- 11 steps with which to get a man's attention
- 1- Take care of your physical appearance
- 2- Impress with your wardrobe
- 3- Have a positive attitude and feel good about yourself
- 4- Establish eye contact
- 5- Communicate with your body
- 6- smile
- 7- Talk to him about things that you are passionate about
- 8- Do not hide your intelligence
- 9- Establish physical contact
- 10- be yourself
- 11- If it doesn't work, don't be discouraged and keep trying your luck
- References
Discover how to attract the attention of a man with this series of tips that will surely help you win the person you want or get what you want from them.
With this, you can finally attract the attention of that man that you always meet at the station when you return from work. Or they'll help you start a conversation with that handsome guy sitting at the bar counter.
Some of these keys to attracting that boy you like are to have a good self-esteem, to be sure of yourself and to always feel handsome.
It is true that, as with women, each man has different personal characteristics and tastes, so there is no instruction manual that can be followed to the letter to conquer all the boys in the world. But there are some general rules that usually work with almost everyone.
Even so, if it does not work, you must remember that they are only generic rules and that each person is different. Regardless of whether or not these tips serve to attract that man you are looking for, they will serve to increase your inner confidence and feel better about yourself.
11 steps with which to get a man's attention
1- Take care of your physical appearance
Photo by kevin laminto on Unsplash
When that man doesn't know you yet, the best way to get his attention is through sight. Therefore, you must maintain a good presence.
First of all, you must take care of your personal hygiene. You need to follow a daily body grooming routine. People who have good daily cleaning habits are not only more socially accepted, but also feel better about themselves.
One of the parts that attracts the most attention when you attract the attention of a man is the mouth. So brush your teeth often to keep them healthy, white, and shiny. In addition, this daily cleaning will provide you with fresh breath.
Another attribute of your body that you can take advantage of is your hair. In addition to washing and moisturizing it, if you like hairdressing, you can play with different hairstyles, dyes or highlights, with which you look better.
Other ways to improve your physical appearance are to maintain a healthy and balanced diet, without doing miracle diets, and to do sports, that is, to carry out certain healthy habits.
2- Impress with your wardrobe
Photo by Tamara Bellis on Unsplash
This advice can be controversial. I want to clarify that it is not about what you dress to please the other person, but that you like yourself and feel better with what you are wearing. Get ready, but respecting your personal tastes. Your own style and comfort come first.
However, surely inside your wardrobe you have that favorite garment that highlights the parts that you like the most of your body. One trick is to wear clothes that enhance your curves in the case of girls or the torso and arms in the case of men. Or if, for example, you are tall, you can use pants that stylize your legs.
As with lipstick, there are colors of clothing that can be more striking, which according to Nicolás Guéguen, again coincides with red.
In 2012 he published another test that consisted of the participants having to assess and show their sexual intention with photographs of the same woman dressed in various colors, blue, green, white or red. The study concluded that the color red was associated with greater male sexual attraction.
The most important thing is that you select an outfit with which you feel attractive and elegant, not uncomfortable. If you see it that way, then he will appreciate it too.
3- Have a positive attitude and feel good about yourself
Photo by Pablo Merchán Montes on Unsplash
Physical presence and clothing can serve to attract attention at first, when seduction is based only on the sense of sight.
However, the attitude you express with your mind is more important than any physical trait.
If you want to attract someone, you need to be happy for yourself first. Have a positive attitude, no man with common sense likes that the happiness of the person next to him depends on him.
According to a 2016 study conducted by Singh and others, a display of positive affection affects how attracted the other person is to you.
4- Establish eye contact
As I said in the first section, the first step lies in the sense of sight. Before you get a man's attention, you have to get him to look at you.
Although there are other parts of the body that draw attention to the male sex. As Hammond writes in his book 101 ways to Get and Keep His Attention, eyes are one of the most powerful weapons a woman has. According to popular tradition, "the eyes are the reflection of the soul." With them we can communicate more than we say with words.
If for example, you are flirting in a bar, direct your eyes towards that boy until he looks at you. According to Burgoon, Guerrero and Floyd (2010) in their book Non verbal communication, visual interaction with another person can communicate interest, attraction or anger. While looking away denotes submission, respect or shyness.
Therefore, do not be afraid to look at that boy, he will know that he calls your attention for something. If you are daring, you can also wink or raise your eyebrows. If he likes you, he won't be long in coming over to say hello.
5- Communicate with your body
Image by melancholiaphotography from Pixabay
Non-verbal communication is of great importance when seducing someone. Thousands of messages can be transmitted through facial features or other parts of the body such as the arms and legs.
In addition to the eyes, which we have already talked about, you can communicate with the lips. Apart from the color you wear since it can be more or less striking, there are other ways of communicating with the mouth. The least risky, but always pleasant is a smile.
