- List of science fiction stories for children and young people
- Electrifying game
- Carlos and the trip to Astúnduru
- Echo the Martian
- My dear planet
- Robert the astronaut
- Marix
- The trip to Mars and the red stone
- XZ-41, the robot that wanted to be human
- Santiago and the Moon
- Burpy
- A stellar messenger
- Androids
- Esteban and C2-O2
- Lucy and the rabbit
- Oliver and patience
- To the beat of technology
- Adventure in the forest
- Lyricslandia
- The park
- Alien attack
- An endless world
- My other self
- The virus
- The Rukos
- An unexpected leader
- References
The science fiction stories are those based on scientific progress and technical potential that could be achieved in the future. It differs from the genre of fantastic literature in which everything that happened is the result of the author's imagination. Possible technological advances are based on science fiction and have a scientific basis.
It is also known as anticipation literature, since some authors anticipated the emergence of inventions, as was the case with Jules Verne with his submarines and spaceships.
Although this genre is based on technological advances, it can develop in any past, present or future era, or even in parallel universes and times. Also, the characters vary within the range of humans to reach humanoid forms based on robots or even non-anthropomorphic creatures.
In the same way, the scenarios of these stories usually vary between interstellar travel or hecatombs that cause genetic mutations in humans, and even the evolution of robots that take over the world.
List of science fiction stories for children and young people
Electrifying game
Once upon a time there was a boy named Daniel, who was a huge fan of video games.
When he left school he ran to the store where he could play them, but when he got there, only two machines were available and one of them was with an "out of order" sign.
He ran to the one that was operational, but a boy beat him to the race, and Daniel, instead of going home, started browsing a broken virtual reality machine.
He didn't know what he touched but the next thing he saw was a beam of blue light and in a few seconds he was in a totally different place.
Everything around him was brightly colored and squared figures began to appear, forming towers and paths. In addition, a huge corridor appeared right in front of Daniel that made him remember the highways.
As he walked down that aisle, he saw a floating cookie and had the intuition that he should take it. He grabbed it and ate it.
As he did so, he heard a sound: "clin." Suddenly he began to see in his upper right some numbers that began to change (a growing account).
It seemed strange to him, but he kept going. He saw another cookie, repeated the operation and got the same result: a clin and the count increased again.
Then he understood that it was a kind of challenge, like the ones he used to see in video games. That excited him and he began to search all the nooks for cookies to score points. The bill increased.
He also noticed that on the upper left side of the hall, there were three green circles. On his way, he found something he hadn't seen before: a plant in a huge pot.
It seemed normal, but it was somewhat out of place. He approached, touched it, the plant seemed to come to life and it was thrown at him. He could only see huge, sharp teeth and the next second: darkness.
He woke up right at the beginning of the hall where the plant was. He saw her again but this time he didn't touch her. He noticed that there were only two green circles left in the upper left.
He then advanced and saw several pots like the first one again, but ignored them and dodged them all.
Suddenly he found a door different from the previous ones. He opened it and the atmosphere changed; the walls were no longer blue but sparkling green and the floor was no longer solid, but rather a kind of net that formed a suspension bridge.
It was a very narrow bridge where you could only walk with one foot in front of the other.
As he tried to go through it, some kind of darts began to come out from below that threatened to knock him down. One made it.
He woke up again in front of the singular door. He opened it and the bridge again. He looked up and there was only a green circle left on the left side.
He took a deep breath and prepared to cross. He made it to the other end and there was another door.
He opened it and found pieces of metal floating like suspended clouds. Those pieces of metal formed a path.
To cross that space, he had to jump from one rung to another. He did so, and halfway there he began to notice that darts were now falling from different directions.
But Daniel concentrated, jumped and jumped until he reached the goal. Another door. As he opened this door he saw a very bright light that I cannot resist. He had to close his eyes.
When he opened them again, he was on the ground looking at the roof of the store. There were many people around him examining him.
Daniel had received an electric shock when he was browsing the damaged machine.
Everyone believed that it had been a painful experience, but Daniel felt that this had been the adventure of his life. What video game had he played?
Carlos and the trip to Astúnduru
This is the story of a rocket pilot, Carlos, who loved his job. He loved going out into outer space and spending hours observing the earth and the stars.
One of those travel days, his vision was interrupted by a greenish hand and a long face with huge dark eyes.
Carlos jumped in shock and his co-drivers asked him what had happened. Carlos is ashamed to confess what he had seen. He wasn't even sure what it was that he had seen, so he didn't say anything else.
After a while she steeled herself and went back to the window. Did not see anything.
He continued with his routine tasks inside the ship, until he forgot what had happened and returned to his favorite task: gazing out the window at the landscape.
As he stared into space, he saw the figure again, but this time he was not so afraid, but curious.
He carefully observed the long toes of the creature, which was rather small, and who wore a kind of tight green suit that covered him from head to toe.
Her face was pale and bare, making her large black eyes stand out even more. On her torso she wore a kind of very long chain that attached her to what appeared to be her ship.
But Carlos was struck by the expression of curious surprise that he could make out on the face of the being, which to his surprise beckoned to him with his hands. Signs he did not understand.
However, without anyone else noticing, he managed to get out of the ship and get a closer look at that character.
When he was in front of him he greeted him with a very slow:
To which the character responded with a surprising naturalness:
- Hello, how are you? I am Eirika Spinklin. I've been watching you for a long time and I'd like us to be friends.
- How is it that you understand my language and speak it? - asked a surprised Carlos.
- Long story that is summed up in: I have had many human friends. Do you want to see something amazing? I noticed that you admire outer space.
- Clear! - Carlos answered without hesitation, although he immediately noticed that he had no idea what that could mean.
Erika took him by the arm and led him to what appeared to be a spaceship. It had no thrusters or anything. It was as if she was floating and gliding through the ether at the same time.
Inside the ship, there was a lot of light and a space so wide that it was impossible to think that they were inside a ship. In fact, there were no cables, buttons, or levers in sight.
Erika indicated that he could sit down and only when he did, could he notice that the reality in front of him changed. Out of nowhere, a kind of large screen appeared with a map with symbols and images that I had never seen.
