- Colima population data and statistics
- Demography
- Socioeconomic situation
- Ethnicity and religion
- Religion
- References
The population of Colima is the least numerous of all the states of Mexico. By mid-2017 it had 747 thousand inhabitants, more than 50 thousand inhabitants less than the second least populated state, Baja California Sur.
Currently Colima is one of the states with the highest poverty in the country. With just 0.9% of Mexico's gross domestic product, its contribution to the economy is barely significant.
For years the Mexican government has been accused of ignoring Colima in various respects, although lately they have supported local inhabitants to encourage tourism in the area.
You may also be interested in the traditions and customs of Colima.
Colima population data and statistics
Colima is divided into ten municipalities, of which the most populated is the municipality of Colima, with 24% of the population.
About 90% of the state's inhabitants live in urban areas and settlements, while the rest are located in rural areas.
The percentage of men and women is practically the same (50.4% of women), the average age of the residents is 25 years, and 60% of them are under 30 years of age.
The population has an annual growth rate of 3%.
The 4 most inhabited municipalities -Colima, Manzanillo, Villa de Álvarez and Tecomán-, are home to more than 80% of the state population (more than 600 thousand inhabitants).
It is considered a “young” state, given the average age of the locals. 95% of the population of Colima qualify as an economically active population, which means that they are related in some commercial activity.
Socioeconomic situation
The percentages of poverty and extreme poverty in Colima are dangerously high, with 34% of the population living in poverty and 4% in extreme poverty according to censuses carried out in 2012.
Although with respect to the previous census (2010), the percentage of poverty decreased by 1%, the total number of people in poverty increased by almost 6 thousand, motivated by the general increase in the population.
Extreme poverty almost doubled from 2010 to 2012 (from 2.5 to 4%). Although almost 100% of Colima corresponds to the economically active population, almost half of the workers (47%) do not obtain the benefits established by law such as pension, retirement and medical insurance, since their work activity is informal.
Commerce with 16%, real estate services with 14% and construction with 13%, are the most important commercial activities in Colima.
However, 47% of other activities are not defined, as they do not comply with all legal formalities.
Ethnicity and religion
Among the 10 municipalities of Colima there are 84 small indigenous communities that in total represent less than 1% of the total population of the state (about 4,500 people). They are found mainly in the municipalities of Colima, Tecomán and Manzanillo.
90% of the members of the indigenous groups of Colima speak Spanish, while the remaining 10% speak only the indigenous dialect.
In the indigenous population, the most widely spoken languages (apart from Spanish) are Nahuatl, Mixtec and Purépecha.
The predominant religion is Catholic, adopted by more than 90% of the population.
- Demography of Colima (nd). Retrieved on November 6, 2017, from Exploring México.
- Colima (2013). Retrieved on November 6, 2017, from the Ministry of Economy.
- Auralet Ojeda Lavín (October 23, 2017). Population of the states of Mexico (2017). Retrieved on November 6, 2017, from the Ministry of the Interior.
- Diversity. Colima (sf). Retrieved on November 6, 2017, from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography.
- Poverty in Colima (2012). Retrieved on November 6, 2017, from CONEVAL.
- There are 84 indigenous communities distributed in the ten municipalities of Colima (August 8, 2014). Retrieved on November 6, 2017, from AF Medios.