- Elaboration of a double entry table
- List of examples of double entry boxes
- 1- Children in sports classes
- 2- Student report card
- 3- Vertebrate animals of nature
- 4- Professions exercised according to sex in a population sample
- 5- Techniques learned in the training process
A double-entry table or double-entry matrix is a table that helps organize and match knowledge. They serve to be able to contrast several elements referring to the same topic.
Thanks to this system, certain information can be systematized in horizontal and vertical columns. These columns are used to describe and relate the information collected to the information that is to be illustrated in the table.
Example of a double entry table between distance and online education
The number of columns in the table can vary; the important thing is that a comparison between the different elements of the same can be achieved.
The double-entry box must have both columns and rows; this means that the information must be diagrammed both horizontally and vertically. The columns and rows must refer to a particular definition, this means that they must symbolize some important piece of information such as an idea or some concept.
The main characteristic of this type of matrix is that the elements can be crossed with each other, in order to form cells where the information to be illustrated will be located.
Through the double entry box, the information can be compared in a system that is gridded. Arrays can have two or more columns, depending on the subject and the author.
Elaboration of a double entry table
Double entry table with differences and similarities between preschool and primary school
Before making a table, the information that will be placed in it must be very clear. For that reason, it is important to inform yourself and read the relevant information. In this way, it will be possible to discern which variables and elements will be placed in the double entry box.
It is also important to emphasize that the best way to distribute the matrix data must be found in order to reach a greater understanding and analysis.
To build a double entry table, you must first select which variable will be placed in the top horizontal row. On the other hand, in the column on the left side and vertically, each of the variables will be placed, describing the values.
Later, a path must be drawn to create a grid. These lines must create divisions, so that the comparison between the different variables can be created.
The idea is to observe when the variables are when they coincide in the same table. For this reason, these matrices have the ability to serve as great models of analysis and serve a great purpose in statistical studies.
List of examples of double entry boxes
1- Children in sports classes
Thanks to this table, several questions related to this topic can be quickly analyzed and answered.
For example, you can find out the total number of children, how many sports are played, how many children play basketball, how many play baseball, and how many play soccer.
You can also answer which is the least practiced sport and which is the most practiced sport by children.
You can also find out who are the children who play basketball, who play baseball and who play soccer.
2- Student report card
Many of the report cards that are given to parents in schools are an example of double entry boxes. In this case, the first row is dedicated to the ratings or ratings: Very good, good, enough and needs improvement.
On the other hand, in the column you can see the different classes of the school, in this case they include: Language, mathematics, social sciences and natural sciences.
In this way it is possible to read the table and observe that the student's best subjects are language and mathematics, followed by social studies. According to the table, natural science would be the student's worst subject.
3- Vertebrate animals of nature
In this double entry table on vertebrate animals, a comparison can be made between the different types and characteristics of these animals.
For example, in the row you can find the different animals to be compared; in this case they are fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.
Their characteristics appear in the column, here they would be: how their body is covered, respiration, circulation, heart, way of life, reproduction, locomotion and photos of the animals.
In this way it is easy to make a comparison on the different characteristics of vertebrate animals.
For example, it can be observed that birds, reptiles, and amphibians are oviparous. While mammals are viviparous and fish can be both oviparous and ovoviviparous.
It can also be easily seen that mammals, birds, and reptiles all have lung respiration; while fish breathe through the gills and amphibians breathe through the skin, gills and lungs.
4- Professions exercised according to sex in a population sample
In this table of professions classified according to the sex of the people who exercise them, you can see the number of men and women who have certain professions.
It is possible to know that in this sample of the population in this particular region, there are five policewomen and six policemen.
In contrast, there are four male firefighters against three female firefighters. Finally, it can be seen that there are six women in the military profession, in contrast to only two men in the military area.
5- Techniques learned in the training process
This double entry table covers the techniques that have been learned during a training process. The number of sessions, technique used, advantages, disadvantages and learnings are documented.
Thanks to this collection of information, the two-entry table ends up being quite useful when creating statistics in certain investigations.
For this reason, they are often widely used in the statistical area and in research studies.