- Reasons for the importance of biodiversity
- 1 - Dependence Between Species
- 2 - Nitrogen Fixation in Soil
- 3 - Importance for Science and Engineering
- 4 - Human Use and Biological Interest
- 5 - Water and Air Cleaning
- 6 - Disaster Prevention
- 7 - Food Source
- 8 - Others
- References
It is important to take care of biodiversity because it is essential for the permanence of life on Earth. Biodiversity is the result of millions of years of evolution of the planet, which has resulted in the development and survival of numerous species, including the human race.
It is important to note that biodiversity is called the number of plants, animals, and microorganisms that inhabit the different ecosystems of the planet, such as deserts, tropical forests and reefs, among others.
In other words, biodiversity refers to all forms of life that coexist within planet Earth.
The existence and sustainability of the different ecosystems on Earth depend on biodiversity. In this way, it is understood that each form of life that inhabits the planet must be protected, since regardless of its size it plays a fundamental role for the sustainable preservation of life.
On the other hand, it is important for humans to take care of biodiversity, since it benefits enormously from it. In this way, if there is a greater variety of plants, it will be possible to grow more types of food.
If ecosystems are stable, natural disasters or environmental crises will be less likely (Website, 2017).
Reasons for the importance of biodiversity
1 - Dependence Between Species
Although natural selection indicates that only the strongest survive, in reality the existence of all species is interrelated.
All species depend on the action and work of other life forms in order to survive. This phenomenon is known as cooperation for mutual survival.
In the event that a species is missing within this relationship of mutual cooperation, the ecosystem would become unbalanced, leading to greater environmental catastrophes.
2 - Nitrogen Fixation in Soil
The relationship between bacteria, plants, and soil is known as the nitrogen cycle.
This process is essential for the conservation of the planet's biosphere in an optimal state, therefore, it is essential for the presence of life on earth.
The nitrogen cycle involves the participation of multiple organisms. In the event that any of these organisms were to be missing, the cycle would be dramatically altered, consequently affecting the formation and existence of other life forms outside the cycle.
Today, thanks to industrialized agricultural techniques, the natural nitrogen cycle is altered.
In this way, many forms of life are annihilated and the natural balance of ecosystems is altered.
3 - Importance for Science and Engineering
For many years scientists have observed nature to determine how species work and what their cycle of production and consumption of resources looks like.
In this way, science has sought ways to copy the behavior and mechanisms found in nature, since these are the result of millions of years of evolution.
An example of this can be the production of spider silk, which has a higher tensile strength than certain metal alloys devised by man, despite the fact that it is made only of proteins.
In this way, biologists analyze these processes more deeply to determine if it is possible to reproduce these types of phenomena on a human scale.
4 - Human Use and Biological Interest
Many people support environmental causes in favor of conserving the beauty of nature, however, the main reason why the care of biodiversity should be promoted goes beyond these reasons.
The earth has been defined as a great living organism or system that is only possible thanks to the interdependence between the nature of all species.
This is how many scientists have determined that ecological balance and biodiversity are crucial for the existence of the Earth and human life.
5 - Water and Air Cleaning
When biodiversity is protected, the animal and plant species responsible for filtering and cleaning water resources can live fully.
In this way, a balance is maintained where all the species that require water to survive can do so.
On the other hand, air purification is only possible thanks to the action of the different types of plants and bacteria that coexist within ecosystems.
Should biodiversity be affected, air purification will become more difficult.
6 - Disaster Prevention
The protection of biodiversity contributes to the stabilization of the different ecosystems of the world.
When ecosystems are in optimal condition, environmental reactions, such as natural disasters, are less likely.
7 - Food Source
A healthy biodiversity offers multiple services to all species in the world. A greater number of plant species will make it possible to grow various food sources.
It will also make possible the development of other forms of life whose existence depends on the consumption of the different types of cultivated plants.
This principle operates in the same way for all species, since those that consume meat can only survive when their prey can reproduce and grow successfully.
8 - Others
Other reasons why it is important to take care of the ecosystem are listed below:
- Formation and protection of soils.
- Production and storage of nutrients.
- Contribution to the stabilization of the climate.
- Maintenance of ecosystems.
- Recovery from unpredictable events.
- Production of biological resources such as food.
- Production of resources necessary for the pharmaceutical industry.
- Preservation of cultural values.
- Contribution to research, education and monitoring of nature.
- Diversification of natural resources.
- Prolongation of the existence of life in time.
- Production of resources necessary for human consumption.
When biological resources are destroyed, their recovery is slow and costly. Therefore, caring for biodiversity is a strategic way to avoid further complications and prevent the extinction of species that may be essential for the existence of other forms of life on the planet.
- (July 16, 2016). Agriculturers. Obtained from Know the Importance of the Nitrogen Cycle: agriculturers.com
- (October 2010). Cohabinitiative. Retrieved from The Importance of Biodivercity to Human Health: cbd.int
- Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government. (2007). Retrieved from Why is Biodiversity Important ?: noticenature.ie
- Shah, A. (January 19, 2014). Global Issues. Obtained from Why Is Biodiversity Important? Who Cares ?: globalissues.org
- Website, QB (2017). Theory of Biodivercity. Obtained from Importance of Biodivercity: