- Features of the round table
- Oral presentation
- There are no hierarchies
- Weather
- Has rules
- Has a goal
- Roles
- Elements
- Participants
- Topic
- Stage
- Interventions
- Technology
- Function
- How is a round table organized and carried out?
- Introduction
- Development
- Round of questions
- conclusion
- Who participates in a round table?
- Members
- Coordinator
- Audience
- What should the members of a round table be like?
- Number
- Knowledge
- Coherence
- Good listeners
- Respectful attitude
- Tolerant
- Examples
- - Round table on "Global warming and its impact on Latin America"
- Conformation of the round table
- Presentation of the members
- Round of opinions on the subject
- Formulation of the questions
- Extra opinions
- Conclusions
- - Virtual round table on "The risks of the internet for young people"
- References
The round table is a communication technique in which several people intervene in order to exchange ideas and opinions in relation to a specific topic. It can be defined as a kind of dynamic in which the members have the same opportunity to argue their points of view.
To the previous idea it is added that in the round table there is no degree of importance or hierarchy between the individuals that make it up, since each one has the same rights of participation.
Example of a round table at the World Economic Forum. The members are observed, the audience and possibly the coordinator is sitting between them. Some elements are observed, such as the technology used and the setting.
The origin of this form of discussion is related to King Arthur, who summoned his knights to discuss the decisions of the kingdom. However, the main objective of the round table is to contrast and analyze the different opinions and perspectives that the members have on the subject under discussion.
At the round table, the presence of a moderator is necessary, who is in charge of guiding the dynamics and maintaining order to facilitate the speakers' right to speak.
On the other hand, the round table has a structure that allows the discussion to take place in a coherent and organized manner. So it is made up of a presentation, the development of the arguments, a round of questions and answers, and finally a conclusion. All rules of dynamics are established and accepted before the brainstorming begins.
Features of the round table
The round table is a communication technique in which several people intervene in order to exchange ideas and opinions in relation to a specific topic. Source: pixabay.com.
Oral presentation
One of the main characteristics of the round table is that the discussion of the topics is done through oral language. However, the moderator and members can point out the different opinions that the rest of the members have, and then emphasize a specific point.
There are no hierarchies
During a successful roundtable, there should be no hierarchies or differences. Each member develops their opinion as well as their point of view on the topic to be discussed. There is no room for distinctions or privileges.
The duration of the round table is stipulated in advance by those who make it up. The turn is established for the right to speak of each of the members, which must be respected and not be subject to interruptions by the other members.
Has rules
The round table, in order to function properly, has certain rules that its members, audience and moderator are expected to follow.
The main rule of the round table is the absence of hierarchies. The second will be time management, which will be in charge of the coordinator or moderator.
Has a goal
The round table has one objective; It can be deciding on a problem or discussing various issues or simply exchanging knowledge.
Each participant in the round table has a role; that is, a function that is expected to follow. Later we will talk about who the participants are and what they do.
The Knights of the Round Table, anonymous illustration for the Lanzarote-Grail manuscript, written by Michel Gantelet in 1470. Source: Evrard d'Espinques
The round table is made up of different elements:
In relation to the number of members, the round table can be made up of four to six members, plus the moderator or guide of the discussion. Members are not always subject matter experts, but are knowledgeable about it. It is essential that each individual respect the established rules.
In addition to the members and the moderator, there is the public or audience, which are the listeners who have chosen to attend the round table.
The round table is used to discuss any type of topic that is of general interest. Therefore, ideas and opinions about politics, economy, society, health, culture, art, education, religion, environment, sexuality, technology, among others, can be argued.
The stage is the particular place where it has been decided to carry out the round table; It is prepared and has everything necessary so that the members can intervene, so that the coordinator can speak and so that the public can listen and enjoy the debate.
The round table would not be such without the different interventions that are required by its members. These interventions are carried out according to a shift that the coordinator has given to each member.
A key element of today's roundtables is technology; In order for the debate to take place efficiently, microphones, lights and possibly televisions are used in which the time each member has is indicated.
The function of the round table is to present a discussion on a topic, generally controversial and of collective interest, with the aim that the members present their points of view, perspectives, knowledge, ideas and opinions.
This communication technique gives the public the opportunity to learn relevant data on the topic discussed.
How is a round table organized and carried out?
Round table with ministers (iEPSCO). EU2017EE Estonian Presidency
The round table is organized and carried out as follows:
The introduction or presentation of the round table is of vital importance. In this part, the moderator explains the topic to be discussed, introduces each of the members and thanks the audience for their attention. This phase serves to place the public in the most outstanding points of the matter to be discussed.
