Natti Natti Nattramn, known as Mikael Nilsson or simply Nattramn (September 7, 1975, Markayd, Sweden), is a musician and author of Swedish origin, especially known for being the vocalist of the doom and black metal band Silencer.
This artist explores different musical genres and the musical style of this vocalist is characterized by having lyrics that speak about suicide and misanthropy. Likewise, strange and somewhat extreme techniques that were used during the recording of the group's only album are recognized.
On the other hand, there is very little information about the appearance or personal life of Nilsson, since he lives practically in anonymity.
In fact, it is estimated that his real name is not really known, as well as his true age or images of what he looks like today.
Natti Natti Nattramn was the image of the album, where he is seen without a face, bloodied and with a pair of pig hooves instead of hands.
Nattramn is estimated to have been born in Markaryd, a small town in Sweden in 1975, although no further information is known about his childhood or even his name. In fact, he was rumored to be Mikael Nilsson but this has been claimed to be false.
The truth is that, over time, the singer nicknamed himself Natti Natti Natramn -or just Natramn- in honor of a character from Swedish mythology called Nattrammar, a bird that takes the souls of children who have not been baptized, or of those people who committed suicide.
It is in the 90s when his musical works are known, among which we can highlight the following:
-In 1994 he was part of the Sinneskross project, which would later change to Trencadis. A year later she recorded a demo called Odelagt. It should be noted that this same production was relaunched in 2012. In this material you can hear the influences and the origin of Nattramn's musical style, full of dark and disturbing feelings.
-After Trencadis, Nattramn formed the band Silencer together with guitarist Andreas Casado “Leere”, in 1995.
-Three years later the recordings of the album began where Nattramn was the composer and main vocalist. That same year the demo Death - Pierce me was made.
-In 2001 the demo included more songs and the album with the same name was created, produced by Prophecy Productions. Here the strange techniques that Nattramn used in the recordings were revealed: it is estimated that she cut her arms, wrists, chest and neck to generate a particular sound, described as the voice of "an animal in agony."
-Shortly after the album was released, Nattramn was admitted to a psychiatric hospital showing signs of dementia and schizophrenia problems. This was enough to bring about the end of the project.
-After several years of inactivity, Nattramn published his memoirs in 2011, where not only his personal experiences can be appreciated, but also poems and intimate photos. It has only been published in Swedish, although there are a few copies in English.
Musical career
-The only Silencer album, Death - Pierce me, only has six songs. In addition, it is a very difficult material to obtain due to the few quantities of copies of it.
-After the launch, the production was very well received by the public, especially in Europe.
-On the cover of the album Nattramn seems to be covered in blood and sweat, with a mask covering his face, a white cloth covering his legs and a pair of pig's hooves instead of hands. It is considered one of the most disturbing covers in history.
-The songs contain dark and desolate melodies, whose lyrics constantly speak of death and suicide. In fact, in one of the pieces Nattramn seems to constantly say: "cut my neck!"
-Nattramn is believed to have been on medication at the time of the recordings, which helped finalize the album.
-At the time the album was released, there was already an aura of mysticism around it, due to rumors of the mutilations he did on his body during the process.
-After finishing the recordings of the album, he was admitted to a psychiatric hospital from which he escaped shortly after. When he did, he left the following note: "I'm going to kill girls and be as famous as Thomas Quick." This note was full of Nazi symbols.
-Shortly afterwards it was learned that he had struck a 6-year-old girl with an ax, rendering her unconscious. According to medical reports, the blow was so forceful that it almost broke his skull. He was discovered by the police and captured in his attempted escape.
It should be noted that there is another version of this story that proves Nattramn's aura of mysticism. The story relates that a dead girl was found in a neighborhood and was charged as a prime suspect. However, his brother confessed to being the perpetrator of the crime, for which he committed suicide shortly after.
-He re-entered the psychiatric hospital and the idea of making music as therapy for his rehabilitation was proposed to him. From this came the production Diagnose: Lebensgefarh. The material kept the style of the first Nattramn productions.
-In 2007 these songs were included in the album Transformalin, in which the mixture of industrial and ambient music is evident.
-Apparently recovered, Nattramn left the hospital in 2011 and it is in that year that he wrote his memoirs under the title Pig's hart. This text contemplates the madness of his early years, explains the reasons why Silencer did not play live and the mental problems he suffered during his life.
Below are some of the materials made by Nattramn:
- (1996) The Odelagt demo with Trencadis.
- (1998) Death - Pierce me. (Demo) with Silencer.
- (2001) Death - Pierce me. (Album) with Silencer.
- (2007) Transformalin, which included the material from Diagnose: Lebengefahr.
- (2012) Relaunch of Odelaght (only 300 copies were reproduced).
- Garrido, Diana. The musician who cut his hands to create the scariest record in metal. (2017). In Collective Culture. Retrieved: April 24, 2018. In Collective Culture of
- The gloomy story of Natti Natti Nattramn. (sf). In Amino. Retrieved: April 24, 2018. In Amino de
- Nattram, a horror story. (sf). In Taringa. Retrieved: April 24, 2018. In Taringa de
- Nattramn. (sf). On Wikipedia. Retrieved: April 24, 2018. In Wikipedia at
- Nattram. (sf). On Wikipedia. Retrieved: April 24, 2018. In Wikipedia at