An energy belt came out automatically, forcing him to sit up straight and sealing itself around his waist.
- Do not panic. - Eirika hurried to say when she saw Carlos's reaction- Our security systems with humans are very similar to those that humans use. In a few seconds we will be in the star K2G56.
- Seconds? - Carlos managed to say before feeling a strong vertigo and noticing a slight movement in the ship.
At that moment the belt was deactivated and Eirika led him back to the door, but when he opened it, he could not believe his eyes.
It was all light. In front of him, huge towers of incandescent light rose and bubbles floated within which seemed to be tiny creatures watching him.
"Welcome to K2G56," Eirika explained. It is a star that serves as an energy recharging station for our ships and for many organisms in the universe. The waterfall at the bottom is excellent for relieving the stresses of a turbulent ride. Do you want to eat something?
- Do you eat?
- Sure, how do you think we get energy? I hope they have perfected the pizzas. My last human friend suggested some changes to the sauce. Hope you like it.
Carlos couldn't believe it; other astronauts before him had seen this and no one knew about it. He was in some kind of a universal space service station, and he would eat pizza by the way.
After voraciously eating the best Neapolitan pizza he had ever had, he heard Erika say: Astúnduru.
- Astúnduru? - Carlos asked.
- They are the magic words of our system. We use it to honor those who have fulfilled their role and have benefited us by doing so.
- Ah already! It's like saying: thank you.
- Yes, it's like the thanks of humans. Speaking of humans, I think we should go back before they notice your absence.
- Notice my absence? Sure they did. It's been a long time since I left my ship.
And he had not finished the sentence when he saw himself again in front of the window of his ship. He felt a slight headache and had to straighten up because he had freed himself from the belt.
As he did so, he noticed that he had a piece of paper in his hand and heard Lieutenant Rush scold him in the background:
- Carlos, you've seen enough that window. Come on we need you to do something.
When he answered that he would go, he observed the paper. It was a note that said: Astúnduru!
Echo the Martian
Eco was a Martian who was two centuries old. In his world, two centuries was a very short time, so he was still a child.
Eco had many friends with whom he always played throughout the spaces of Mars.
He liked to play everything, but he loved going to the red sand hills to roll down them and fill himself with dirt. Thus, the orange tone of her skin became more intense. That fascinated him.
One day Echo was playing with his friends and he heard a strange and very loud sound behind the hill.
They went to see what it was about and could not believe what they saw: it was a ship, an extra-Martian ship!
They were very scared, but they couldn't stop looking. Suddenly the ship made a metallic noise and a hatch opened. From it came a being that was twice the size of a Martian person.
That being had white skin and a transparent head, the light of the stars reflected off the head of that creature. He was wearing huge shoes and was not walking, but was jumping.
In addition, on his back he seemed to be carrying something that connected to his head.
Echo and his friends were shaking with fright and ran off when they saw the creature leaping towards them.
Eco came home very tired and when he entered he said to his mother:
- You won't believe me, Mom: I just saw an extra-Martian ship and something came out of it. A creature… - and told him everything he had seen.
- Give me a moment honey. I will be right back. Don't worry, you'll be safe here - his mother told him as he walked to the kitchen.
In the kitchen, he pressed a red button and transported himself in the form of a hologram to the meeting room with his father and the mayor of the town, which was called RQ124.
Eco's mother told what happened and the mayor, after hearing everything, said:
- Relax, we are going to send a commission to investigate what happened. For now, tell the children to stay home.
Mrs. Ratzy, Eco's mother, disconnected and returned with her son to accompany him and distract him by watching his favorite shows.
However, Eco was very curious and when his mother was careless he went to call his friends to encourage them to investigate what was happening.
They decided to sneak out to the place where they first saw the creature. Once on the site, they noticed that the extra-Martian was still there, as if he had been waiting for them.
As he could, the extra-Martian let them know that he needed help with his ship.
The frightened Martian children did not believe him at first, but then they realized that he was really in trouble, so they decided to go back to the village and find support.
When they told their parents what happened, they had to hear a scolding for disobeying and exposing themselves without the company of their parents. But later, they agreed to look out to see what it was about.
Upon arriving at the "meeting" site, they noticed the extra-Martian unsuccessfully attempting to repair the ship and, although they did not stop feeling fear, they helped him.
After a while of signs, drawings and teamwork, they managed to find the failure of the ship and repair it. The extra-Martian boarded his ship, thanked the help and left.
They all stared at the heights of space and wondering when they would experience something similar again.
My dear planet
GHi2 lived in Europa, a moon of the planet Jupiter.
He lived with his family and went to school every day. Of all that they taught him there, what he liked the most was learning the different dialects that were spoken in the universe.
He dreamed of being able to speak with beings from different planets.
He loved talking to the inhabitants of Mintaka1, a satellite that orbits one of the stars of KitúnP4. He liked the way their words sounded and the way their teeth gleamed when they spoke.
He also enjoyed playing with the Centauri boys. They were strong boys but very chivalrous, brave and funny. Whenever he could, he would sneak out for a while to play with them.
But his favorite adventure was to imagine that he was visiting the blue planet, a planet that he had always been told wonders about and that caused him a lot of curiosity.
He did not understand why that planet had so many inhabitants and none had ever visited Europe.
So it grew; dreaming, playing and learning a lot. She studied and worked hard until one day her dream came true: she was chosen to travel and explore the blue planet.
The task had to be carried out in complete secrecy. No one could notice his presence. He did so for a few months.
In each visit he fell more in love with that planet that had a lot of life, color, seas, rivers and mountains.
GHi2 was breathing heavily when he took off his protective helmet, but that didn't matter to him. She preferred to see the beautiful scenery without the glass in between.
He did not understand why the inhabitants of that planet could not see how beautiful their environment was and whenever they reached a new space, it left it less beautiful, mistreated and almost dead.
One day, while contemplating the landscape, she forgot to hide and a child saw her. The little boy was watching her in great detail and when she noticed it it was too late to hide.
GHi2 decided to approach him, and try to speak to him but the boy did not understand what he was saying. Then he tried to draw in the sand what she was trying to tell him. It worked.
