- Biography
- Birth and family
- Bueno Bengoechea's childhood and youth
- His first jobs in Bilbao
- Opportunities in Madrid
- Political ideals of Bueno
- Good versus Valle-Inclán
- Death of the writer
- Style
- Plays
- Theater
- Narrative
- Essay and critique
- References
Manuel Bueno Bengoechea (1874-1936) was a Spanish writer and journalist whose work stood out in fields such as theater, criticism, journalism, and the novel. Chronologically, he was contemporary with the members of the renowned Generation of '98, who suffered the consequences of the Cuban War.
The writer obtained recognition through his works related to theatrical criticism and journalistic chronicles. He was a man of clear ideas, and the qualities of elegance and sobriety with which he exhibited them allowed him to have the preference of the audience.
Manuel Bueno Bengoechea. Source: Unsigned, via Wikimedia Commons
Bengoechea's life turned out to be very hard, however that was no reason for him to waste his talents. She prepared herself and knew how to head towards a life of success, although many scholars of her work considered that it was not given the deserved value.
Birth and family
Manuel Bueno was born on June 14, 1874 in the French town of Pau. Data on the journalist's family life are scarce, however it is known that his mother was of Basque origin, and that his father, born in Argentina, was a military man with liberal ideas.
Bueno Bengoechea's childhood and youth
Bueno Bengoechea grew up with his family in the Spanish municipality of Bilbao. The information about his life is not precise, however, some records affirm that he was admitted to the Casa de Misericordia hospice, from seven to twelve years of age.
When he was fourteen he went to the United States to study, and also had his first experiences in the journalistic field. Although the Spanish writer and historian Carlos Sainz asserted that his self-taught training was admirable, he did not obtain an official academic degree.
His first jobs in Bilbao
The young Manuel began to take his first steps in the world of journalism and literature in the city where he grew up. At the age of twenty-two he began working as a printer in a printing press, a trade he learned during his stay at boarding school.
At that time, he also showed his facet as a leader when he decided to join the General Union of Workers, an organization with socialist principles. He worked in various print media, and had the opportunity to publish his first two writings, classified as essays.
Opportunities in Madrid
Bengoechea wanted to break new ground and made the decision to go to Madrid in 1897. The newspaper El Globo opened its doors to him, and there he worked as an editor of chronicles, which he signed as "Lorena". He also devoted himself to one of his great passions, theater criticism at the Heraldo de Madrid and La Correspondencia de España.
The Spanish capital was a place of opportunities for the writer. He collaborated with several newspapers, also founded the daily La Mañana, was director of the Madrid magazine, and the printed newspapers ABC and Blanco y Negro had him as a permanent collaborator for a long time.
La Correspondencia de España, a newspaper where Bueno made theatrical reviews. Source: Not stated. Unknown, via Wikimedia Commons
Political ideals of Bueno
Bueno stated on several occasions that politics was the main generator of the problems that Spain suffered, because of the way it was exercised. His journalistic works were a window to show his political inclinations, and the ideological changes that he was giving.
At first he proved to be one of the leftist ideas, that is how he belonged to the Bilbao Socialist Association. Later, he expressed preferences for conservatism, opposing total changes within society. On the other hand, he was firm with his position against the policies of the church.
The writer also expressed his support for the dictator Primo de Rivera. His ideals and political thoughts were put into practice when, between 1910 and 1916, he was deputy for the provinces of Huelva, Jaén and Albacete. The cause of his death had to do with politics.
Good versus Valle-Inclán
Well Bengoechea and Valle-Inclán were good friends. However, both starred in a dispute in 1899, in which Manuel wounded Ramón on the wrist with a blow to him. The wound became so infected that Inclán lost his arm. Despite the incident, they remained friends.
Death of the writer
Bueno Bengoechea had signed contracts with a publishing house for the publication of some of his works, so in 1936 he decided to settle in Barcelona. It was the time of the Civil War, and he was accused of promoting violent uprisings.
Guillermo the passionate, by Manuel Bueno, published in El Cuento Semanal. Source: Manuel Tovar Siles
His collaboration in the undercover No Matter Circulation caused his murder. A group of soldiers forcibly removed him from his home on August 11, 1936, and shot him the following day. The body was left behind a church.
Despite his evolution in the political sphere, with regard to literature he maintained the main style traits of the Generation of '98. The historical context of his life made him remain in a critical position in the face of social norms and this is clearly reflected in his works.
Within the impressionism of his writings, he maintained romantic thinking, the use of the third person and his attachment to landscaping, all expressed with his very personal elegant and entertaining style.
Bueno Bengoechea's work was abundant. Theater, narrative, criticism, essays, translations and journalistic articles were some of the fields where it was developed. The following are just some of his most important works:
Among these works are The Achilles heel (1909) and The lie of love (1908). The latter was a comedy that premiered on stage at the Spanish Theater in Madrid. It is also worth mentioning What God Wants, a work that came to life on May 5, 1914.
Works of this genre include the following:
- Living (1897).
- Souls and landscapes (1900).
- At ground level (1902).
- Heart inside (1906).
- Guillermo the Passionate (1907).
- Jaime the Conqueror (1912).
- The intruder (1913).
- On the threshold of life (1918).
- The pain of living (1924).
- The city of the miracle (1924).
- Face to face (1925).
- The sweet lie (1926).
- The last love (1930).
- Solar sunset (1931).
- The taste of sin (1935).
- The mysterious love (1936).
- Dantón's grandchildren (1936).
Some of these titles were published in the regular installments of the print media of his time.
Essay and critique
The author published one of his first essay works in two Bilbao newspapers, which he called Acuarelas (1896). The content of said material was loaded with elegance in the language, but without that meaning that they were not pleasant for the reader.
Spain and the monarchy (1909) was also another of his important essays. After his death, Words to the Wind (1952) and ABC's Third Party (1977) were published. On the other hand, the author made some translations of plays in French and Italian, and took them to the stage in Spain.
- Manuel Bueno Bengoechea. (2016). Spain: Writers at the BNE. Recovered from: writers.bne.es.
- Manuel Bueno Bengoechea. (2019). Spain: Wikipedia. Recovered from: wikipedia.org.
- Well Bengoechea, Manuel. (2011). Spain: Pablo Iglesias Foundation. Recovered from: fpabloiglesias.es.
- Manuel Bueno Bengoechea. (Sf). Spain: Royal Academy of History. Recovered from: dbe.rah.es.
- Manuel Bueno Bengoechea. (2013). Spain: Madrid the city. Recovered from: madridafondo.blogspot.com.