 20 g of the dehydrated medium and dissolve in 1 liter of distilled water. Let it rest for approximately 5 minutes. Heat for 1 minute until completely dissolved.
Pour into suitable jars as needed. Sterilize using the autoclave at 121 ° C for 15 minutes.
-Alkaline peptone water
Weigh 25 g of the dehydrated medium and dissolve in 1 liter of water. Proceed as described above. The pH ranges from 8.3 to 8.7.
The inoculum is done by placing the sample directly.
It is used to dilute samples, especially when it is suspected that there may be damaged bacteria. Usually the dilutions are 1:10 and 1: 100.
Incubate for 24 hours in aerobiosis at 35-37 ° C.
Stool samples
For stool samples for Salmonella, the use of buffered or buffered water is recommended as a pre-enrichment medium.
To do this, proceed as follows:
If the stool is formed, take 1 g of sample. If they are liquid, take 1 ml of feces and suspend in a tube with 10 ml of buffeted peptone water. In the case of rectal swabs, discharge the material contained in the swab into the tube with buffered peptone water.
In all cases, mix and homogenize the sample very well.
Incubate at 37 ° C for 18 to 24 hours. Subsequently subculture in an enrichment broth such as selenite cystine broth or tetrathionate broth at 37 ° C for 18-24 hours more. Finally, cultivate in selective media for Salmonella, such as SS agar, XLD agar, Hektoen agar, among others.
Food samples
Peptone water is used as an enrichment medium or as a simple diluent, but if Salmonella species are sought, it is used as a pre-enrichment medium, as already described.
In food proceed as follows:
For solid foods weigh 25 g of the sample and for liquid foods measure 25 ml of it. Place said portion in flasks containing 225 ml of peptone water. Mix and homogenize the sample.
If the microbial load is suspected to be high, serial or decimal dilutions can be made to facilitate the counting of colony forming units (CFU).
The number of dilutions will depend on the type of sample and the experience of the analyst.
If, on the contrary, it is suspected that the microbial load is very low, it is not necessary to carry out dilutions. Subsequently, subculture on selective media.
In the case of food from the sea, such as shellfish, fish, among others, in search of Vibrio cholerae or other species of Vibrio, peptone water adjusted to pH 8.5 (alkaline peptone water) should be used.
From each batch prepared, one to two tubes should be incubated without inoculation for 24 hours aerobiosis at 37 ° C. At the end of the time, no turbidity or color change should be observed.
Known control strains can also be used to evaluate their effectiveness:
The following bacterial strains can be used for this: Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, Escherichia coli ATCC 8927, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 9027, Salmonella typhimurium ATCC 1428, Salmonella enteritidis ATCC 13076.
In all cases a satisfactory microbial development is expected, which is observed by turbidity of the medium.
-The dehydrated medium is very hygroscopic, so it must be kept away from moisture.
-The medium should not be used if any type of deterioration is observed.
-The dehydrated culture medium should be stored between 10 - 35 ° C
-The prepared medium must be kept refrigerated (2-8 ° C).
- Camacho A, Giles M, Ortegón A, Palao M, Serrano B and Velázquez O. Techniques for Microbiological Analysis of Foods. 2009, 2nd ed. Faculty of Chemistry, UNAM. Mexico. Version for Manuals and Documents Administrator (AMyD) of the Faculty of Chemistry, UNAM 1. Available at:
- Britannia Laboratories. Buffeted peptone water. 2015.Available at: britanialab.com
- Neogen Laboratories. Peptone water. Available at: foodsafety.neogen.com
- Britannia Laboratories. Peptone water. 2015.Available at: britanialab.com
- Merck Laboratories. Buffered peptone water. Available at: merckmillipore.com
- Conda Pronadisa Laboratories. Alkaline peptone water. Available at: condalab.com
- Forbes B, Sahm D, Weissfeld A. (2009). Bailey & Scott Microbiological Diagnosis. 12 ed. Editorial Panamericana SA Argentina.