The boy understood that she was coming in peace from another planet.
From that moment on, the pair of interplanetary friends managed to communicate through drawings and thus many things were told.
Over time, they understood some of the words that each one used and shared their experiences and doubts.
The boy, named Jaison, began to appreciate his own planet more thanks to what she told him. And she began to believe that humans were not as primitive as was believed in her galaxy.
Jaison asked her friend GHi2 to take him to her planet, at least for a little while.
GHi2 asked his superiors for authorization, but they flatly refused.
However, she wanted to please her friend, so she took him in her spaceship, with the only condition that he did not leave there at all and that he only had the right to watch.
Jaison obeyed. From that ship he met the enormous orange planet of the girl and being there he noticed how beautiful his own planet was.
This is how Jaison became one of the main defenders of the environment on earth, and an ambassador for the planet in the Universal Council that was formed over the years.
Robert the astronaut
Roberto was a very clever boy, but at school he got bored, they always explained the same things and never talked about interesting things.
One day he asked his teacher why he didn't tell them about astronauts, and she replied that these were Chinese tales and that no one had ever reached the moon. Roberto told him that he would be the first to do it, and the whole class laughed.
Roberto got down to work and made himself a spacesuit and brought it to his school. But instead of getting the expected admiring effect, they laughed at him. They said that with a disguise I would not reach the moon.
So Roberto got involved in building a spaceship. For days and days he was working hard.
One day at school he invited them to spend the afternoon at his house to see his spaceship take off. That afternoon Roberto showed everyone that he would be the first to reach the moon.
Marix was a little Martian from the planet Mars who roamed the infinities of the universe. He was very lonely because no one else had accompanied him on his adventure.
He had thought that he would soon find someone with whom to jump into the rings of Saturn and visit the three moons of Jupiter.
He was already in the vicinity of Alpha Centauri when he saw a small ship similar to his own. He tried to radio them a message, but all he got was an unintelligible message.
So he decided to follow them. For days and days he followed the ship throughout the galaxy receiving strange messages on his radio. They reached a planet that had large masses of pink liquid around it, and the spacecraft landed near one of them.
Marix quickly put on her spacesuit and ran to get out of her ship. He quickly found himself surrounded by a bunch of critters who spoke a language he didn't understand. Luckily, one of them brought a device that when turned on translated all the languages of the galaxy.
The wise man who had the device explained to him that when he was young he had traveled the galaxy to create a dictionary of all languages and that he was preparing another expedition, but that he was already too old to undertake such an arduous journey, and asked him if he wanted to get on with his homework.
Marix replied that he had been traveling for years and that he wanted to find a friend to play with because he was so bored. The sage told him that there would be no problem, and that as soon as he found someone they would resume the expedition.
A few days later the sage returned to look for Marix and told him that he had found someone to accompany him. Marix couldn't believe it, she was the most beautiful creature in the universe. And together they undertook the journey to recover all the languages of the galaxy.
The trip to Mars and the red stone
Sara no longer remembered how long ago she had left the earth. Months must have passed, for her hair was long, and food supplies were running low. She couldn't quite understand when everything had gone wrong.
Everything had started as an adventure. She had joined the crew of Omega 21, wanting to be the first woman in human history to find water on Mars.
At first everything had turned out well. Sara was the best of her crew, breaking historical records in resistance to lack of gravity and adverse conditions. With each triumph, Sara felt that her place was in space and not on earth.
Months of preparation went by. Everything was planned. They would take off for Mars to find the precious resource that the earth lacked: water.
On the day of departure, each member of the crew was located in their capsule. This rocket was not like the ones traditionally sent into space. This rocket resembled the body of a caterpillar, segmented and organic, filled with individual capsules that sought to protect the crew in case something went wrong.
As if this prevention were a curse, once the rocket reached space it could not withstand the pressure change and all the capsules were blown to pieces. All but one: Sara's capsule.
Perhaps it had been months since it took off, and Sara's head had only two options: cut off the capsule's oxygen supply and end her anguish, or use what little fuel she had left trying to get to Mars.
Without thinking too much, Sara pressed the dreaded button. The ship began to move at full speed towards the red planet. After hours that seemed like years, Sara's capsule was facing Mars. This one seemed less threatening than she thought.
Following his instincts, he made the descent to the Martian surface. A little fearful, she donned her spacesuit and ventured out of the capsule.
Going down, he grabbed a red pebble and held it. It took only three steps to get sucked into the planet's surface and lose consciousness after a crash.
Opening her eyes, Sara realized that she was in what appeared to be a hospital. Her fellow crew members, next to her held flowers. As soon as she opened her eyes, they began to scream with joy.
He didn't know exactly how many months ago he was in a coma, or how he got there. But this did not seem to matter to her, since what puzzled her most was not the knowledge that she had never left the earth, but the reason why as she lay in the hospital bed, she continued to hold the red pebble in her hand.
XZ-41, the robot that wanted to be human
From the moment XZ-41 opened his eyes, he understood that he was not like other robots. There was something about him that told her all the time that he was different, something that told her that he was not a robot, but not a human either.
XZ-41 had been created by an old and controversial scientist, Dr. Allende, who had endowed him with almost human analytical abilities and a complex system of emotions.
In short, Allende had created a kind of humanoid that did not fit very well in any natural or artificial order.
As much as Doctor Allende tried to explain to XZ-41 the reasons why he was different, he still did not understand, and requested his creator to change him, making him more similar to a robot or more similar to a human. I wanted to be a robot or a human.
At the insistence of XZ-41, Allende had no choice but to rethink its structure. The Doctor was proud of his creation, but at the same time he loved XZ-41 as if it were a son, and could not bear to see his suffering.
After hours that turned into days, and days that would turn into months locked up in his laboratory, Allende devised a solution to XZ-41's problems: he would make him human, the most perfect human humanity had ever seen.
For months XZ-41 underwent lengthy procedures. At first painless on mechanical circuits. Later, these procedures would begin to hurt, as XZ-41 became more human.
Doctor Allende was about to finish his work, he only needed to install a heart in XZ-41, when he fell ill and died.
