- Main features
- The argumentative interaction
- The 3 f
- 1- Critical phase
- 2- Assessment phase
- 3- Reconstructive phase
- References
The argumentative cycle is a process of logical argumentation that is used in the defense or discussion of an issue. The beginning of this cycle is in the assumption of a premise. In its last phase the conclusion is established.
The purpose of argumentation is to give the facts necessary to prove or disprove a premise or thesis.
Argument logic is commonly used by legal law, since it is related to both argumentation and rhetoric. The plot cycle is part of this plot logic.
A style of narrative structure is also known as a plot cycle. This consists of three parts. First is the introduction, in which the characters and the conflict are introduced.
Second is the knot, in which most of the events unfold. Finally there is the denouement, in which all the plots conclude.
Main features
It is a cycle of indeterminate repetition; that is, the end of one cycle is the beginning of the next.
This is because the conclusions of one cycle may very well be the arguments that are questioned at the beginning of the next.
In the plot cycle, a presumption of an act or circumstance is made, which is later proven or refuted. Therefore, the story cycle is a bridge between an idea and the verification of it.
To reach a conclusion, tools such as contrast, prediction and explanation are used.
It is also important that the evaluations in the process are objective, so that subjectivity does not cloud the results.
The argumentative interaction
Unlike the plot cycle, the argumentative interaction is another type of plot structure of a linear nature.
While the cycle is based on the repetition of the same structure, the argumentative interaction is based on the progressive advance of the arguments.
The 3 f
1- Critical phase
The critical phase is the initial one, in which the discomforts that will be the objective of the process arise. Here the object of study is chosen and diagnosed.
The most important thing in this phase is questioning. Since the cycle is the response of an ideological disagreement, the ability to question becomes a great tool at this point in the logical line.
2- Assessment phase
Questioning a belief or idea cannot be capricious. When the need to argue to support the questioning arises, it is because the evaluative phase has been reached. In this, valid antecedents and foundations are investigated.
In this phase it is important to get solid and reliable sources, since these will be the support for the idea being defended.
3- Reconstructive phase
From the information collected, the third phase is put together: the reconstructive one. In this, the necessary knowledge is collected and grouped to build an idea that can face later questions.
This same final idea is the one that will then start a subsequent plot cycle, which leads it to be questioned and possibly refuted.
- Break the argumentative cycle once and for all. (2008) dumblittleman.com
- Logical plot cycle. (2016) gvanessatafolla.wixsite.com
- Elements, forms and situations of argumentation. (2006) educarchile.cl
- Plot cycle. logicac8.blogspot.com
- Carlos Pereda and the plot culture. (2010) scielo.org.mx