The basement membrane is an extracellular structure that lines the tissues of almost all multicellular organisms. It is made up mainly of collagenic and non-collagenic glycoproteins.
This structure is responsible for separating the epithelium of one stromal tissue from another. It is generally found in the basolateral region of epithelial tissue, in the endothelium, in the peripheral region of the axons, in fat cells and also in muscle cells.
Image illustrating the basement membrane on the covering of the mouth
(Source: Wiki-minor via Wikimedia
The basement membrane is made up of large insoluble molecules that join together to form a sheet-like ultrastructure through a process known as "self-assembly." This process is driven by the anchoring of various receptors on the cell surface.
Most of the body's cells are capable of producing the necessary material for the structuring of the basement membrane depending on the tissue to which they belong.
Diseases such as Alport syndrome and Knobloch syndrome are associated with mutations in the genes that encode the collagen chains of the basement membrane, so the study of their structure and properties has become popular over the years.
The complexity of the basement membrane cannot be appreciated using electron microscopy, since this technique does not allow the distinction between the different basement membranes. For its study, however, more precise characterization techniques are necessary, such as, for example, scanning microscopy.
The basement membrane is a dense, amorphous structure, similar to a leaf. It is 50 to 100 nm thick, as determined by transmission electron microscopy. The study of its structure determines that it has characteristics similar to the cellular matrix, but differs in terms of its density and cellular associations.
Depending on the organ and tissue, differences are observed in the composition and structure of the basement membrane, which is why it is thought that there is a specific microenvironment delimited by it in each tissue.
The specificity of each basement membrane may be due to molecular composition, and biochemical and molecular variation is believed to confer a unique identity to each tissue in question.
Epithelial, endothelial, and many mesenchymal cells produce basement membranes. Much of the plasticity of these cells is conferred by this structure. In addition, it seems to support the cells that participate in the lining of the organs.
One of the most interesting characteristics of the basement membrane is its ability to self-assemble from the components that make it up, establishing a similar structure in the shape of a sheet.
Various types of collagen, laminin proteins, proteoglycans, calcium-binding proteins, and other structural proteins are the most common components of basement membranes. Perlecan and nidogen / entactin are other constituent proteins of the basement membrane.
Among the main architectural characteristics of the basement membranes is the presence of two independent networks, one formed by collagen and the other by some isoforms of laminin.
The collagen network is highly cross-linked and is the component that maintains the mechanical stability of the basement membrane. The collagen in these membranes is unique to them and is known as type IV collagen.
The laminin networks are not covalently bound and in some membranes become more dynamic than the collagen IV network.
Both networks are connected by the nidogen / entactin proteins that are highly flexible and allow to bind, in addition to the two networks, other components such as the anchors of the receptor proteins on the cell surface.
Self-assembly is stimulated by the coupling between type IV collagen and laminin. These proteins contain in their sequence the information necessary for primary binding, which allows them to initiate intermolecular self-assembly and form a basal sheet-like structure.
Cell surface proteins such as integrins (especially β1 integrins) and dystroglycans facilitate the initial deposition of laminin polymers through site-specific interactions.
Type IV collagen polymers associate with laminin polymers on the cell surface through the nidogen / entactin bridge. This scaffold then provides specific interaction sites for other constituents of the basement membrane to interact and generate a fully functional membrane.
Different types of nidogen / entactin junction have been identified in the basement membrane and all promote the formation of networks in the structure.
The nidogen / entactin proteins, together with the two networks collagen IV and laminin, stabilize the networks and give rigidity to the structure.
The basement membrane is always in contact with cells and its main functions have to do with providing structural support, dividing tissues into compartments, and regulating cell behavior.
Continuous basement membranes act as selective molecular filters between tissue compartments, that is, they maintain strict control of the transit and movement of cells and bioactive molecules in both directions.
Despite the fact that basement membranes act as selective gates to prevent the free movement of cells, it seems that there are specific mechanisms that allow inflammatory cells and metastatic tumor cells to cross and degrade the barrier that the basement membrane represents.
In recent years, much research has been done on the role of basement membranes as regulators in cell growth and differentiation, since the basement membrane has receptors with the ability to bind to cytokines and growth factors.
These same receptors on the basement membrane can serve as reservoirs for their controlled release during remodeling or physiological repair processes.
Basement membranes are important structural and functional components of all blood vessels and capillaries, and they play a crucial role in determining cancer progression, especially with regard to metastasis or cell migration.
Another of the functions that this structure fulfills have to do with signal transduction.
Skeletal muscle, for example, is surrounded by a basement membrane and has characteristic small patches at neuromuscular attachment sites; These patches are responsible for sending signals from the nervous system.
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