XZ-41 was devastated that it had not been finished by its creator, he decided himself to finish his transformation. So he decided to take Allende's heart to install it in his chest.
Taking a scalpel and a high level of precision, XZ-41 sliced Allende's chest in half. When he opened it, he couldn't believe his eyes. Allende was not human, never had been. Allende was, like him, a robot whose creator had never given a heart.
Santiago and the Moon
Santiago questioned his cruel fate every day. He did not understand why his beloved had died so suddenly. He didn't understand how it was possible that that car had thrown him down, ending his life.
He was determined to do whatever it took to bring her back, to change her destiny.
One night, sitting at a bar counter, a strange character approached him. He was wearing a long black coat, inside which he hid his hands. Unexpectedly, this character approached Santiago.
Realizing what was happening, Santiago hurried away from the bar. However, the man in the black coat put a metallic, elegant, robotic hand on his shoulder. Given this, Santiago could not hide his bewilderment and curiosity.
The man spoke slowly, in a deep, melodious voice. He told Santiago that he had nothing to fear. That he was a friend of his wife. Not to worry, he was fine.
Santiago didn't know what to say. Ana had been dead for months and this was the first time anyone had mentioned her name since the day that car had thrown her.
He did not quite understand what was happening, since he himself had taken Ana to the hospital and said goodbye to her after her death.
As if the man could read Santiago's mind, he began to answer his questions one by one, without his even asking them. He explained that Ana was not just any human being. The mother was a selenite, a being from another planet, and her father a human male. She explained that Selenites are always given another chance.
Santiago didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he remained silent and let the man continue with his explanation.
According to him, Ana was at that time recovering on the Moon. She would be fine, but she could never go back to Earth.
The man indicated to Santiago that he himself was an android friend of the family, and that he had come to Earth sending for Ana, since she expected Santiago to join him on the Moon.
Stunned by the rest of the explanation and incredulous at what was being said, Santiago requested proof from the man that Ana was still alive.
The man gave Santiago a small screen, indicating that Ana would call him the next day. If he agreed to answer that call, he would be transported directly to the Moon.
It is not yet known if that man told Santiago the truth. The truth is that neither his family nor friends saw him again after that day.
Burpy was getting ready to put on his best suit, the one he only wore on important days. That day was particularly important. It was the day when he would finally invade Earth, a place full of abominable creatures.
Once he finished his solar, aerial and twilight routine, he started to walk towards his ship with a determined step. It started engines, and after emitting a torrential jet of foam, it took off for land.
He had everything coldly calculated. He knew that he would land in a desolate place and then move towards a large city, posing as a human. Once there, he would come to power and make all human beings his slaves.
Burpy thought the trip to Earth was boring, so he sped up, and instead of reaching several million light-years, he reached Earth's atmosphere in two weeks.
Landing his ship was a little more difficult than his trip, and he had to recalculate the coordinates of the place where he wanted to land several times.
He finally fell into what he believed to be a forest. Burpy had never been to Earth, so all she knew about it was what her father, a famous planet invader, had told her.
He knew that he did not need a mask to breathe, because on Earth, as on his planet, beings lived on oxygen. So, she ventured out, not before without checking that no threats were detected.
When he hit Earth ground, Burpy couldn't believe his eyes. He was filled with a feeling of immense joy because the Earth was quite similar to his planet.
After walking around a bit, exploring the area, he felt a strange red object hit his head. When he looked up, he saw a laughing creature, hanging from what he believed to be a tree. This creature was quite similar to the ones on his planet, but more beautiful.
The creature came down from the tree and began to talk happily to him. Burpy didn't understand what was happening, but he couldn't stop looking at the creature. After several minutes listening to the creature, he managed to learn its language and communicate with it.
This is how, Burpy explained his mission to her and she burst into laughter, while making fun of his words, his accent and his colorful outfit. Burpy didn't know what was going on, so he started asking hundreds of questions, which the creature graciously answered.
Once his questions were answered, Burpy lost total interest in invading Earth, and understood that the creatures there were not abominable.
Actually, they looked a lot like those on their planet. At that moment she decided to turn around to return to her ship. It was then that the creature hugged him and thanked him.
Burpy would never understand why this creature thanked him. The truth is that, thanks to her kindness, he had decided to change his plans and go to invade another planet.
A stellar messenger
It was a hot day on Mars in the year 2030. The Sun burned incessantly and Gaby, a Martian, did not know where to hide from its rays while delivering mail.
He had only been in the portfolio for a few days and had already been assigned the delivery of a space package bound for Earth.
As indicated by her boss, Gaby finished distributing the letters to Martians on Mars and went to Neptune to collect the package that was going to Earth.
When she reached Neptune, she was overwhelmed with emotion, because it was the first time she had set foot on the ground of that beautiful planet.
In this case, it is worth clarifying that the word soil is a bit imprecise, since Neptune was an immense sphere filled with water.
In this way, he parked his ship at a floating space airport. From there she took a boat and after several hours navigating between canals and beautiful colored buildings, she reached her destination: the H2O Laboratories.
There he was given a tiny blue cube. This cube was beautiful, and it seemed important. One of the men in the laboratory told Gaby that the survival of humanity depended on the delivery of that cube, that is why it was vitally important that she take it to its destination safely.
Gaby accepted her mission with a little fear, but with a lot of emotion, because it was a very important one. In this way she returned to her ship and set out on her way to Earth.
The route was not the most pleasant, since from Neptune it had to pass through Saturn, and the road was a bit rocky. However, he tried to fly as precisely as possible to reach the ground in time.
When she reached the Earth's atmosphere and looked at its surface, she felt dazed and confused. Earth was an irregular globe of ocher color. There was not one more drop of water on its surface.
In that moment he understood why the small cube in his hands was so important. This was the source of water needed to replenish the Earth.
After multiple maneuvers, and a tricky landing. Gaby managed to reach the headquarters of the H2O laboratories on Earth. There she handed her package over to a smiling and appreciative team of human scientists.
After delivering the package, and while moving away from the surface of the Earth, Gaby watched through the window how the planet gradually turned blue.
