- 1- Beowulf's dragon
- 2- Zu
- 3- Draco
- 4-
- 5- Griffin
- 6-Hydra
- 7- Jawzahr
- 8- Jormunand
- 9- Wawel
- 10-
- eleven-
- 12-Sirrush
- 13-
- 14- Tarasque
- 15- Tiamat
- 16- Quetzalcoatl
- 17- Leviathan
- 18- Níðhöggr
- 19- The piasa
- 20- Amaru
- 21- Yinglong
- 22- Huanglong
- 23- Dilong
- 24- Fafnir
- 25- Herensuge
- 26- Dragon King
- 27- Tianlong
- 28- Xiuhcóatl
- 29- Balagos
- 30- Hydra of Lernaean
- 31- Colchian
- 32- Fucanglong
- 33- Ladon
- 34- The Cuélebre
- 35- Seiryū
- 36- Yamata no Orochi
- 37- Shenlong
- 38- amphitters
- 39- Kreston
- 40- Klauth
- 41- Mushu
- 42- Charizard
- 43-Drake
- 44- Puff
- 45- Aaronarra
- 46- Abagizal
- 47- Katla
- 48- Norberta
- 49- Falkor
- 50- King Ghidorah
- Related topics
- References
I leave you a list with the most famous, legendary and curious dragon names that you can find. Among them are Zu, Draco, Griffin, Jawzahr, Smaug, Tarasque, Huanglong, Dilong, Fucanglongentre others.
Dragons are large mythological reptiles similar to lizards. In the stories they are described as animals with a stout body, claws, large wings and capable of releasing fire through their mouths.
The presence of these fantastic beings is usually common in medieval movies and fictional tales, although in the Middle Ages people believed in them. Today the most similar animals to these beings are the Komodo dragons.
You may also be interested in this list of epic names or this one of Viking names.
1- Beowulf's dragon
An unnamed dragon in the epic tale of Beowulf. This creature is said to vomit fire and reach 50 feet in length.
2- Zu
It was a huge dragon, sometimes considered the storm bird, in the mythology of ancient Mesopotamia. He was born on the Hehe Mountain, and nested at the top of the Sabu Mountains.
3- Draco
Last of the living dragons in the movie Dragonheart. He gave away a part of his heart so that the prince could live.
The prince sadly followed his father's bad behavior and was a terrible ruler, abusing all his subjects.
To Draco's disadvantage, the only way to kill the prince (now king) was to die, so that the evil prince would also die. There is a constellation Draco in the northern sky.
The "Eight-Headed Dragon" is an unknown species, presumably extinct. It stands on eight legs, has eight slender arms with three claws at the end of each arm, and from where its upper arms grow, eight heads extend.
It is capable of projecting a fireball from apparently any of its eight heads.
5- Griffin
It is a legendary dragon with the body, tail and hind legs of a lion; the head and wings of an eagle and the talons of an eagle.
Because the lion was traditionally considered the king of beasts and the eagle the king of birds, the dragon Griffin was created to be an especially powerful and majestic creature. This dragon was also considered to be the king of all creatures. The Griffin are known to guard priceless treasures and possessions.
Son of the Greek typhoon and Echidna. The Hydra has an elongated body similar to that of the snake. Each time Heracles cut off one of the Hydra's heads, two more would grow back in its place. It is a one-of-a-kind dragon that can have between 3 and 7 heads. It has poisonous thorns.
7- Jawzahr
It is the Islamic dragon that is thought to be responsible for comets and eclipses.
8- Jormunand
Also known as Jormungander, it is a dragon in Norse mythology with the body of a serpent and the head of a dragon. Jormunand surrounds the entire world of Midgard (realm of human beings), creating the oceans and uniting spaces of land.
9- Wawel
Also known as the Wawel Hill Dragon, it is a famous dragon in Polish folklore. His lair was in a cave at the foot of Wawel Hill, on the bank of the Vistula River.
Wawel Hill is in Krakow, which was then the capital of Poland. In some stories, the dragon lived in the area before the founding of the city, when the area was inhabited only by farmers.
A young princess (Margaret) was turned into a hideous serpent-dragon by a spell from her evil stepmother. The Laidly Worm was banished from the castle and wreaked havoc on a rock (Heugh of Spindleton).
She devoured everything she found. When ChildeWynd discovered that her kingdom was being terrorized by a dragon, she set out to destroy it. When he finally got close to the Worm Dragon Laidly spoke to her and she told him to kiss her three times to break the spell.
ChildeWynd recognized her sister's voice and kissed her three times, freeing Margaret from the spell.
It is a Japanese dragon capable of living in the air, on land or in water. Ryu is considered one of the four sacred creatures of the East and symbolizes storms and rain.
