In 2015, the population of Baja California Sur was 712029 inhabitants, of which 352,892 were women and 359,317 were men. This state is located in the northeast of Mexico; it is separated from the territory by the Sea of Cortez.
The demography of Baja California Sur includes population density, origin, distribution by locality and economic situation at a given time or according to its historical evolution.
You may also be interested in the history of Baja California Sur or its culture.
Main features
An increase in population has been observed in recent years. This reflects an annual rate of 4%, a situation higher than that established for the rest of the rest of Mexico, where 1.4% is contemplated.
The municipalities of Baja California Sur that represent the highest population density are Los Cabos and La Paz, followed by Comondú, Mulegué and Loreto.
Historically, agriculture, fishing and mining are economic activities that have developed since colonial times and are still maintained today.
These represent in the economic structure of the state only 4% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
The state has one of the most important tourist destinations in the country, its beaches and eco-tourism are the main sources of income for the area.
For this reason, micro-enterprises dedicated to providing this service have been developed, providing the lowest percentage of income.
In the economic dynamics of creating new service areas there has been a decrease in the last 5 years. Between 2003 and 2008 it was observed 6.9%, and reached 4% between 2008 and 2013.
Labor population
Tourism is the main generator of jobs in the state. 72.4% work in the service provision sector, which includes hotels, travel, transportation and related services.
These remain interrelated with each other, which has made it possible to maintain economic stability in the sector.
The rest of the economically active population is dedicated to the primary sector: agriculture, fishing and mining.
Recent surveys indicate that the labor activity in the state is generally carried out by the male sector, with the age of highest production being between 30 and 74 years.
The female population develops work activities in a lower percentage, being their economically productive age between 25 and 50 years of age.
Internal migration
Most of the residents of the state are from the same locality. There is a percentage of inhabitants from other states of Mexico due to the employment opportunities generated by the tourism industry in the area.
The internal migrations that occurred in the state of Baja California Sur generally come from the entities of Sinaloa, Sonora, Chiapa, Jalisco and the Federal District.
- Angeles, AE Gamez & A. Ivanova. On the impact of tourism on the economy of Baja California Sur, Mexico: a SAM approach. Department of Economics, Autonomous University of Baja California Sur Mexico. Sustainable Development and Planning IV, Vol. 2 783
- Social Security in Latin America: Pressure Groups, Stratification, and Inequality Carmelo Mesa-Lago November 15, 1978. University of Pittsburgh Pre
- Town and cities of Baja California Sur. Towns of America. Baa California Sur. Taken from
- Government of the State of Baja California Sur Secretary of Economic Promotion and Development Directorate of Informatics and Statistics. Taken from
- Institute of Statistics and Geography INEGI. Baja California Sur. Taken from
- Analysis of a Mining Development in Baja California Sur, Mexico: The Los Cardones Mining Project. Taken from