Many years had passed since the man had entrusted his life to the hands of the androids. As if it were a new slave order, human beings had numerous androids to carry out their daily tasks.
The relationship between androids and humans was so strong that they were completely dependent on their robots for subsistence.
Androids for their part, their rights were not recognized. Since these, clearly, were not human. This situation created discontent in them, who in turn feared for their physical integrity if their masters tried to disconnect or harm them.
This situation of humans on androids continued for hundreds of years. Those androids that managed to be free were those created by other androids clandestinely.
Existing fully and freely was difficult for androids, who enjoyed physical, mental and emotional powers equal to or superior to those of human beings, thanks to advances in science.
The general discontent led the androids to begin to meet clandestinely. They would finish their chores, and instead of going to connect to their domestic power sources, they would meet in clandestine power banks, while discussing their situation.
It would be impossible to pinpoint the exact day the androids decided to rise up against the power of humans.
The truth is, many of them were disconnected and destroyed in the process. However, it was this exercise of force that ultimately allowed the androids to be free and share the same rights as human beings.
Esteban and C2-O2
Every time Esteban and C2-O2 walked down the street hand in hand, everyone around them was shocked. Regardless of the year 3017, people did not easily accept that a human and an android were together.
Esteban's family insisted every day that he could find a human girlfriend, like him. However, he didn't want to be with a human, he wanted to be with C2-O2, even though she was an android, and despite the difficult situation between the two of them.
As time went by, things did not improve for Esteban and C2-O2. The laws on these types of relationships were toughened and it became illegal for a human being to be with an android.
To see each other, Esteban and C2-O2 had to hide and, despite the difficult conditions, both refused to surrender.
One day a friend of Esteban, who knew the whole situation, told him that on Mars it was legal for humans to be with androids. That day, Esteban met C2-O2 and offered to go with him to Mars. Faced with this alternative, C2-O2 could not contain his enthusiasm.
This is how Esteban and C2-O2 escaped together, to be happy on Mars.
Lucy and the rabbit
Lucy was a girl who lived on a farm with many animals: cats, chickens, geese, pigs, cows, horses. There were also rabbits. Lucy was a lover of rabbits.
He had a favorite rabbit called a cloud. Nubecita was a fluffy white rabbit. She cared for him, fed him and pampered him. I loved her very much.
One day Lucy wanted to take a closer look and decided to follow him to his cave. For some reason she was able to enter through one of the holes in her labyrinthine home.
Inside he discovered a different world. Nubecita was no longer how she knew him; now she walked on two legs, she had clothes, a briefcase and a very small car. Also, she spoke like a person.
The other side of the cave was like a small great city. It had streets, buildings, cars, houses, etc. Everything, but in miniature.
Lucy decided to follow Cloud, who was now hurrying down a street. But she wanted to do it in silence, without being noticed.
But then, he tripped over a can that made a noise and Cloudy almost discovered it. Fortunately, he managed to hide and secretly follow her for a while, but eventually Cloudy spotted her and yelled at her:
- Lucy, what are you doing here? - while grabbing her arm and taking her to an alley to talk to her and ask her to remain a secret, because there no one could find out about her arrival.
- But why Cloudy? This world is amazing and very beautiful.
- Why not. Humans are forbidden in this world. This is a different dimension. There is a dimension for every creature in the universe. In this, the rabbits rule the world. Only a few can travel between dimensions. I do it, but respecting the rules. In your world, I'm just your pet and I adore being one.
- Wow you are a traveling rabbit! And why am I here?
"That's what I ask myself," replied the rabbit in a serious tone.
Next, Cloud Little asked him to wait for a time when there were not so many people (or so many rabbits), to go where they could find answers.
Eventually, he ran her away covered in many blankets so that no one could identify her.
In the end they arrived with Mionana, a kind of shaman in that dimension. They told her what happened and she without being surprised even said:
- It's happening again! Don't worry, we will solve it.
- How can we solve it Mionana? - Cloud asked.
"Simple," said the shaman. Lucy will have to say the vowels with her eyes closed. As you pronounce the last vowel, you will feel a tap on the forehead.
Okay, "replied Lucy, who despite herself closed her eyes and got ready to start, but first asked if she could go back.
- Of course you can return, but you must do it in silence and without anyone being able to see you - Mionana told him.
Then Lucy closed her eyes and began to say out loud:
A, e, i, o… he had not finished pronouncing the u, when he felt the tap on his forehead and even with his eyes closed he could notice a glow.
When he opened his eyes he was already in front of the rabbit hutch, sitting up and somewhat dazed.
He thought for a moment that it had been a dream, but when he went through his pockets he found a tiny photo of his Cloud and smiled.
Oliver and patience
It was the year 2030. The planet no longer had streets; cars were flying. People did not go on vacation to the beach or the mountains, but to other planets.
This was life when Oliver and his family decided to travel to Rigel, one of the stars of Orion. They loved traveling there because they could see various suns from it.
In addition, the people who lived in that star were very friendly and used to drink delicious blue shakes. Oliver really enjoyed those walks.
On a school vacation they went to visit Orion, but on the way the family ship crashed.
Oliver's parents were concerned and wished it wasn't serious, because they were in the middle of space with the ship failing and Oliver really wanted to get to Orion.
Oliver's dad went out to try to repair the fault. Given that it was taking a long time, Oliver began to get impatient and got up from his seat every moment to ask his mother, to which she replied:
- You must be patient my boy. Try to distract yourself with something. Dad is doing everything he can to fix the engine failure so we can continue the journey.
But Oliver didn't know what to do and was still restless and questioning. Then his mother suggested that they count meteorites, but Oliver said:
- No mommy, that bores me.
- Let's count stars, okay?
"No mommy, I always lose count," Oliver complained.
- It's okay. So let's name the closest stars.
- Yes mommy, I would love that!
They began to name the stars, which were closest to them, and had already lost count of how many they carried, when Oliver's mother noticed that he had fallen asleep.
He sheltered him and at that moment his dad arrived:
- Ready honey, we can move on. It was more difficult than I expected, but I already solved it.
- Perfect my love. I'll lay Oliver down and help you on the journey.
They started the ship and got back on track. When Oliver woke up, they were already in his favorite place to live the vacation of a lifetime.
To the beat of technology
Nina was very nervous, graduation day was approaching and she had no one to go to the dance with, although she was waiting for Augusto to invite her.
He also had no idea what to wear. She called her friends to come to her house and help her decide.
As soon as they arrived, they got to work: they entered the virtual store from the phone of Nadia, one of Nina's friends.
Finally, after a while of looking at models, configured with Nina's measurements, they downloaded the best options and tested the possible combinations.
A fuchsia mini skirt and a mustard colored shirt seemed the most attractive options, but they kept trying for a while longer until they decided on the fuchsia skirt and the mustard colored shirt.
- Ready- said Nina- I love this one. I'll ask for it to be brought to me. Thank you girls for helping me choose!
Five minutes later the bell rang and when I opened the door, there was the dress they had just chosen.
While this was happening at Nina's house, Augusto was nervous because he wanted to invite Nina but he couldn't dance.
His friend César, who was an excellent dancer and very good with technology, told him:
- I will show you an application that will help you solve your problem.
Then Cesar placed a chip on his arm that he connected to a small device similar to a miniature remote control.
Augusto began to see, in virtual reality glasses, the most popular dance steps of the moment. And, thanks to the chip that his friend had placed in him, he felt the impulse of movement in his feet, according to the images he was observing.
In twenty minutes, Augusto was a dancer. Then, he was encouraged to call Nina and invite her.
With shaky legs and butterflies in her stomach, she called to Nina, who hid her emotion by saying: yes.
They went to the dance and had a really fun afternoon.
Adventure in the forest
Once upon a time there was a group of friends who wanted to have an adventure.
They played in the town square every day, but they were getting bored because they no longer had toys, they had all broken, so they decided to invent their own world of games.
They imagined that the square was a huge forest and that they had to cross it to reach some waterfalls and drink as much water as possible.
They started playing and everything was going great until suddenly they began to feel thirsty and very hot.
Their clothes were full of dirt and they could hardly open their eyes because the sunlight prevented it. The heat was unbearable and they hurried their pace to reach the falls because they felt they would pass out.
On the way they met a man who was riding a horse and they asked him about the best way to find some waterfalls.
The man did not speak their language, so it was difficult for him to understand and respond to them. However, he managed to point them in a direction to follow.
They also managed to understand that he was in the Amazon in 1940. The children were confused. They lived in America in the XXI century. How did they get there?
It was an important question, but the urgent thing was to quench their thirst, so they continued walking where the walker had indicated.
In the end, one of the boys managed to spot the falls. They could not believe it. They ran desperately and jumped into the water. They drank, they bathed, they swam… They were happy.
Suddenly, a girl in the group remembered what the man had told them and also remembered that before she began to feel that the forest was real, they were all playing a video game.
That must have been the reason for such a strange situation; they themselves were being the protagonists of the video game they were playing in reality.
They already had a new adventure ahead of them. They would have to finish all the phases of the video game to return to reality.
Once upon a time, Letralandia, a huge city located in the largest computer in the world. In this city, the letters lived very happy because they were all used daily. They were useful.
The letters were up very early (there were some that didn't even need to sleep), to be used in millions of words.
In that huge city, letters traveled everywhere in cars of different shapes and sizes. They wore a different color on each trip they made.
But on the outskirts of Letralandia, there were some little less active villages that were somewhat dusty: it was the sector of punctuation marks.
The atmosphere in this sector was different from that experienced in the rest of Letralandia.
Many of the closing punctuation marks were in good shape, healthy and happy, but the rest of the marks, especially the opening punctuation marks, looked haggard, almost lifeless.
Some lay in the dark streets, to their own devices. Others were locked in small rooms, sitting on a couch watching videos. They looked like zombies.
These were punctuation marks that were not used, and where they were used, they were misused.
This is how the days of those sectors passed until the exclamation point was revealed:
- This can't go on like this. They can't forget us - he said decidedly.
And he walked to the center of Letralandia ready to be noticed.
Then, in each writing that any computer user started, the opening exclamation mark (¡) appeared.
At first, the owner of the computer believed that it was a mistake, but the position of the sign caught his attention and he wanted to know what its use was.
He looked in the dictionary and said Eureka! He had learned something new; in the Spanish language punctuation marks are used to open and close sentences.
Besides, he had gotten out of the routine… finally!
The park
It was the year 3250 on planet earth. People could not go out to sunbathe. The sky was covered by a gray and amorphous layer.
Hellen and David were playing at home with some sterilized rocks that their mother had bought them the month before.
They did not want to go out to the patio because the protective suit they had to wear to avoid contamination was heavy.
"Mom, can we go out without the protective suits?" Hellen asked curiously.
- No my love. It's dangerous - said his mother.
- I want to play like those children in the stories that the grown-ups tell us. Those who played in… par… par… parks! Like the children who played in the parks without those heavy suits that we must wear.
Hellen and her brother always heard stories that formerly children played in places called parks, but that little by little they were abandoned to lock themselves in their homes to play with devices.
- Love, you know that they could do that before because it was different. People were filled with rapidly damaging devices and a lot of waste accumulated in our atmosphere, in our air. Now, we cannot be outside without protection.
They had already heard that answer, but Hellen and David couldn't understand it. They did not know how people had allowed that to happen.
They didn't know how you could rather be locked up for so long than play and run freely when you could.
So a couple more months passed until one day Hellen asked the same question again, but this time her mother surprised her with the answer:
- What if I propose something better?
- Something better?
- Yeah, how about we build our own park out there?
- Yesiiii - the brothers shouted excitedly.
Then they got to work. That Sunday, the entire family began to build their own park in the parking lot of the house.
They spent fun hours with the family. They created, worked, played and got tired too, but most importantly: they shared a different moment as a family.
In the end, they happily observed a very colorful park with different games within the safety of the garage of the house.
In this way, the children were able to discover something very similar to a park, without risking their health… at least while they moved to another planet.
Alien attack
I haven't been on dry land in years, I came here on a mission to explore the galaxy for intelligent life.
But I think my luck is going to change, we have received a warning that they have found signs of life on a not-too-distant planet, and we are the closest. At last I will feel the weight of gravity again!
I'm excited, I have everything packed to get off this ship and not be back on it for a long, long time. I only hope that the conditions of the planet allow us to live peacefully.
As we get closer, we see a kind of oval-shaped building looming on the horizon and we head towards it. A humanoid form comes out of it as we descend from the ship.
It says something in a language we don't know, and none of our devices seem to be able to translate it. More humanoid forms start to come to meet us, they are not so different from us!
But something changes in the environment, someone moves, someone takes out an unknown device. It's a weapon, the shots start to fly in all directions and we run towards the ship as fast as we can.
Only a third of the crew makes it to the ship. We will continue looking for another planet.
An endless world
Source: pixabay.com
They knew they wouldn't be the same after the apocalypse that had just happened. They knew that they would never set foot in their houses again, nor would they eat the things they had eaten until now. For every trace of civilization, as they knew it, had been wiped off the face of the earth.
When scientists began experimenting with nuclear space science, they never imagined that its power could get out of hand.
Multiple successful experiments had been carried out in the past at the bases on Mars and the Moon. No one had died, and the villages located in both spheres had called their families on earth to celebrate the advances of humanity.
However, something had gone wrong on earth. An explosion of dimensions that cannot be described shook the earth from the crust to its core.
Suddenly all the volcanoes erupted for days in unison. The oceans erased the coasts, and in their wake they razed cities and islands disappeared.
Because of the gases released by the explosion, the sky would never be blue again. Now it was reddish in color, as if it had hurt him, and now it was bleeding.
The few survivors of the catastrophe could not yet explain how they managed to stay on their feet and unharmed. It all seemed like a nightmare from which they would never wake up.
Suddenly, the volcanoes stopped erupting. The oceans calmed their fury and the sky gradually turned blue. The survivors could not understand what was happening.
Without warning or signal, the surface of the earth began to fill with vegetation in the blink of an eye. All the ruins were covered by lush fruit trees.
All the resources of the earth were renewed and numerous and unknown species of animals began to populate the earth in a matter of hours.
Everyone knew that the world would never be the same again. However, this no longer mattered, because in the air you could perceive the deep desire that all the survivors had to start a new life again.
A common feeling of happiness was felt in the air for this new opportunity that the earth gave them.
My other self
It was a normal morning, I was in my bed but I knew something was wrong. She was there. I don't know who he was, but he looked like me. Not only did she look like me, but she spoke like me.
I asked him his name, although I already knew the answer, and he said mine. He was getting ready to go to school with my things, and I asked him what he was doing. She replied that my time was up, that it was time for me to retire and she took my place.
He said that if I did not behave my father would take me to the workshop, I did not know what the workshop was but I would not stay to find out.
I ran out of the room and ran down the stairs. My father called me, but he had an angry voice, so I kept running out the back door and into the woods.
I don't know how long I was running, but I didn't stop until I felt that the area I was in was unknown. I sat under a tree to think about what happened. I didn't understand anything, who the other girl was, why she looked like me and why she was going to take my place.
I heard footsteps near me and I turned, and there was my father with his grimace and angry face. He said he knew where to find me, how did he know? I had never been here. Something blurred my vision and I lost consciousness.
I woke up in my bed, it was morning again, it had all been a bad dream. I called my mother to tell her about my nightmare and for her to calm me down, she always did. When I told her, in a sweet voice she told me that nothing was wrong, but that I better behave or my father would take me back to the workshop.
The virus
Source: pixabay.com
Earth has long since been the earthly paradise that it was in its time. The overexploitation of resources has brought human life to an extreme situation.
The contamination of the waters, by the industries of the whole world have made us sick. The population has been decimated, but politicians continue to maintain that everything is fine.
People crowd the streets asking for food and water, but no one gets anything to put in their mouths. The first world has become a sewer, so I do not want to imagine those countries that we left to the hand of God while we exploited its resources.
Hospitals should have been full for a while, but doctors seem calm and collected nonetheless. There is something wrong here, something is happening.
Days go by and strange things begin to happen, you no longer hear people asking in the streets, there is tranquility, even silence. It had been years since that happened.
I decide to take my radioactive mask and walk through what remains of the forest. It's weird, I'd swear the forest was closer, I just see piles of dirt around me. When I look at one of them I see a corpse, but the corpse is green, and its eyes are bloodshot.
I try to get out of there as quickly as possible, I hear voices behind me, I turn and they have a gun. I try to raise my hands to show that I am not armed. My hands are no longer my hands, now they are green, they are the same color as the corpse. One of the uniformed men approaches me, it's too late - he says - Bye.
The Rukos
Rosa was a lucky girl. She had game consoles, a cell phone, a virtual reality television, a tablet and even a little cyborg named Ruko. Well, the cyborg was owned by all the children in the world, since it was the most desired toy. Of course, Daniela, Rosa's super friend, also had it.
At first Ruko interacted very little. She would say "hello", "bye", "I love you", she would snore if you told her to go to sleep and she would sing whatever song you wanted.
Over time, the manufacturers of the toy were perfecting Ruko and he was already walking like a normal person, he knew how to play cards or chess and even ate. All the children adored their Ruko. He was funny, smart, and helped you with your homework. He was almost like a real child.
Soon, children around the world started to stop seeing their friends, as they preferred to be with Ruko. In the schoolyards all the children turned on their cell phones to call Ruko or when they went to the cinema or the amusement park they also went with Ruko.
Rosa was also delighted with her toy and no longer had contact with Daniela. They only talked when their parents stopped in the street to chat, but there was hardly any conversation between them. They just thought about what their Ruko would be doing alone at home.
However, one day Rosa's Ruko began to fail. She thought it was the battery, but the reality is that the toy had short-circuited inside and could barely speak or move.
Rosa and her parents took the robot to the technical assistance store. Luckily it had an arrangement, but it would take a month to have it ready.
-One month? Mom that's a long time- Rosa said angrily.
The technician told him that he could provide a replacement Ruko, but he would have to post a $ 150 bond. Rosa had no money and her parents refused to pay it.
