The jingoism or chauvinism is a thought devoid of rationality, through emotional exacerbation, seeks to create a nationalist, illogical and self - centered fanaticism over those characteristic elements of a country or region.
It is a form of mass manipulation that seeks to create a collective identity in which extreme nationalism reigns supreme and moves every fiber of individuals, to a maximum point of selfishness, misnamed patriots, which can be defended even with blood if it is necessary.
Chauvinism is an irrational thought that exaggerates nationalism. Source:
It is a term coined as a result of the legend of that heroic French soldier named Nicolás Chauvin, who fought under Napoleon's orders defending his nation with pride, courage and passion, even at the cost of his own life.
- The main characteristic of chauvinism is the permanent intention to show that one's nation is the best. This notion endures and prevails above all things, making everything else irrelevant.
- Permanently praise one's own culture, denigrating others and disparaging other countries and races.
- An emotional pathological attachment is produced in all areas of the national, both territorially and in the various idiosyncratic elements of culture.
- He always seeks to favor his peers, regardless of whether they are good, bad or on the constructive side of circumstances.
- The chauvinist will instinctively and frantically defend the environment where he lives because it is the place that gives him security, without giving importance to the conditions in which he finds himself.
- It also tends to blame other countries or other regions, governments and peoples for the shortcomings and impossibilities of generating internal development, in addition to expressing external persecutory manias.
Try to stop us. Via: The Simpsons
Around the year 1780 was the time when Nicolas Chouvin was born in Rockefort, who years later joined Napoleon's army, distinguishing himself by his services and by his extreme fidelity, devotion and loyalty to his government.
Legend has it that this soldier suffered injuries, mutilations and disfigurements that led him to fight to the death in the name of his country and in the name of Napoleon.
This exacerbated admiration and patriotism, served as inspiration to write many works in which the word chauvinism originated and used.
Chauvinism was born as a romantic existence of the idiosyncrasy of each ethnic group, race, people, region or nation, whose unique and independent character had to be assumed by its individuals with an indomitable spirit, capable of being at the service of their ideals above all else. reason.
It has also been established that the main cause of chauvinism has originated from false arguments that have historically served to persuade the population, producing exacerbated feelings, whether egocentric or victimizing.
After the Second World War, chauvinism was reduced to morally reprehensible political practices. Today these practices have continued to occur in countries with predominantly totalitarian, economically depressed and underdeveloped regimes.
Original phrase: "Our people are not perfect but our culture is superior to others." Survey conducted by PewGlobal (PEW RESEARCH CENTER), updated 02/29/12.
Chauvinism can generate irrational behaviors that lead to extreme and radical attitudes, such as social and individual exclusion according to race (racial discrimination), xenophobia and other resentments that are evidenced in the rejection of others, who are seen as a threat to their nation.
These segregationist expressions have produced throughout history civil wars, terrorist attacks, persecutions, torture and even the systematic annihilation of people within the same territory or country.
It usually produces a national isolation disguised as sovereignty, which facilitates submission and oppression by the president. In addition, it can also provoke internal strife and resentment among distant sectors and anti-chauvinism, conveniently classified as stateless.
Chauvinism and patriotism
While it is true that both chauvinism and patriotism inspire sacrifice for the homeland, this element is expressed differently in each.
Patriotism professes a sacrifice in favor of all and not to take personal advantage, belittling social life as it happens in chauvinism or ultra-nationalism.
The patriot does not see traitors and enemies, he does not victimize himself before the weaknesses of his people but assumes them as battles that must be overcome in the internal sphere. Patriotism does not profess to love the country by accepting and defending what is wrong, but by promoting the effort to perfect what is susceptible to improvement.
The patriot feels a just patriotic pride; the chauvinist always displays superb nationalism.
Patriotism assumes its sovereignty as freedom and independence in all its forms, based on the maturity of its capabilities and potential as a nation. Chauvinism ignores injustice, corruption and discrimination, which are the main enemies of this false sovereignty that they falsely proclaim.
Chauvinism can be seen as part of an ultra-nationalist ideology that has nothing to do with social justice, nor with balance, morality or peace, because it is based on low feelings of contempt for others. Their blindness is evidenced in the total inability to improve as a society and as a nation.
Patriotism pursues a more just love for the country, integrity, human dignity, conscience, love and respect for neighboring brothers and sisters and for equal rights for all, even beyond borders.
Among the clear examples of chauvinism we can locate the statements of many rulers referring to the United States as the best country in the world and their constant military actions, which they define as defense actions against aggressions from other countries.
Another example from contemporary history was the chauvinism employed by Adolf Hitler in Germany, who argued that the Aryan race should be the only one in the country and, justifying his ultra-nationalism, murdered around 6 million Jews.
More recently, a kind of return to these jingoistic and chauvinistic practices is framed in some Latin American countries such as Bolivia, Nicaragua, Mexico and Venezuela.
In these cases, discourses loaded with pride are used and an absence of integrity governments is evident. There are profound social injustices, and contempt and hatred are expressed towards other nations that have nothing to do with the economic and cultural impoverishment of the country in question.
- Joignant Alfredo. "Chauvinism" at the UDP Social Research Institute. Retrieved on February 12, 2019 from the UDP Social Research Institute:
- Olive Ilka. "Fanatics of chauvinism" in Latin American Summary. Retrieved on February 12, 2019 from Latin American Summary:
- Tavares, Juan T. “Patriotism, nationalism, chauvinism… jingoism” in Accent. Retrieved on February 12, 2019 from Acento:
- "Chauvinism" in Euston. Retrieved on February 12, 2019 from Euston:
- "Chauvinism" in Wikipedia. Retrieved on February 14, 2019 from Wikipedia: