- Characteristics of religious norms
- They are inalienable
- They are one-sided
- They are incoercible
- They are interior
- They are heteronomous
- Examples of religious norms
- - The norms of Islam
- Shahada
- Sentence
- Alms
- Fasting
- The pilgrimage
- - The norms of Judaism
- Modesty
- Social relationships
- Clothing
- Food
- Music
- - The norms of Christianity
- - Norms of Hinduism
- Respect for the elderly
- Name protocol
- Touch feet
- Dakshina
- Purity and food
- Flower offerings
- Offerings
- Shoes
- Themes of interest
- References
The religious rules are those regulations that establish how to act believers of a particular religion. In general, these rules come from a disclosure to which only a few people have access, whose testimony is recorded. Thanks to this revelation it becomes evident that there really is a superior spirit.
According to religious regulations, not following the indicated behaviors implies a very serious disobedience to the higher order that is venerated in the corresponding religion. Through this approach, believers are persuaded to comply with the established rules.
Christianity is one of the religions with the most believers in the world. Source: pixabay.com
Basically, religious norms seek to regulate people's behavior based on a religion. These rules apply only to people who identify with that religion and are one-sided.
Characteristics of religious norms
They are inalienable
Religious norms must be observed in a mandatory way. Its fulfillment is linked to the approach of believers to the doctrine as such and to the superior being that is venerated.
Within the religious norms, it is clearly determined what will happen if a person does not comply with the specific guidelines.
Sanctions are usually related to the conditions of life after death, or to obtaining little happiness and / or prosperity in life. The punishment will be executed by the superior entity subject to veneration.
They are one-sided
It is said that religious regulations are unilateral because there is no third party who has the power to demand that said regulations be complied with.
That is to say, each believer has the obligation to follow the indicated guidelines but there is no direct demand from another person. The commitment to fulfillment is assumed by each believer.
They are incoercible
No one effectively forces any believer to comply with religious norms. Beyond the description of the recommendations that are detailed within the regulations, there is no instance through which someone is forced to follow some guidelines by force.
Then, each believer decides by his own will whether or not to follow the norms provided in the regulations of the religion.
They are interior
Compliance with religious norms is not necessarily expressed externally, but has to do with being at a certain level of consciousness thanks to which the person decides to have this or that behavior.
It is not strictly necessary to demonstrate compliance with the rules through specific actions, although in general there are usually various manifestations. However, the nature of religious norms has more to do with assuming them internally.
They are heteronomous
This characteristic is related to the fact that religious norms are dictated by a third party, who arrived at them thanks to what has been called “revelation”. Therefore, the believer does not have any power to vary the rules or add new ones; it should only be limited to complying with them as specified.
In the same way, the value of these rules is also given by the subject who created them. Then, the believer has no possibility of adding or subtracting value to the normative body.
Examples of religious norms
- The norms of Islam
Muhammad, prophet of Islam
Islam bases its beliefs on five main parameters. The first of these involves confidently acknowledging your God (Allah) and his prophet (Muhammad).
The second main pillar indicates that they should pray at five different times of the day, directing the prayer to where Mecca is located, the sacred city that is in the west of Saudi Arabia.
The third principle refers to alms, which are considered mandatory and correspond to one tenth of each person's income.
The fourth pillar invites you to fast during the ninth month of the lunar calendar. It is about Ramadan: according to the scriptures, in this month the holy book began to reveal itself. Fasting occurs from sunrise to sunset and involves stopping eating and drinking, and also stopping having sex and smoking.
Finally, the fifth pillar orders Muslims to visit Mecca. This visit must be made at least once in the course of their lives.
In addition to these fundamental principles, there are some religious norms that have to do with more general issues. For example, Muslims cannot eat pork or any other animal whose blood has not been drained. Likewise, it is forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages and commit adultery.
Some specific rules of Islam are:
There is only one god (Allah) and one must profess a single and devout faith towards him.
You should pray five times a day. To carry out these prayers, other rules must be followed such as washing the body, the time at which the prayers are carried out (dawn, noon, afternoon, sunset and night).
All members of the religion should give alms annually to those who need it most, starting with their neighbors and relatives.
This corresponds to 2.5% of what is earned. The norm indicates that 10% of income should be saved and give a handout equivalent to a quarter of those savings.
This rule is known as Ramadan, it gives off other rules that must be taken into account in order to carry out the fast, such as the moment at which the fast begins, the act of intention before starting it and the abstention from multiple activities such as tobacco use and sex.
