- List of types of ergonomics
- 1- Physical ergonomics
- 2- Ergonomics of specific needs
- 3- Cognitive ergonomics
- 4- Organizational ergonomics
- 5- Environmental ergonomics
- 6- Corrective ergonomics
- 7- Preventive ergonomics
- 8- Micro-ergonomics
- 9- Macro-ergonomics
- References
The types of ergonomics are physical ergonomics, specific needs, cognitive, organizational, micro-ergonomics and macro-ergonomics.
Each of these ergonomics is responsible for studying from a different point of view the relationship between human beings and the existing elements in the system in which they participate: work, school, home, among others.
This study is carried out with the aim of improving the conditions in which individuals function. This means that ergonomic designs are aimed at avoiding damage that could be generated to people by interaction with the equipment and other components of the environment.
In this sense, ergonomics seeks to develop functional, comfortable and safe spaces. This discipline tries to increase the functioning not only of individuals but also of the system, since it facilitates the fulfillment of tasks and other activities.
To achieve this goal, the different types of ergonomics are based on various areas of study, including anthropometry, biomechanics, mechanical engineering, industrial design, physiology, and psychology.
List of types of ergonomics
1- Physical ergonomics
Physics is the most common type of ergonomics. This is in charge of studying human anatomy and anthropometric, physiological and biomechanical features in relation to the development of physical activities. This ergonomics studies the interaction between work teams and their users.
She is responsible for the design of products to treat or prevent physical conditions, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, deviations in the spine, among others. For example, more comfortable chairs, desks, and computer keyboards can be created.
It should be noted that product creation is not the only task of physical ergonomics. It also studies elements concerning the correct position of the human body when performing an activity.
Some examples of positions promoted by physical ergonomics are:
- When performing any activity, it is necessary to maintain the natural curvature of the back. When standing, it is recommended to put one foot in front of the other, as this helps to have the correct position of the spine.
- When sitting, lumbar support is recommended. Otherwise, the back tends to curve in a C shape, which can lead to problems in the future.
- It is not recommended to bend your back when picking up an object that is on the ground. The most appropriate thing would be to squat, supporting the weight of the body on the soles of the feet and lightening the load on the back.
- At all times, the neck must be kept in line with the spine
- When sitting at a computer, the proper position of the arms is to form a 90 ° angle at the elbow.
- When typing on a computer keyboard, the wrists should be kept at the same level as the forearm.
- If you are sitting for many hours, it is recommended to adjust the seat from time to time, changing the position. In this way, the body does not tire of always being in the same place.
2- Ergonomics of specific needs
Ergonomics of specific needs is a subtype of physical ergonomics that is responsible for the design of alternatives for people who have some type of specific need.
For example, this type of ergonomics studies and encourages the creation of spaces in which a child can function naturally, without having to be helped by adults.
Likewise, the creation of spaces suitable for people with physical or cognitive commitments is part of this ergonomics.
3- Cognitive ergonomics
It refers to the study of mental processes and how they affect the relationship between individuals and other elements of the system.
This discipline studies processes such as perception, memory, reasoning, speed of response to external stimuli, among others.
It also studies decision-making, stress generated by work, mental pressure, mental skills, among others.
4- Organizational ergonomics
Organizational ergonomics is in charge of optimizing systems concerning the policies of an institution.
Some of the aspects that are part of organizational ergonomics are improvements in the communication system, the promotion of teamwork, among others.
5- Environmental ergonomics
Environmental ergonomics is oriented towards the study of human relationships with physical space. In this sense, they take into account conditions such as weather, temperature, pressure, light level, sounds, among others.
This type of ergonomics determines which is the most suitable spatial configuration for the development of a pleasant environment.
For example, in a space where there is a lot of electronic equipment, it is best that the temperature is between 16 and 18 ° C to prevent the devices from overheating.
6- Corrective ergonomics
Corrective ergonomics is the branch of the discipline that is responsible for evaluating the spaces in which human beings develop.
This verifies that measures are carried out to protect the physical and mental integrity of the individuals who work in these environments.
In the event of ergonomic problems, corrective ergonomics offers suggestions to improve system performance.
7- Preventive ergonomics
Preventive ergonomics aims to create awareness in workers regarding safety in work spaces and the importance of physical and mental health.
Likewise, it highlights the importance of working in comfortable spaces that reduce muscle fatigue as much as possible.
8- Micro-ergonomics
Micro-ergonomics has as its main objective the creation of products that are characterized by being easy to use and to integrate into the environment in which individuals operate.
In addition to this, the designs developed by micro-ergonomics are functional, reliable, comfortable and safe.
9- Macro-ergonomics
Macro-ergonomics is based on the design of programming and software that facilitate the work of users.
He is in favor of a system in which human and technological factors coexist in order to maximize the functioning of the institution.
- Ergonomics. Retrieved on October 12, 2017, from ilocis.org
- Ergonomics. Retrieved on October 12, 2017, from slideshare.net
- Ergonomics: The Study of Work. Retrieved on October 12, 2017, from osha.gov
- Examples of Ergonomics. Retrieved on October 12, 2017, from ergonomics-info.com
- Human factors and ergonomics. Retrieved on October 12, 2017, from wikipedia.org
- MacLeod, Dan (2008). 10 Principles of Ergonomics. Retrieved on October 12, 2017, from danmacleod.com
- Types of Ergonimics Assintance. Retrieved on October 12, 2017, from ehs.ucsf.edu