- General data on the population of the Andean region
- Statistics and projections for this region
- References
The population of the Andean region of Colombia is about 28,863,217 inhabitants, its main cities being Bogotá, Medellín, Cali, Bucaramanga and Manizales.
In the Andean region are the most populated cities in Colombia, in what is usually called the golden triangle: Bogotá, Medellín and Cali. Of the 46 million inhabitants that Colombia has, at least 52 percent reside in that region.
Colombia is the fourth most populous country in America, after the United States, Mexico and Canada. It also represents the third country with the most Spanish speakers in the world.
The Andean region is located in the center of Colombia and is divided into three mountain ranges called Central, Occidental and Oriental.
In this area, the most important economic activities and the main sources of income and employment in the country are concentrated.
General data on the population of the Andean region
The most populated cities in Colombia Bogotá, Medellín and Cali were founded by the Spanish conquerors taking into account existing indigenous settlements.
Although the Colombian territory is extensive, the selection of the foundation of the most important cities in the Andean region could be linked to the friendliness of the geography of the area, with its pleasant valleys, and its cool temperature that ranges between 12º and 17º C.
The Colombian population today is constituted as a mixture of indigenous, black and European traits.
Also based on the latest statistics, it was determined that there is a significant percentage of residents of the Middle East, but in smaller numbers, in the Andean region.
The figures of the ethnic groups reveal that 48 percent of the population is mestizo, 38 percent is white, Afro-descendants occupy 10 percent, and indigenous people a little more than 3 percent.
To be more precise, the analyzes of the Institute of Genetics of the National University confirmed from the study of more than 50 thousand individuals that the average Colombian has 70 percent of European genes, 20 percent of Amerindian traits and 10 percent of African genes.
Demographic movements in Colombia are studied by the Department of Statistics of that country, known by its acronym DANE.
According to their analysis, most of the population resides in the Andean area and according to the Human Development Index, the most important cities are ranked 91 in terms of level of development.
Life expectancy for the inhabitants of the Andean region of Colombia is 75 years. Infant mortality is around 15 children for every 1000 newborns.
Statistics and projections for this region
- 50.78 percent of the population of this region is female and 49.22 percent male.
-59.49 percent of Colombian Andeans are born in Bogotá.
- The most populated city in the Andean region for 2017 will be Bogotá with 8,080,734 according to DANE projections.
- The unemployment rate for August 2017 was 9.1 percent
- 28.5 percent of the inhabitants of Bogotá, the most populous city in the Andean region, live in poverty, earning less than $ 2 a day.
- Munrad, R. (2003). Study on the spatial distribution of the population in Colombia. New York: United Nations. Retrieved on October 23, 2017 from: books.google.es
- Duque, C. (2005). Territories and imaginaries between urban places. Identity and region processes in cities of the Colombian Andes. Bogotá: University of Caldas. Retrieved on October 23, 2017 from: books.google.es
- Borsdorf, A; Stadel, C. (2015). The Andes. A Geographical Portrail. Switzerland: Austral. Retrieved on October 23, 2017 from: books.google.es
- Seven customs of Colombia. Retrieved on October 23, 2017 from: viajesla.com.co
- Population of Colombia. Retrieved on October 23, 2017 from: datosmacro.com