Also known by the name Mushussu, Sirrush is the Babylonian dragon of chaos. This creature has the front feet of a cat, claws of a bird for the hind legs, as well as a snake-like body and scaly head.
There is a figure of Sirrush at the Ishtar Gate in Babylon, which cryptozoologists believe is a representation of living dinosaurs.
A remarkably old dragon that lived in a gigantic cavern in the middle of the mountains in Tolkin's The Hobbit story.
Smaug stayed for days in his cave, lying on his treasures, apparently asleep, but with one eye slightly open (to watch out for intruders). When angry, he would fly from his lair and destroy anything that crossed his path.
14- Tarasque
During the Middle Ages near the city of Tarscon, on the banks of the Rhone, lived Tarasque. It was a dragon with the head of a tiger, huge fangs, four bear's legs, thick, hard skin, and the tail of a viper.
One day the creature came out of its cave and, just as it was about to devour an unfortunate peasant, Santa Marta appeared. Acting simply and fearlessly, he sprinkled holy water on Tarasque, rendering it harmless.
15- Tiamat
In the Babylonian legends of the beginning of the earth there were no lands, gods or people, only the dragons Apsu and Tiamat. Apsu was a freshwater dragon. Apsu and Tiamat had many descendants and these became the first gods.
16- Quetzalcoatl
It is a Mesoamerican deity whose name comes from the Nahuatl language and has the meaning of "feathered serpent." It was a luminous dragon and was worshiped by the Aztecs.
17- Leviathan
A serpent dragon so large that its spiral encircles the Earth. Leviathan holds its tail with its mouth to prevent the world from falling apart. Leviathan is armed with huge and terrible teeth and scales. This biblical creature was created when the universe was forming.
18- Níðhöggr
Nidhogg (The Norse dragon Níðhöggr) is a ferocious dragon that gnaws at the roots of Yggdrasil, the tree that supports the nine worlds of Norse mythology.
This power-hungry monster is sometimes referred to as "the malicious attacker," as he rules dark criminals and is bent on destroying peace and virtue.
19- The piasa
It is said that the Piasa bird flew over the "Great Father of the Waters" thousands of moons before the white man arrived. "The Piasa, or Piusa, means" the bird that devours men. "
The colors used in the early paintings depicting him symbolize war and revenge (red), death and despair (black), and hope and triumph over death (green).
20- Amaru
It was a dragon-serpent from Andean mythology. It was a huge two-headed serpent-dragon that dwelt underground. Illustrated with the heads of a bird and a puma, the amaru can be seen emerging from a central feature in the center of a stepped mountain or from a pyramid motif at sunrise in Tiwanaku, Bolivia.
When illustrated on religious vessels, the amaru is often seen with feet and wings similar to birds, so that it resembles a dragon. The amaru was believed to be capable of transgressing boundaries to and from the spirit realm of the underworld.
21- Yinglong
It was a dragon believed to be a powerful servant of Huang di, the Yellow Emperor, who was later immortalized as a dragon. A legend says that Yinglong helped a man named Yu stop the Yellow River from flooding by digging long channels with his tail.
22- Huanglong
It literally means Yellow Dragon (黃龍). He reigns over the Si Xiang (celestial creatures in the Chinese constellation) and stands in the center of the four beasts. Huanglong is sometimes considered the same as Qilin from the Si Ling. It is the embodiment of the element of Earth in the five Chinese elements (Wu Xing).
23- Dilong
It is a dragon from Chinese mythology, an earth dragon. It was considered one of the dragons that had not ascended to the sky since it was not capable of flying like other dragons.
24- Fafnir
It is a dragon that started life as a giant. In his youth he killed his father to earn his great treasures. So, through magic, Fafnir transformed into a dragon in order to better guard his newly acquired ill-gotten treasures.
25- Herensuge
It is a dragon or a demon from Basque mythology. Herensuge dwellings include: the Ertzagania cave (Ahuski mountain range), the supposed Aralar abyss (San Miguel Sanctuary), Murugain de Mondragón and the Peña de Orduña.
26- Dragon King
It was a three-headed black dragon. He was the second dragon n created by the Kerapac dragon phalacs. It was a failed project intended to replicate the mighty Black Dragon queen. He was released in the desert.
27- Tianlong
Its name means "Dragon of the celestial or divine dragon." Legend has it that there was a man named Ye Zigao who professed to love dragons. After carving and painting images of dragons throughout his home, Tianlong the Heavenly Dragon came to visit him, but Ye was afraid and fled.
28- Xiuhcóatl
Xiuhcoatls are the fire snakes of Mesoamerica. They could breathe fire and endure the most scorching heat. They are sometimes called Turquoise Serpents or Lightning Serpents, depending on the associated deity. The Xiuhcoatls carried the sun across the sky.
29- Balagos
It was a dragon known as the flying flame, it was one of the most famous red dragons.
