- Protocooperation and mutualism
- Examples of protocol cooperation
- 1- insects and flowers
- 2- Birds and mammals
- 3- The birds and the flowers
- 4 - Proto-cooperation relationships between fish
- 5- Ants and aphids
- 6- The sea anemone and the hermit crab
- 7- Mycorrhizae and plants
- References
The protocooperation is mutualistic relationship that when two bodies interact to obtain benefits. Protocooperative relationships can occur between individuals of different species and different kingdoms. For example, when a sparrow eats the seed of a tree and defecates it within hours, it is helping the dispersal of the seeds.
In protocooperative relationships, individuals are not obliged to establish ties, they can survive without the help of the other; however, they do it because it is beneficial to both of them.
Protocooperation of birds and buffaloes.
At this point, protocooperation is opposed to symbiosis, a relationship in which individuals depend on each other, so much so that the absence of one means the death of the other.
In nature, we are surrounded by samples of protocooperation. One of the most representative examples of this type of relationship is the one that occurs between soil bacteria and the vegetation that grows on it.
Neither bacteria need plants nor plants need bacteria; However, this relationship benefits both: plants get nutrients produced by bacteria and bacteria get matter to break down.
The example explained above occurs in all soils that are fertile, which shows that there is proto-cooperation almost anywhere.
Protocooperation and mutualism
Mutualism is a relationship that occurs between two species. These relationships can be of two types: symbiotic (when the established relationship guarantees the survival of at least one of the two individuals) and non-symbiotic (when the relationship is not mandatory, but optional).
Protocooperation belongs to this last group, since the two individuals do not depend on each other to survive, but rather establish a relationship because it generates benefits for both.
On the left, proto-cooperation. On the right, parasitism. / Photo retrieved from geobotany.uaf.edu.
In the image above, two groups of trees are shown joined by root grafts.
When the two organisms involved are roughly the same size, they can exchange hormones, food, and other nutrients, which is beneficial to both.
Examples of protocol cooperation
1- insects and flowers
There are a wide variety of insects, such as bees, bumblebees and butterflies, that feed on the nectar of flowers.
When approaching these flowers to extract nectar, the body of insects becomes impregnated with pollen, which they transport to other flowers, favoring cross-pollination.
In this protocooperative relationship, the plant reproduces while the insect feeds.
Neither of the two organisms depends on this relationship to survive, since the plant could reproduce thanks to the action of the wind that also carries its pollen and the insect could feed on other substances.
2- Birds and mammals
Some birds, such as oxpeckers, perch on large mammals (buffaloes, antelopes, giraffes and rhinos) and feed on the unwanted parasites of these animals (such as ticks, fleas, among others).
In this proto-cooperative relationship, the birds obtain transport while the mammal remains healthy thanks to the eradication of parasites.
Some oxpeckers are also known to sing an alarm signal when their mammal is in distress, allowing other animals to come and help them.
3- The birds and the flowers
As with insects, certain birds, such as the hummingbird, feed on the nectar of flowers, impregnating themselves with pollen, which they then transport to other plants.
4 - Proto-cooperation relationships between fish
There is a group of fish called "cleaner fish", because they are responsible for cleaning other fish, called clients.
Cleaners are usually smaller animals so they can get into tight spaces (like other fish's mouths). In addition, cleaners often focus on reefs that clients go to for cleaning services.
In this proto-cooperative relationship, cleaner fish feed on parasites, dead tissue and damaged skin tissue from clients. For their part, customers stay healthy thanks to cleaning.
An example of this are pilot fish (Naucrates ducto r). These fish usually accompany the sharks, feeding on the parasites and the remains of food that the shark leaves behind. Some sharks even allow the pilot fish to enter their mouths to clean it.
Sharks rarely feed on pilot fish, so these are safe with the shark.
5- Ants and aphids
The aphids feed on the sage of the plants by opening holes in the leaves of these. The ants, instead of eating the aphids, stimulate them with their antennae to secrete a substance called "honeydew", which is nutritious for the ants.
In exchange for food, the ant protects the aphid from predators, takes it to fresh leaves when the leaves on which it was feeding are already dry and protects it from the rain.
Some biologists even claim that ants maintain a "herd" of aphids that they "milk" when they need food.
The relationship between the ant and the aphid is beneficial for both, but can cause the death of the plant.
6- The sea anemone and the hermit crab
The sea anemone (Adamsia) sticks to the shell of the crab (Eupagurus) and this transports the anemone to areas where it can feed and, in return, the anemone protects and provides food for the crab.
7- Mycorrhizae and plants
On the left, endomycorrhizae (internal). Right, ectomycorrhizae (external) / Photo retrieved from mhhe.com.
Mycorrhizae with associations between fungi and the roots of vascular plants. Mycorrhizae extend the absorption field of the roots and increase the amount of nutrients absorbed by the plant, such as zinc, copper and phosphorus. For its part, the plant provides carbon to the fungus.
- Protocooperation. Retrieved on June 7, 2017, from oxfordreference.com.
- Lesson 10: Species Interactions. Retrieved on June 7, 2017, from geobotany.uaf.edu.
- Protocooperation. Retrieved on June 7, 2017, from en.wikipedia.org.
- Protocooperation. Retrieved on June 7, 2017, from merriam-webster.com.
- What is protocooperation? Retrieved on June 7, 2017, from coolinterview.com.
- Mutualism. Retrieved on June 7, 2017, from mcdaniel.edu.
- Fungi. Retrieved on June 7, 2017, from mhhe.com.