The pilgrimage
The rule indicates that every Muslim must go to Mecca at least once in his life.
- The norms of Judaism
Wailing wall
Within Judaism there are 613 precepts described in the sacred scriptures. According to Rabbi Eliezer Danzinger, there are currently only 270 of these precepts that are in effect and are binding on all believers.
Among the most orthodox norms are not to eat shellfish or crustaceans, as well as any animal that has not been bled, like Muslims. In order to eat meat, they must perform a ritual through which they seek to sanctify the food; after sanctified, then they can consume it.
Another important Jewish rule is not to work on Saturdays; This ritual of rest is called Shabbat or Sabbath. Likewise, it is also forbidden to work on the day known as Yom Kippur, which is ten days after the celebration of the Jewish New Year.
Some specific norms of Orthodox Judaism are:
These rules relate to the way both men and women should dress. Garments must be modest, neutral in color and cannot be revealing.
Social relationships
Both men and women interact with each other in small groups made up of members of the same gender.
Men must wear a black suit and socks, a white shirt, a tzitzit (knitted) and a kippah.
The food consumed must be Kosher, that is, prepared according to religious standards.
Secular music or female singers are not heard.
- The norms of Christianity
Christians must attend an ecclesiastical ceremony every Sunday, where they symbolically consume the body and blood of Jesus Christ. According to the scriptures, Jesus Christ was the messiah sent by God to save mankind.
During this ceremony the believers must give alms, with which the temple is maintained and charitable actions are also carried out.
Christians must also confess regularly before the ecclesiastical authorities of their parishes, and must carry out the penances that they indicate. In the case of Catholics, they should normally perform a sincere act of contrition and say specific prayers.
It is worth noting that Catholics must have previously confessed to be able to have access to the body and blood of Jesus Christ in the liturgical ceremony.
Lastly, Christians also fast at special times. In this case they carry it out on Good Friday and Ash Wednesday, both days framed in Holy Week, when the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ are commemorated.
Some of the branches of Christianity continue with this practice; For their part, Catholics have taken a more personal approach and understand fasting not as giving up eating and drinking, but as the momentary renunciation of something that is highly appreciated by the believer.
The best known norms of Christianity, specifically Catholicism are the 10 commandments:
1 - Love God above all else.
2 - Using God's name in vain.
3 - You will sanctify all the holidays.
4 - Honor father and mother.
5 - Do not kill
6 - Do not commit indecent acts.
7 - Do not steal.
8 - Do not lie.
9 - Do not have impure thoughts.
10 - Do not covet the property of others.
- Norms of Hinduism
Ganesh, Hindu god
Respect for the elderly
This rule must be demonstrated through customs, such as sitting on the left side of older people, bringing them gifts on special occasions, or not yawning or stretching in front of them.
Name protocol
It is indicated that the older person should not be referred to by name but rather by the link with them. Thus, the older brother will not be called by name, but by the term "annan" or older brother.
Touch feet
Touching the feet of a sacred figure is a way of recognizing the respect and admiration that one has for that figure.
The norm indicates that a monetary contribution or gift should be given to the priest after completing a rite.
Purity and food
Purity is central to food and nutrition. The norms of Hinduism indicate that food should not be tasted directly from the spoon and that a person's lips should never touch the container from which other individuals will also drink.
Flower offerings
The flowers that are taken to offer to the deities should not be smelled, since even the smell is for the gods. On the other hand, the flowers that fall to the ground should not be offered.
Offerings for deities must be carried with both hands on the right side of the body, in this way, it is not possible to smell them.
All items must be washed, prepared, wrapped and covered before being offered.
Shoes are considered impure, therefore they cannot be entered into any temple or the home of another Hindu.
Themes of interest
Social norms.
Legal norms.
Moral standards.
Conventional standards.
Rules of school coexistence.
- "Classes of norms". Support unit for learning of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Retrieved on November 4, 2019 from the Learning Support Unit of the National Autonomous University of Mexico: unam.mx
- Estrada, O. "Characteristics of the standards" in WordPress. Retrieved on November 4, 2019 from WordPress: wordpres.com
- "These are the 10 largest religions in the world" in Diario Libre. Retrieved on November 4, 2019 from Diario Libre: diariolibresv.com
- "Orthodox Jewish customs: how to eat meat, not wear wool, 30 days of mourning…" in 20 minutes. Retrieved on November 4, 2019 from 20 minutes: 20minutos.es
- "Christianity" in Wikipedia. Retrieved on November 4, 2019 from Wikipedia: wikipedia.org