- Characteristics of the executive branch
- Republic
- Democracy
- One-person system
- Parliamentary system
- Functions of the executive branch
- Powers of the executive branch
- Attributions in the monarchical system
- Other faculties
- Who makes up the executive branch? Members
- President
- Vice president
- Prime Minister
- Executive branch in Mexico
- Executive branch in Argentina
- Executive branch in Peru
- Executive branch in Colombia
- References
The executive branch is the fundamental political base of a country and is represented by the president or prime minister. Likewise, together with the legislative power and the judiciary, it is responsible for creating and approving the laws that direct a nation.
This division of power can be carried out in both republican and monarchical countries. In democratic governments, the main figure is the president, who is elected by popular vote. After assuming office, the vice president is selected, who can replace the leader in emergency situations.
The executive branch is the fundamental political base of a country and is represented by the president. Source: pixabay.com
Similarly, the president decides who will be responsible for enforcing the laws and distinguishes the people who will govern the department of justice. In the same way, it appoints the ministers, mayors, governors and deputies.
On the other hand, in the monarchical system the decrees are usually approved by the prime minister, a politician who is chosen by the parliament. It should be noted that this body is established through the decision of the people.
The most important responsibilities of the executive branch are to guarantee the daily well-being of the population and the enforcement of regulations. The mandate of these leaders ends when the next elections are held. However, it can also be terminated by a congressional demand, due to resignation or death.
Characteristics of the executive branch
The executive branch is the support of some governments and has numerous qualities that allow compliance with constitutional laws. Although it is different in most nations, it has evolved over time. Among its fundamental aspects, the following can be highlighted:
- Its main representative is the president or prime minister.
- In almost all Latin American nations, this system is one-man.
- It is also a parliamentary process, as seen in various states of Europe.
- In most cases, the executive cannot be a foreigner.
- The mandate of the rulers lasts from four to six years, depending on what is established in the regulations. If the period is extended, it is not considered a democracy or a fair system.
- In international affairs, the leader is the representative of his country.
- In republican governments, the separation of powers is an essential aspect since it allows the balance of the nation.
Mexico is a republic
It is a state system where the main authorities are elected by popular elections or by parliament. The common interest of the voters is equality and justice. In addition, the presentation of decrees that help organize the country is requested.
A fundamental aspect of this regime is the division of the three representative powers. The executive, which is exercised by the leader; the legislative, whose function is to regulate and establish the rules of a nation; finally, there is the judicial, which administers justice.
Within the republic there may be different forms of government, such as liberal, monarchical and oligarchic.
In this form of government, the power of the people prevails. People have the right to vote and select the authorities who will represent them in the future. This system is relevant because the decisions of the population will contribute to national harmony. However, so that a mandate does not become repetitive, elections must be held sporadically.
A primary feature of this political process is that it promotes respect for human rights, the most important of which is freedom of expression. Now, it is convenient to highlight that democracy can manifest itself in two ways, either as a one-person or parliamentary practice.
One-person system
It is a mode of government exercised by a single authority. Generally, the office is assumed by the executive and - only if necessary - the vice president cooperates with the order. The other authorities are subject to the decrees of the national president.
As with the election for the presidential office, the inhabitants are the ones who select the right person to occupy the second government seat. After these two politicians take office, they must focus on cabinet formation.
This system is the one that predominates in South America; but the function of the rulers is usually different in each country due to constitutional decrees.
Parliamentary system
In this modality –which is carried out in monarchical countries– the members of parliament are responsible for executive and legislative decisions. Therefore, the nation is governed by the chamber, whose members focus on creating and passing laws, as well as executing administrative programs.
The highest representative is the prime minister; although the head of state continues to be the king, who is subject to the norms designated by the parliamentary members. This political system stands out for being one of the oldest. It is currently practiced in several states in Europe and Africa; but it is also found in India and Canada.
Functions of the executive branch
National Palace, seat of the executive power in Mexico. Source: wikimedia commons. Author: Reinhard Jahn, Mannheim
Since it was forged, the executive branch has had numerous variations. This is because the governmental structure changes every time the constitution changes; book where the relationship between the rulers and the population is detailed.
This regulation is drawn up in Congress and seeks to define the duration of the president and the positions held by the men who run the country. In addition, this text describes the functions of the executive branch, which are usually similar in monarchical and democratic systems.
Now, among the functions of this power are:
- It focuses on leading the government's own actions. That is to say, the president or the prime minister tries that the State is prosperous and just.
- Seeks to preserve the welfare of the nation through compliance with the rules.
- It is not in charge of creating laws, since it is the work of the legislative power. However, he is the one who approves and enforces them on a daily basis.
- Designs economic plans with the purpose of progressing the state territory.
- Prepares commissions to be assumed by the municipal leader.
- Protects national and international borders to guarantee the peace of the country.
- Establishes social, cultural and health projects for the development of the population.
- Inform the people about the new codes that will be applied in society. This action is carried out through the media.
- He's the delegate on foreign affairs.