30- Hydra of Lernaean
It was a dragon-like water snake with poisonous fatal breath, daughter of Typhon and Echidna. The creature is said to have had between five and 100 heads, although most sources describe the number between seven and nine.
31- Colchian
It was a dragon from Greek mythology. It was said that he never slept and was always alert. In Ovid's metamorphosis it is described as a dragon with a crest and three tongues.
32- Fucanglong
It was a dragon from Chinese mythology that lived in the caverns of Hirosue. He accumulated large amounts of gold that he protected with his life.
33- Ladon
It was a dragon-serpent from Greek mythology that lived coiled in the garden of the Hesperides, guarding the golden apples. It was said to have a hundred heads.
34- The Cuélebre
It is a giant dragon-snake from the Cantabrian region with large wings that lives in caves guarding great treasures.
35- Seiryū
It is a blue dragon from Japanese mythology. It is a dragon with horns and golden hair.
36- Yamata no Orochi
It is a dragon-serpent from Japanese mythology with 8 heads and 8 tails, very bright red eyes and a red abdomen. It was so large that its body covered the space of 8 valleys.
37- Shenlong
It is a dragon from Chinese mythology that ruled the winds, clouds, rain and agriculture depended on this dragon.
38- amphitters
It was an American dragon that had its wings as limbs. There were 3 types of amphitter dragons and they had the colors of the rainbow. It fed on mammals and evil humans.
39- Kreston
It was a black dragon. His mother was Casarial and he was Hesior's grandson.
40- Klauth
Also known as Old Snarl, he was supposedly one of the oldest dragons that had not been fully turned into a dragon. He was utterly evil, especially to his own kind, although he had some redeeming factors such as granting favors to creatures that he considered not a threat.
41- Mushu
He is an anthropomorphic red dragon and deuteragonist of the Disney animated feature film, Mulan. He is the closest companion of the titular character, acting as his guardian and protector.
42- Charizard
It is a draconian pokémon, bipedal with two wings. It is mainly orange in color with a cream underside from the chest to the tip of its tail, and has a flame on its tail. Charizard has a long neck, small blue eyes, raised nostrils, and two horns. It has two visible fangs even when its mouth is closed.
It is a very shy black and white dragon that can be manipulated by anyone. In the movie "Dragon Heart:" A New Beginning ", save the world from the evil dragon Griffin.
44- Puff
It is the dragon from a nursery rhyme performed by Peter, Paul, and Mary. It was a magical dragon that lived in the sea.
45- Aaronarra
It was an old copper dragon that lived on the western side of the high moor, near the misty forest. She was around 700 years old and a dragon with a very bad attitude.
46- Abagizal
He was one of the five dragons of the mighty Bhaalspawn group of allies that rose to prominence during the time of the fulfillment of Alaundo's prophecy of the sons of Bhaal.
He was a descendant of Bhaal and a blue dragon, and could assume the form of a humanoid hybrid with reptilian features, or a powerful blue dragon.
47- Katla
He is the dragon from "The Lionhearted Brothers", a Swedish fairy tale written by Astrid Lindgren, the same author of "Pippi Long Tights"
48- Norberta
Norberta, originally Norberto, was a Norwegian Ridgeback dragon hatched by RubeusHagrid in his hut at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft in the Harry Potter story.
49- Falkor
It is the dragon of luck in the movie "The neverland story." Falkor has an elongated and graceful body 43 feet long, his entire body is covered in smooth albino fur. It is covered in pink and white scales. Their eyes are the same color as rubies, but are often mistaken for dark brown or oak.
50- King Ghidorah
It was a golden dragon with three heads, two large wings, two tails with gold scales that appears in the movie Godzilla as his arch enemy.
Related topics
Medieval names.
Viking names.
Elf names.
Epic names.
Names of vampires.
Names of demons.
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Fairy names.
- (2016). Griifin. 3-29-2017, retrieved from dragonsdogma.wikia.com.
- All about dragons editors. (2014). 3-29-2017, retrieved from allaboutdragons.com.
- (2014). Eight Headed Dragon. 3-29-2017, retrieved from aliens.wikia.com.
- Löwche, C. (2000-2008). Famous Dragons. 3-29-2017, retrieved from lowchensaustralia.com.
- Geller, P. (2013). Nidhogg Norse Creatures. 29-3-2017, retrieved from mythology.net.
- Piasa Bird Editors. (2016). Piasa bird. 3-29-2017, retrieved from piasabirds.com.
- Mythical creatures guide. (2012). Yinglong. 3-29-2017, retrieved from mythicalcreaturesguide.com.
- All about dragons editors. (2016). Herensuge. 3-29-2017, retrieved from allaboutdragons.com.
- Meyer, M. (2011-2016). Yamata no Orochi. 3-29-2017, from yokai.com.