Development refers to the development of the discussion. In this phase of the round table, the moderator indicates the right to speak of each member and guides their intervention.
For their part, the members begin to express their points of view on the subject in question and maintain a respectful behavior towards their peers.
Round of questions
The question round phase begins when all the members of the round table have finished presenting their points of view and opinions and have exhausted the topic under discussion. In this part of the dynamic, both the moderator and the public have the opportunity to ask questions and get answers.
The conclusion is the closing of the round table. This phase begins once the questions from the audience and the moderator have been answered by the speakers.
It is precisely the moderator or guide of the discussion who makes a summary of the most important points of the topic that is developed and offers alternatives.
Who participates in a round table?
The participants of a round table are the members, coordinator and audience or spectators:
The members are usually professionals or theorists from different areas, specialized or not, so their levels of knowledge are usually higher than those of the general population.
The round table usually has the presence of a coordinator, a kind of referee who ensures that all members comply with the previously established parameters.
It prevents the constructive discussion from becoming a string of attacks without arguments and has the responsibility of synthesizing the information handled, either for a better continuity of the debate, or for the understanding of the audience.
A first meeting between the members and the coordinator will make it possible to clarify the details of the round table: exposure time of each member, opportunity to present evidence or support material, response time to a direct clarification, allowed subtopics within the discussion, etc..
The audience or public are the people who have decided to attend the round table. Normally it is a free entry or it has been paid in advance to enter a convention.
What should the members of a round table be like?
The members of a round table must have the following characteristics:
The number of members of the round table is generally 4 to 6 people, although there are cases in which 3 members are allowed. The number of members will make the discussion more dynamic and plural in terms of opinions and ideas on the subject that is developed.
The members of a round table do not necessarily have to be experts or specialists in the subject to be discussed. However, it is important that they have extensive and sustained knowledge to be able to argue their opinions and perspectives with solidity and determination.
When these conditions are met among the members of the discussion, it becomes more enriching.
The members of the round table must be coherent and logical when presenting their ideas, since they are before an audience that may need to clarify some doubts. Furthermore, this quality allows the discussion to take place in an organized manner.
Good listeners
An essential quality in the members of a round table is that of being good listeners. In this way, they are attentive to the interventions of the rest of the group and can refute or ratify any point of the topic that is developed. On the other hand, meeting the good listener standard guarantees an organized and balanced discussion.
Respectful attitude
The members of the round table should show an attitude of respect when the other members are speaking since their opinions are also important.
In the same way, each member has to respect the time allowed to speak.
All members of the roundtable should be tolerant of the opinions of other members, since each individual has different points of view. At the same time, they must have the humility to recognize when they have a wrong attitude or idea, in addition to being open to suggestions and advice.
- Round table on "Global warming and its impact on Latin America"
Conformation of the round table
The hypothetical members will be:
- José Núñez, meteorologist from Peru.
- Pedro Suárez, electrical engineer from Venezuela.
- María Pérez, environmental engineer from Colombia.
- Amanda Juárez, civil engineer from Mexico.
- Juan Cerna, environmental engineer from Argentina (moderator).
Presentation of the members
The moderator must introduce each member briefly, for this each one must have sent a curriculum summary.
Round of opinions on the subject
Here the moderator asks freely and in order for each member to express their opinion on the subject.
Formulation of the questions
A total of three questions will be asked, one by one. These must be answered by each member in their order of presentation. Each member has 5 minutes to formulate the answer to each question.
The questions are as follows:
- How has climate change affected your country in the last decade?
- What measures has the government of your country taken?
- What recommendations do you propose from your specialty to curb climate change?
Extra opinions
After hearing each response to each of the questions by the member, the moderator should ask if there are other opinions as a result of what has been shared.
After all the possible opinions have been heard from the members, the moderator proceeds to draw the respective conclusions together with the members and to close the activity.
- Virtual round table on "The risks of the internet for young people"
The only difference of this model with respect to the face-to-face one is that resources such as Skype or Messenger are used for its realization, since the members can be anywhere in the world.
- Round table. (2020). Spain: Wikipedia. Recovered from: es.wikipedia.org.
- Round table meaning. (2017). (N / a): Meanings. Recovered from: significados.com.
- González, P. (2018). The round table to debate: what are its main characteristics? (N / A): Guioteca. Recovered from: guioteca.com.
- Pérez, J. and Gardey, A. (2009). Definition of round table. (N / A): Definition. From. Recovered from: definicion.de.
- Round table. (2012). (N / A): Gerza. Recovered from: gerza.com.