- The 4 main types of jokes
- 1- According to the tone
- 2- According to the topic
- 3- According to its quality
- 4- According to the format
- References
The types of jokes serve different classification criteria. A joke is a type of short, oral or written text that belongs to the humorous genre. In this type of manifestation, the textual structure is based on humor or humor.
To achieve their goal, which is to cause humor, these texts have a higher degree of planning and less spontaneity.
Regarding its structure, the joke consists of three blocks. In the first block the situation is raised; for example: «José! Don't you know that drinking is forbidden during work?
In the second, there is an unexpected twist: "Don't worry, boss." Finally, there is a comic denouement: "I'm not working."
The 4 main types of jokes
1- According to the tone
Taking into account the tone of the jokes, these are usually qualified using colors. Thus, some types of jokes would be white, green and black.
In the first place, the white joke is the most innocent of all. This is suitable to be heard by both adults and minors.
The dirty joke is one that has an obscene, lewd or lustful tone. It is also known as a red joke.
For their part, the black humor jokes are the most irreverent, corrosive and piercing. These deal with topics that can be uncomfortable, such as disabilities, funerals, terminal illnesses, among others.
2- According to the topic
The jokes can also be classified depending on the different themes. They are often grouped together taking into account commonalities.
These can be about stereotypical characters, like drunken jokes or mother-in-law jokes; or about different professions, such as doctor jokes.
It is also common to hear jokes about collectives that in some places have a reputation for not being very bright, such as jokes about Belgians in France, or about Galicians in America.
A popular case of these types of jokes are those of the famous Jaimito. This is a very young character who finds very witty ways to resolve his conflicts.
3- According to its quality
People intuitively distinguish two types of jokes: good and bad. However, there is no objective criterion to differentiate them.
In fact, the same joke can be described as good by some people and as bad by others. In addition, there are usually very subjective degrees: good, very good, bad and very bad.
4- According to the format
There are different formats to present a joke. The most common format is oral. For many authors, jokes represent the last remaining genre of oral culture.
Due to their orality, they are constantly modified and therefore there are several versions of the same joke.
On the other hand, they can also be presented in written form. In this case, the reader must imagine the actions for the joke to achieve its humorous goal.
The written jokes try to reproduce the oral ones, although without trying to copy the stylistic resources. For this they can make use of graphic or contextual elements.
Finally, a third format is visual or graphic, in which images are used. As suggested above, these last two styles can be combined: images and text.
- Gutiérrez-Rexach, J. (2016). Encyclopedia of Hispanic Linguistics. New York: Routledge.
- Oyarzún, U. (2012). How to use humor in ministry. Miami: Life.
By Ulises Fraile Gil, JM (2002). The Word: Expressions of the Oral Tradition. Salamanca: Center for Traditional Culture.
- Suazo Pascual, G. (1999). Alphabet of sayings and phrases. Madrid: EDAF.
- Red, S. (2007). The best black humor jokes. Barcelona: Robinbook editions.
- Borrajo Domarco, R. (2008). The Borrajo Booklet. Seville: Cs9 Producciones.
- Heller, A. (2005). The Immortal Comedy: The Comic Phenomenon in Art, Literature, and Life. Lanham: Lexington Books.
- Laugh Doll. (s / f). Types and Kinds of Jokes. Retrieved on December 14, 2017, from sites.google.com
- Vigara Tauste, AM (1999). The thread of discourse: essays on conversational analysis. Quito: Editorial Abya Yala.