- Main types of community
- World community
- Scientific community
- Economic community
- Community community
- Community of neighbors
- Guild community
- Academic community
- National community
- LGBT community
- References
The types of community are all those classifications in which a group of people who have similar behaviors or are assigned to the same field, be it work, academic, economic or social, is identified.
A community can be understood as the association that has a group of people who share common interests or are also related by sharing some area of their life or training.
Through a community, people can share language, religion, profession, nationality, age, sexual orientation, political ideology, among others.
Communities do not have fixed borders, so the definition of belonging or not to a specific community often depends on the person himself. But in the same way, the lives of individuals reach many areas. For this reason, many people belong to two or more communities.
Membership is also difficult to define. Belonging to a certain social group does not imply participating actively in the activities that arise from it.
Although there are people who do not want to belong to a community, there are essential elements such as nationality and dependence on an economic group for subsistence, which cannot be avoided.
Communities can range from very large elements such as the planet as a whole to very small groups such as a group of neighbors. The concept is capable of encompassing many types of social groups, which are constituted as communities.
Main types of community
Communities are established as a group in which people who identify themselves or belong to the same structure. Some of them are:
World community
It is the largest type of community that exists, because all human beings belong to it. It is made up of all the inhabitants of planet Earth.
Belonging to this community is inherent to the condition of birth, and the human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are bound to it.
The generality of this concept means that its application is not widely used, although when it is done it is to reinforce the sense of integration.
Scientific community
When this term is used it refers to scientists who are grouped into different associations. Even when these do not exist, the term is used to refer to scientists in general.
One of the main uses that is given to the term is when there are studies that coincide in many places, or when a theory is raised that has not been refuted.
In this circumstance it is then affirmed that there is a consensus of the scientific community on a certain subject.
Economic community
It is a general term that unites different people for economic reasons. It applies in different circumstances. For example, a family can apply an economic community scheme by sharing all its expenses and managing a single fund.
Also, this concept is used for unions that are made between sovereign states that share certain sectors of the economy.
One of its greatest exponents was the predecessor of the European Union: the European Economic Communities.
Community community
It is mainly applied in the educational and teaching field. It refers mainly to the community that forms the entire educational institution, in which teachers and students are involved.
Through this model, teachers do not have the highest authority but decisions are made in consensus, imitating a familiar model in the classroom and leaving behind the rigid relationship of power that superimposes a teacher over his students.
Community of neighbors
The inhabitants of a building or of the same residential complex form a community of neighbors, because they share the same area as a residence space.
It is one of the smallest communities and has the characteristic of being always present in all societies.
In addition, the term community of neighbors is also applied to the institution that the neighbors themselves make up to safeguard their rights and resolve disputes that arise. It is generally made up of a president, vice president, treasurer and members.
Guild community
All people who practice a profession are part of a union. Consequently, a union community is one that is made up of all the professionals who have graduated in a certain subject or those who have practiced a trade for many years.
The union communities are organized in schools and unions, which defend the rights of workers in their area, as well as fight for their labor benefits.
Academic community
The academy stands as those educational institutions that impart different knowledge to the students who study in it.
That is why an academic community is made up of anyone who lives in an educational institution.
For example, in a university, an academic community is made up of professors and students. Sometimes the concept includes all workers in the area, such as administrative and blue-collar personnel.
National community
All citizens have the right to a name and a nationality. For this reason, all states are obliged to grant a nationality to the persons to whom it corresponds.
In today's world people always have a nationality and therefore belong to a national community.
This implies that they must comply with all the duties and rights inherent in the laws of that State. One of the expressions of citizenship is obtaining identity documents such as passports.
LGBT community
Also, communities can be defined according to people's sexual orientation. This is the case of the community of gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transsexuals, which historically have represented an oppressed group and which has become a community to fight for their rights.
The LGBT community also includes intersex, transgender, pansexual, asexual, queer and anyone who identifies with more genders than conventionally accepted.
For the synthesis of all these categories, the term LGBT + has also been positioned, which includes all those other minority sectors that maintain claims regarding their rights.
- Contreras, O. (2011). The academic community and its media: the consolidation of a social science journal. Region and society, 23 (50), 11-22. Recovered from scielo.org.mx.
- Faroq, U. (February 9, 2014). Types of Community in Sociology, Urban and Rural Community. Study Lecture Notes. Recovered from studylecturenotes.com.
- Fellowship of Intentional Community. (sf). Community Types. Fellowship of Intentional Community. Recovered from ic.org.
- (November 23, 2010). Different Types Of Communities. Feverbee. Recovered from feverbee.com.
- (October 8, 2012). Types Of Community And Activity Within The Community. Feverbee. Recovered from feverbee.com.
- (March 20, 2011). The scientific community. Engadget Science. Recovered from xatakaciencia.com.
- LGBT Helpine. (sf). What is LGBT? LGBT Helpline. Recovered from lgbt.ie.