There are other gestures such as lip biting that are more daring, but that can be used to intentionally hint at that boy that you are sexually attracted
For girls, if you're sitting down, crossing and uncrossing your legs slowly is another way to get that man's attention. However, don't overdo this movement if you don't want to appear nervous or stressed for any reason.
6- smile
Photo by Vinicius Wiesehofer on Unsplash
A smile provides psychological benefits for both you and those around you. It is the visible expression of your happiness, so take advantage of it.
A 1981 study by Sing Lau already recognized the positive effect that smiling had on the perception of another person. Through an experiment, he showed that smiling people were not only liked more, but were also considered smarter and closer.
On the other hand, Psychology Today magazine lists several scientifically proven benefits of smiling. Among them, looking younger, inducing pleasure to the brain and improving your sense of humor.
Without a doubt, the smile creates that positive environment necessary for you to attract the attention of that man. Well, as you've already seen, positive people with high self-esteem tend to be more attractive.
7- Talk to him about things that you are passionate about
CC0 Public Domain via PxHere.com
Once you've caught their attention and got them to come over to greet you, it's time to focus on keeping their attention. A good way to do this is through an interesting conversation.
By talking about your own interests and hobbies, you will discover what tastes you share with him to continue that talk and increase the attraction between the two of you. Nor should you fall into talking exclusively about yourself, it is important that you listen carefully when he wants to tell you something. If he sees that you are interested in what you tell him, he will pay more attention to you.
It is important that this man appreciates that you like your life and what you do and that you do not need anyone to change, but that you simply want to share some time with him.
Margaret Paul, an expert in personal relationships, established in an article in Huffington Post, the keys to maintaining a healthy relationship. Among those aspects, he pointed out the need to dedicate time to oneself.
Most of the people, they like that their partners, whether they are partners or friends, have ambitions and interests in life.
In addition, dedicating that time to yourself provides you with personal satisfaction and increases your self-esteem, and of course you will gain confidence when you want to address or attract the attention of someone who attracts you.
8- Do not hide your intelligence
Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash
Playing dumb is not an option. You must maintain an equal relationship with the person you want to attract, and if he does not respect that you have your own criteria and values, I advise you to change your goal as a boy. Smart people are more attractive to men.
9- Establish physical contact
Photo by Heather Mount on Unsplash
Another way to show that you are interested in this man is by making physical contact with him.
It is important to break the barrier of touch and there are many respectful and sneaky ways to do it. For example, if you walk with him or are in the cinema, brush your arm with his. If you are sitting at a bar, you can lightly touch his leg with your knee. And if he tells you something funny, don't miss the opportunity to touch his arm while you laugh.
10- be yourself
The most important rule to follow while dating someone is that you don't lose your own essence. Although you highlight your virtues over your defects, if someone does not like you, it is because that man is not related to you, but surely there are many more wanting to meet you.
Someone can pretend to be someone else for a certain time, but not forever. Thinking or planning too much can lead you to overreact and turn out to be false in front of that boy.
Also, if you are proud of your personality, why would you have to pretend to be someone you really are not? People who are natural, just as they are, tend to be more attractive.
11- If it doesn't work, don't be discouraged and keep trying your luck
You should not collapse or lose self-esteem because a man says no. The reasons why he has been able to reject you are many, he may already be in love with another person or that he does not feel like starting any type of relationship. Or simply, that you do not attract him.
That a man rejects is as respectable as when you say no to a boy because you don't like him. Therefore, it should not affect your self-esteem.
My recommendation is that you continue to carry out these tips in your daily life. You never know when another man you want to attract may appear.
- Burgoon, JK, Guerrero, LK, & Floyd, K. (2010). Nonverbal communication. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
- Guéguen, N. (2012). Color and Women Attractiveness: When Red Clothed Women Are Perceived to Have More Intense Sexual Intent. The Journal of Social Psychology, 152 (3), 261-265. doi: 10.1080 / 00224545.2011.605398
- Guéguen, N. (2012). Does Red Lipstick Really Attract Men? An Evaluation in a Bar. International Journal of Psychological Studies, 4 (2). doi: 10.5539 / ijps.v4n2p206
- Hammond, MM (2003). 101 ways to get and keep his attention. Eugene, Or.: Harvest House.
- Pease, A., & Pease, B. (2012). The body language of love. Buderim, Qld.: Pease International.
- Singh, Ramadhar and Shu Qing Teng, Jocelyn and Bhullar, Naureen and Sankaran, Krithiga, Positive Affect Moderates Partner's Liking Effects on Trust and Attraction (May 31, 2016). IIM Bangalore Research Paper No. 515. Available at SSRN: ssrn.com.