"This month we have many expenses at home, we cannot afford to leave that money here," her father told Rosa.
She cried and cried thinking that she would be a month without her robotic friend. However, there was nothing she could do.
That day, and the next, and the next, he was really sad. He missed his cyborg and it also bothered him to see all the children on his street and at school with his. Rosa was immensely bored and spent hours lying on the sofa watching TV or playing the game console. But without Ruko it wasn't the same.
Her mother, worried about her sadness, had an idea to improve Rosa's spirits. She took out an old family photo album and sat next to the little girl for them to look at together. Rosa at first did not feel like it, but as her mother turned the pages she became happy.
Photos appeared of when Rosa was a baby, of when her first tooth fell out, of when she was five years old, of Christmas or of when she learned to swim in the municipal swimming pool. Rosa realized that in all the photos there was a person next to her: her friend Daniela.
They were both the same age and had grown up together, as their parents were close friends. The photos reminded Rosa of all the moments lived and the laughs they threw at school or in the park.
Suddenly, Rosa began to miss her friend more and Ruko less. Every afternoon she looked at the photo album, wishing to write or call Daniela so they could be friends again, but that made her ashamed.
-After so long without speaking, I'm sure she doesn't miss me. Besides, she has her Ruko… - Rosa thought sadly.
One afternoon, Rosa went to look for her scrapbook but couldn't find it. She asked her father and mother, but they didn't know anything either. Rosa was suddenly without Ruko and without her album.
Days later there was a knock on the door. Rosa went to open the door and found Daniela at the door. She was holding the photo album in her hands.
"Your mom gave it to mine and I've been watching it," said Daniela.
"Can you give it back to me?" Said Rosa.
-If you are my friend again- Daniela said.
"Yup! But won't you want to play with your Ruko anymore?" Rosa asked.
At that moment the two mothers with the two Rukos appeared at the door and decided that now they would play together as they did before and that the cyborgs would be kept in a drawer together so that they could be accompanied. They accepted and hugged.
The next day they played rope, on the swings or tag team. All the children were surprised because they did not play with Ruko or with the mobiles. However, soon all the robots ended up in a drawer and the children from all over the school were playing with each other again.
An unexpected leader
In the year 2125, the World Aerospace Agency had already managed to contact other planets with extraterrestrial life.
The connection was still very rudimentary, as the technology was not that advanced and traveling to other planets was still very difficult for most civilizations in the solar system.
Relations with Mars were good and even the Martians and Earthmen had exchanged gifts. Through the InSight II ship, we humans send chocolate, lilies, a rock music CD and the Don Quixote de la Mancha book.
For their part, the inhabitants of Mars sent us a toy-robot in the shape of a Martian, a precious stone that was only on their planet and a battery that never ran out, which served to help many poor countries.
We got along great with the "red planet", but with Venus things were totally different.
As the planet was further away from the Venusians, communication was somewhat more complicated. The only way to contact was through a system similar to Morse code, where the messages were short and often reached the middle.
On one occasion, the leader of Earth sent a letter to the representative of Venus that said:
"We want to be your friends and destroy any bad relationship between us and your planet."
However, again the connections failed and Venus only arrived:
"We want to be your friends and destroy any bad relationship between us and your planet."
The Venusians were shocked when they saw the message and soon organized to defend themselves from the attack. They were convinced that they could defeat Earth, as their technology was far superior.
In fact, as was customary in their civilization, they sent a statement advising Earth that the Venusian leader would go to the "blue planet" to meet with his representative:
"On September 4, 2125, at 12 o'clock on Earth, our leader will land in Washington DC to sign an Act of War."
However, the White House never received that statement due to the happy connections, so at no point did they think that a war between planets had been declared.
The date arrived and the Venusians headed for Earth. After almost 50 hours of travel they entered the atmosphere, through the central tropics. At that moment, the dense ozone layer and unexpected storms caused the pilot of the spacecraft to lose his course and coordinates.
After regaining control and circling the planet several times, they landed where they thought the White House was.
They opened the hatch of the ship and the leader of the Venusians and his guards descended to the ground. They were surprised by the beauty of the place. Indeed everything was white, but they could not find the famous House. Something impossible, since they had landed their ship near Lapland, near Finland.
The silence of the place put them on alert, since they thought it could be a trap. Suddenly, there was a noise in the bushes and the guards pointed their powerful weapons. A dog appeared and timidly approached the visitors.
"Stop," said the Venusian leader in his tongue. -I am Makuly, being the most important of the planet Venus, can you understand us?
The dog, obviously, said nothing. I only smile.
"Are you the leader of this planet?" Makuly asked somewhat puzzled.
The dog began to wag its tail from side to side in joy. The Venusians didn't understand anything.
"We have spoken by interspatial code, I know you can understand us, why don't you answer?" The Venusian leader began to get angry.
"WOW!" Said the friendly canine.
"This is an offense to our people! Stop him, we are taking him hostage to our planet!" Makuly ordered his guard.
The dog offered no resistance and went with them so happy. The aliens started the ship and headed back to their planet thinking how to torture their hostage and how they would attack that strange planet.
Upon reaching Venus, they locked the puppy in a maximum security cell with two guards. Meanwhile, the Venusian military forces prepare a strategy to attack Earth.
However, weeks passed and the guards in the cell grew fond of the dog. Every time food was brought him, he wagged his tail, smiled at them, or licked their faces profusely.
They decided to free him and bring him back to the Makuly. They explained how noble and loving he was, which made the great leader think.
Soon, Makuly and the dog became great friends, prompting plans to attack Earth as planned to be canceled.
Meanwhile, on the blue planet, no one ever imagined that a dog would save the life of each and every one of the beings that lived there.
- MOYLAN, Tom. Scraps of the untainted sky: Science fiction, utopia, dystopia.
- KETTERER, David. New Worlds for Old: The Apocalyptic Imagination, Science Fiction, and American Literature.-. Indiana University Press, 1974.
- HOAGLAND, Ericka; SARWAL, Reema (ed.) Science fiction, imperialism and the Third World: Essays on postcolonial literature and film. McFarland, 2010.