The petiole, in botany, is the peduncle that, like an antler, joins the more or less flattened portion (or lamina) of the leaf to the branch that supports it. The leaf is an appendage of the stem. Together with the blade, the petiole, present in most plants, is considered part of the leaf. The term "peiolo" is derived from "petiolus", which is Latin for small foot.
Except for its flattened shape, the anatomy of the leaf, including the petiole, resembles that of the stem. Unlike this, the blade has a relatively constant size.
External features
In ferns, the petiole, when present, is called the rachis. In conifers, there is usually no specialization of the leaf blade and petiole. Most angiosperms have simple leaves, composed of a broad blade and a well-defined petiole, called petioles.
Certain angiosperms with small or elongated leaves, for which the shadow of their own blades is not a problem, you have leaves devoid of petioles, called sessile.
Palms and aroids, whose leaves appear to have evolved from grass-like leaves, do not have true petioles. Its "petioles" are actually a modified part of the lamina.
Other angiosperms have so-called compound leaves because they are divided into separate sheets, or leaflets, each with its own petiole, called petiole.
The petioles usually have even appendages, located at their bases, called stipules. These appendages may have the appearance of thorns, hairs, tendrils, or leaves. Also at the base of the petioles can appear the pulvínules, which are enlargements that provide mobility to the leaves.
Some plants have very large and thickened petioles. These include rhubarb (Rheum rhabarbarum) and celery (Apium graveolens), whose fleshy petioles are edible.
Internal characteristics
The petiole epidermis is usually similar to that of the lamina, but contains fewer stomata and trichomes. The mesophyll is similar to the cortex of the stems, being able to contain abundant collenchyma, which offers mechanical support to the lamina.
Vascular tissues are highly variable. The number and arrangement of the vascular bundles are related to the shape and function of the leaf. Within the petiole, these bundles can divide or join, which also has to do with the mechanical support to the blade.
The growth of the leaves consists of three phases: production of the leaf primordium; primary morphogenesis; and secondary morphogenesis, or expansion.
The production of the leaf primordium is due to cell divisions under the surface of the apical meristem. Growth hormones, such as auxin and gibberellin, stimulate the formation of this primordium. Auxin will continue to play an important role in subsequent phases of leaf growth.
During primary morphogenesis, the cell multiplication of the incipient foliar primordium forms the future axis of the leaf, called the filopodium. This will eventually become the petiole and midrib of the leaf. During this phase, the filopodium grows in length and thickness, and the leaf blade begins to form as a result of cytokinesis of marginal meristems.
In some plants, the petiole is the result of the suppression of the activity of the marginal meristems near the stem. In others, a basal meristem, close to the marginal meristems, produces the filopodium and eventually the petiole.
During secondary morphogenesis, continuation of marginal meristem cytokinesis ends up creating the lateral expansions of the filopodium, which together form the leaf blade.
Photosynthesis takes place in all green parts of plants, including petioles. These help to expose the sheets to light, keeping them away from the shadows produced by other sheets.
When the petioles are long and flexible, they allow the wind to move the leaves. This protects them from overheating, and exposes them to more carbon dioxide for photosynthesis.
The movements of the leaves can also protect them from detachment that could be caused by strong wind, and from attack by folivorous insects.
The xylem of the petioles provides water and mineral salts to the blades. Its phloem sends the sugars produced by photosynthesis in the plates directly or indirectly to the stems, flowers and fruits.
The shedding of the leaves, in autumn in temperate regions, and in the dry season in tropical regions, is possible thanks to the abcission zone of the petioles, which consists of a strip of weak tissue, located at the base of the petiole, which differs and fractures seasonally.
Plants show surprising plasticity in the shape of the blade and the petioles of their leaves, which in the same species can vary greatly depending on the population, part of the plant, habitat and microhabitat (for example, shady or sunny places).
Some aquatic plants have long, flexible petioles that allow their leaves to float. Other aquatic plants, such as the water hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes), have pneumatized petioles that act as floats.
The pulvinules contain motor cells that allow the leaves to move. The movements can be positive heliotropic (seeking sunlight), negative heliotropic (avoiding sunlight), or defensive (avoiding attack by herbivorous animals). Motor cells can accumulate or eliminate osmotic compounds, varying their turgor.
The thorn-shaped stipules defend plants from herbivorous mammals. Those with a tendril shape hold the climbing plants. The leaf-shaped stipules photosynthesize and protect the lamina, especially when it is young.
The petioles may have extrafloral nectaries, which, although they do not contribute to the pollination of the flowers, attract insects, such as ants, which defend the plant from other insects with herbivorous habits.
The differences between the parallel veins of the monocots and the reticular veins of the dicots are interpreted in the sense that the blades of the former are derived from the petiole, or from the petiole and midrib, of the latter.
In other words, the leaves of monocots would be homologous to the petiole of other angiosperms.
- Beck, CB 2010. An introduction to plant structure and development - plant anatomy for the Twenty-First century. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
- Eames, AJ 1961. Morphology of the angiosperms. McGraw-Hill, New York.
- Ingrouille, M. 2006. Plants: evolution and diversity. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
- Mauseth, JD 2016. Botany: an introduction to plant biology. Jones & Bartlett Learning, Burlington.
- Schooley, J. 1997. Introduction to botany. Delmar Publishers, Albany.