Powers of the executive branch
Palacio de Nariño, residence of the President of Colombia. Juanjo70000
Beyond the power of the president and vice president in democratic government, both have particular tasks. These activities are described in the legal text and are governed by law. The head of government is responsible for recognizing and executing the established regulations; likewise, he must obey all approved standards.
Instead, the vice president must follow the orders decreed by the executive; but you have to make sure they are legal, which is why you should memorize the constitutional articles. Another of its functions is to prepare the new members of the assembly.
In this way, it is observed that the executive power is the center of the governmental body, since it is not only in charge of socioeconomic institutions, but also seeks to establish a military force that guarantees the stability of the inhabitants.
Attributions in the monarchical system
Following the advice of senators and deputies, the prime minister focuses on state administration. One of its main objectives is for society to maintain economic and political balance. For this reason, it establishes numerous regulations and instructions in order that the constitutional articles are obeyed.
In monarchical towns, the executive power cannot issue limited or absolute sentences. Said right can only be exercised on drastic occasions and if it is to remove some general rule; the fundamental thing is that it does not intervene in criminal matters, since that is the task of the legislative institution.
Other faculties
- It can decree the country in a state of war; a fact that occurs when armed civil movements have arisen or if threats have been received from abroad.
- It has the power to dismiss officials who have betrayed the nation, a process that is carried out only when there is accurate evidence.
- Has the consent to intervene in the Supreme Court of Justice and to erect several parliaments.
Who makes up the executive branch? Members
Casa Rosada in Buenos Aires, seat of the executive branch. Dragan
The executive branch is made up of two main figures in some South American political systems: the president and the vice president; although in certain states of Europe and Africa the primary voice is that of the prime minister and can be completed by senators and deputies, who assume the role of advisers.
Each member exercises a specific role, which is designated by legal codes. The members of the government take an oath before the people where they accept the conditions of their position and the fulfillment of their duties.
In certain nations, the primary condition of a president is to be a native of the country he will govern. This may vary according to the laws of each territory; he must also possess the highest military rank and lead the soldiers.
Once elected, he lives in the presidential house and his duty is to promote the development of the nation. Together with the legislative power, the leader establishes the norms that all citizens must comply with.
Vice president
If the president withdraws from his duties, the vice president's duty is to assume territorial control. Therefore, this official is the immediate replacement of the first president. Likewise, he can replace the leader in special affairs outside the country.
For this event to be accepted, both governors have to sign a treaty. According to the law, the term of the vice presidency is the same as that of the official executive.
Prime Minister
The politician who is elected by the members of the legislative chamber to be the voice of the people is called prime minister. This governmental figure must stand out for his intelligence, oratory and good attitude since he will be the face of all the inhabitants. However, the role of this leader should not be confused with that of the king.
While the monarch has the final decision on state regulations, the prime minister represents the country internationally.
Executive branch in Mexico
In Mexico, the Supreme Power of the Federation is divided into three: executive, legislative and judicial. The representatives of the executive body are the president, vice president and the various groups that make up the parliament.
The leader is elected every six years and the inhabitants who are of legal age participate in the voting. In this State, the reelection of any of the officials is not allowed. The executive's job is:
- Regulate the regulations of the constitution.
- Organize the army.
- Sign commercial exchange agreements in order for society to evolve.
Within this institution, the role of the Congress of the Union is important, since it selects ministers and diplomats. These appointments must be confirmed by the Senate.
Executive branch in Argentina
In Argentina, the executive branch is led by the president and the vice president; leaders who are elected every four years in a popular voting process, where citizens who are over eighteen years old and who are natives of a national region intervene.
After taking office, the leader focuses on appointing governors to maintain order in the provinces. In addition, it focuses on:
- Review the laws drafted by the legislature.
- Appoint the members of the Chamber of Senators.
- Creates, accepts and corrects national and international treaties in order to guarantee stability and peace during his government.
- Proposes the creation of humanistic academies to expand cultural development.
Executive branch in Peru
In most cases, the president is selected by popular vote. Source: pixabay.com
In this country, the executive branch is made up of the president and two vice-presidents. As a whole, twenty-four states and the constitutional municipality govern. The elections to choose these leaders are held over the course of five years and during the election process the foreign population does not intervene.
A fundamental aspect is that the leader exercises his office one hour after having won and among his tasks the following stand out:
- Develop state codes and monitor that residents obey the rules.
- Constantly participates in congress to establish measures that favor the economy.
- Seeks to restrict population growth, which is why the nation seeks to limit the entry of immigrants.
- In an emergency, he has absolute command over the military forces.
Executive branch in Colombia
In the republic of Colombia, the president is known as the head of state; while the executive power is represented by governments, mayors and ministries. This body was created with the objective of safeguarding the safety of citizens; but its exercise has been spreading. That is why its mission today is:
- Protect the nation from international powers.
- You can decree a state of war with notification of the Senate.
- He is the supreme commander of the armed forces.
- Inspect private work and look for a way to avoid fraud.
- It focuses on continuously modifying the structures of the mayors.
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