- Uses and reasons for the rules
- Keep the order
- Guarantee individual rights
- Safeguard the rights of others and groups
- Maintain institutions for conflict resolution
- Create a framework of equality before the law
- Propose to change them
The rules are a series of regulations that are established as mandatory for the operation of an organism or a social group. Regardless of the level at which they are established, the rules are a way of guaranteeing order in the group where they rule. In order to be effective, the rules are mandatory for all members of the space where they apply.
The areas in which rules are established range from the smallest to the largest. From home, parents teach their children a series of regulations that are intended to make values grow and create the habit of responsibility. There are also rules at school that must be followed by students.
Later, in the labor area, the rules are also present, and are coupled with responsibility in the performance of the work. Those with the greatest scope are those issued by governments of different scope.
At the local level, ordinances are usually passed, while at the national level there are laws, decrees and sentences that establish rules.
It is commonly affirmed that the maximum rule of the State is the Constitution, which establishes the basic rights of citizens, as well as the operation of State institutions.
Uses and reasons for the rules
The purpose of the rules is mainly focused on the collective welfare. It is inferred that with the correct functioning of the rules, the group in which it is applied can live together in peace. In the case of countries, the use of laws and regulations constitutes the rule of law.
Keep the order
When playing, regardless of level, there are rules that must be followed to the letter. This is done in order to maintain order throughout the game, guaranteeing the same rights for all players.
This example can be applied in any area, because for a society to function it is necessary that anarchy is not imposed and that order be maintained in all aspects, through compliance with the laws.
In this way, conflicts are avoided due to not having a unified criterion on an issue that concerns a certain social group.
Guarantee individual rights
The highest level set of standards that exists on the planet is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, signed in 1948 in Paris, France.
This declaration establishes in thirty articles the basic rights inherent to the human species. It is easy to see how any regulation is intended to guarantee the individual rights of each person, protecting them from any type of attack or discrimination that they may be victims of.
The rights established by any regulation are exercised and must always be progressive and not regressive.
The protection of human dignity is above any other situation, and is a framework in which any established rule must be protected.
Safeguard the rights of others and groups
In the same way that human rights apply individually, they also apply collectively. No person is able to prevent the exercise of a right to another person.
For this reason, any rule must have visualized the guarantee of the fulfillment of the rights of a group as a whole, without generating conflicts due to the coexistence between the rights of the members of it.
One of the reasons for establishing rules is that its content should try to include as much of the population as possible, in order to have a consensus that allows it to operate and be followed.
Maintain institutions for conflict resolution
Although the rules are made to prevent the greatest number of conflicts, they will always arise. That is why the same regulations establish which is the course to be taken to settle the differences raised.
When it comes to a lower level, such as the home, older figures always tend to have more authority for conflict resolution.
On the other hand, in the regulations established by companies or institutions, bodies are created precisely to resolve conflicts that arise.
Likewise, in the States, the Judiciary has the ability to resolve any legal conflict that may arise through lawsuits or litigation.
Create a framework of equality before the law
The regulations will not always be followed. For this reason, they themselves establish the penalties and sanctions that will be applied to those who do not follow the course of their articles or verbal consensuses.
Any penalty imposed must be in full respect of human rights, and of any other right acquired by the population.
Not everyone can establish sanctions. The institutions or persons guarantors of preserving the rules and their compliance in society, are invested with authority to be able to exercise their power against those who, through their actions, intend to violate the established legal framework.
Propose to change them
- California Courts. (2012). Stranded, or why do we have rules? California on my honor. California Courts. Recovered from courts.ca.gov.
- Culture of legality. (sf) Why is it important to teach children to respect the rules? Culture of legality. Recovered from culturadelalegalidad.org.mx.
- Judicial Learning Center. (sf). What is a law? Judicial Learning Center. Recovered from judiciallearningcenter.org.
- United Nations. (1948). Universal Declaration of Human Rights. United Nations. Recovered from un.org.
- Rotoura Te Arawa Lakes Program. (sf). Why do we need rules? Rotoura Te Arawa Lakes Program. Recovered from rotouralakes.co.nz.
- (sf). What are laws? Skwirk Online Education. Recovered from skwirk.com.
- Williams, A. (November 18, 2015). The Importance of Rules in Sports. Livestrong. Recovered from livestrong.com.