- The 7 most relevant animals that start with I
- 1- Ibis
- 2- ibex
- 3- Iguana
- 4- Impala
- 5- Indri
- 6- Irbis
- 7- Stick insect
- References
Some animals that begin with the letter i are the ibis, ibex, iguana, impala, indri, irbis, and stick insect. The latter is one of the rarities of nature, since the color of the animal allows it to perfectly camouflage itself in its habitat.
The iguana is another animal in this group that also has the ability to camouflage itself. The emerald green color of her skin helps her to lose herself in the bushes and avoid being discovered.
The ibis is also surprising; It is an ancient animal considered sacred to the Egyptians, who saw it as a god. The irbis also stands out, a little-known species of leopard that only lives in the snow.
The 7 most relevant animals that start with I
1- Ibis
It is a bird of medium build, rather thin, that shows a tuft of long black feathers on its neck, but its head is bald.
They are characterized by a very long curved bill; It is a bird that has evolved and today there are many varieties.
The ibis was considered a religious symbol for the first inhabitants of Egypt, to the point of being drawn and reflected in writings, paintings and constructions. They were even embalmed and mummified in that historical era.
2- ibex
It is a mammal that has large horns that protrude from its head. These horns are longer in males than in females.
The ibex is a goat in its natural state, which is why it is called a wild goat of the Alps, since it prefers mountainous places.
It has an extraordinary ability to navigate very difficult terrain, steep and slippery mountains, covered with snow or wet. It moves between the rocks jumping from one to another with ease.
3- Iguana
It is a species of the reptile family. Its size is variable: it can measure from a few centimeters to almost two meters.
Its skin has very resistant green scales, which serve to hide itself between plants.
It spends time in the trees because it is heated by the sun to increase its temperature. She is considered sociable and is kept as a pet in some places, but can be aggressive.
Its greatest predator is man, who pursues it to use its meat as food.
4- Impala
It is an animal that jumps several meters in length and height. It is an elegant mammal with a thin neck and long legs. It has two wavy horns, which serve to push as a way to defend itself.
Their natural predators are larger animals such as the lion and the tiger, among others, but as they are very agile they are not easy prey for them. They are based in Africa.
5- Indri
Of the genus of monkeys, it is an animal that is interesting for its fur in black and white tones and its large yellow eyes. It is found only in Madagascar, on the African continent.
Its rare fur, characterized by being fluffy, and the contrast of the yellow eyes with the black color of the hair is striking. It has been compared to a stuffed animal.
6- Irbis
It is a wild animal, a feline that lives in the high mountains of Asia; for that reason very little is known him.
Its light gray coat is doubled to protect itself from the cold and it serves to camouflage itself between rocks or snow.
It is an aggressive animal and a hunter of other smaller species, but at the same time it is also hunted by man, who markets its skin for its beauty.
7- Stick insect
It owes its name to its body, long and very thin, very similar to a stick. The coloration of its body is variable: when it is young it is green and as it ages it turns brown, like a small branch of a tree.
- Tostado F. (February 2015) »Ibis: a sacred and ugly but very clean Egyptian bird” Retrieved: December 2, 2017 from franciscojaviertostado.com
- Animal world. "Conduct of the iguana" Retrieved on: December 2, 2017 from mundo-animal.com
- BioEncyclopedia. (December 2011) "Iguana family iguanidae information and characteristics" in Specialized Encyclopedia Retrieved on December 2, 2017 from bioenciclopedia.com
- Animalia Kingdom. "Snow leopard" in: Animals, Mammals, Carnivores and 10 more. Retrieved on December 2, 2017 from Reinoanimalia.wikia.com
- Biopedia "Ibex or wild goat of the Alps". In Biodiversity, biomes and more. Illustrated Encyclopedia of Life on Earth. Retrieved December 2, 2017 from biopedia.com
- Wikifaunia. "Impala". Retrieved December 2, 2017 from wikifaunia.com
- Lemurworld "Indri" Retrieved December 2, 2017 from lemurworld.com
- BioEncyclopedia. (July 2016) "Indri" in Mammals. Retrieved on December 2, 2017 from bioenciclopedia.com
- Photo Nostra. "Panther of the Snows". In wild cats. Retrieved on December 2, 2017 from fotonostra.com
- Wikifaunia. "Stick Insect." Retrieved December 2, 2017 from wikifaunia.com