- Participants in a debate
- Key features of the debate
- 1- It is informative
- 2- It is based on firm arguments
- 3- It is persuasive
- 4- It's neat
- 5- It is dynamic
- 6- It is representative
- 7- It is limited
- 8-
- 9- Seeks to clarify an issue
- 10-
- References
A debate is an activity where two or more opposing points of view are put forward, using valid arguments to convince an audience of the position being supported. Some of the most important characteristics of the debate are its informative function, its arguments and its persuasive capacity, among others.
Examples of debates are between co-workers trying to make a decision about what is best for the company, between politicians who debate which policies are the most appropriate, or between parents who discuss what is best for their children.
The debate is present among human beings since childhood. A child can debate with their parents about eating a candy or not, and a student can debate about which career to study.
In the school setting, discussions are dynamic tools for developing study topics and for practicing the art of public speaking. Two teams are formed.
Each of them prepares by gathering information to defend or attack a certain idea. First, the participants are evaluated by a jury and then by the teacher.
Political debate is very popular during election campaigns. Usually two candidates are presented, each with their proposals, which they defend through the presentation of reasons and benefits that justify them. The presidential debates of the United States are watched worldwide on television and many are especially remembered.
Participants in a debate
The participants of a debate are:
- A moderator, whose role is to enforce the established rules.
- Two teams defending opposing points of view.
- An audience.
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Key features of the debate
1- It is informative
In a discussion, comprehensive, fact-based information is presented so that the public is aware of all the details they need to know about the topic at hand.
It is also intended to educate viewers and help them create their own criteria in order to achieve a full and logical understanding of the facts.
The people who participate in the debate must master the subject in order to provide the audience with the concrete facts and sufficient evidence to support each of their positions on the subject.
It is not convenient that they only rely on their opinions and particular approaches, but rather that they be able to bring to the table principles, bases and other general aspects related to the matter to be debated.
2- It is based on firm arguments
Arguments are all those reasons that together explain, justify or refute an idea.
In a debate, the arguments presented should be logical, competent, relevant, and should be explained at length. They must also have a direct link or relationship with the subject being discussed.
The function of the arguments is to serve as a support to verify the claim that is made, which is why they must be explained clearly to ensure that the audience understands them perfectly.
It should be noted that a debate is not a discussion, as it is supported by verifiable facts.
3- It is persuasive
One of the objectives of people who participate in a debate is to convince as many people as possible of the position or vision that they have on the subject.
In the debate, a thought or opinion is promoted, so it is necessary that the participants present each of their arguments effectively and intelligently.
Political debates between different candidates for popularly elected positions are common. Obviously, the idea is to persuade the largest number of voters to lean towards the option that each represents.
On the other hand, it is important to establish a relationship of empathy with the audience and in some way help them understand each of the points explained.
4- It's neat
A debate is governed by a series of strict rules. The moderator of the debate is in charge of enforcing these rules, which have been established in advance and are known to the participants.
The rules govern the conduct of those who participate in the debate; the time each speaker can present their ideas or the methodology with which the information should be presented, among other aspects.
5- It is dynamic
In a debate, two opposing views about a given topic are exposed, each one represented by a team.
The development of the debate is dynamic because the important points are questioned by one and answered by the other, many times during the presentation of an idea.
This dynamic must be in accordance with the previously established rules. In each response from one team to the other, there must be precision, avoiding rambling or talking about topics that are not related to the questioning made.
6- It is representative
The nature of the debate is, as already mentioned, to give space to two antagonistic points of view so that they expose to an audience a series of facts and theories that support their vision.
It is representative because the audience identifies with one of the two positions, feeling incorporated in a certain way to the activity. The participants in the debate are also the voice of all those who share the same ideals and opinions.
7- It is limited
The debate has a time limit established for each intervention of the participants. For this reason, it is necessary that the ideas be presented in a concise and clear way to take advantage of the time allotted. The moderator is responsible for controlling this variable.
One of the definitions of debate includes the following words: “It is a competition (a challenge, a challenge) between two antagonists, in which, unlike what happens in a simple discussion, there is a third party (a judge, a audience) whose approval the two contenders seek. " (Cattani, 2003).
The participants of the debate seek to win, that is, to convince the audience that their ideas are better supported, so there is an environment of competition with the opposite option.
9- Seeks to clarify an issue
Given the large amount of information, facts, and other data presented in a debate, it is almost a consequence that the topic, in general terms, is clear enough for the audience.
A debate should always end with a closing that allows the audience to create their own criteria and, probably, decide to support one or the other option.
Each team should present their own synthesis in a way that makes it easier for the audience to remember the most important points that were discussed.
- Fleming, G. (2016). ThoughtCo: What Is a Debate? Recovered from: thoughtco.com.
- Cattani, A. (2003). The uses of rhetoric. Madrid, Essay Alliance.
- Sánchez, G. The debate in the classroom as a learning and evaluation tool. Madrid, ICADE Comillas Pontifical University of Madrid.
- Characteristics of Debate. Recovered from: parliamentarydebate.blogspot.com.
- Characteristics of Debate, Dialogue and Deliberation Table. Recovered from: ncdd.org.