- The 10 main tourist places of Sonora
- 1- Main square
- 2- Ethnic Museum of the Seris
- 3- Dunes of San Nicolás
- 4- Cerro Tetakawi
- 5- Náinari Lagoon
- 6- El Oviachic Dam
- 7- Museum of Art of Sonora (MUSAS)
- 8- Historical temple of Caborca
- 9- Petrogravures or petroglyphs La Proveedora
- 10- The Pinacate
- References
The sights of Sonora talk about the contrast in its geography and its heroic story. These include great human works and some unique landscapes or natural formations.
Sonora is a northern state of Mexico that almost reaches 180 thousand km 2 in extension. It is the second largest state in the country.
It was founded in 1824. Its capital is Hermosillo and it is divided into 72 municipalities. It has approximately 285 thousand inhabitants.
Its economy moves with tourism, fishing, agriculture, mining, and food processing.
In 2014 its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) rose to 4%, compared to 3.3% for the rest of the Mexican average. It is worth saying that its GDP represents almost 3% of the Mexican total.
Tourism in this state is synonymous with two very contrasting landscapes: deserts and beaches.
It has more than 25 thousand kilometers of highways, more than 2000 kilometers of railways, five international airports and 117 airfields.
The Tourist Competitiveness Index of the Mexican States assigns Sonora 35.75 points, almost equal to the national average. However, it is considered an industry with great potential.
For example, in 2015, more than 16,000 travelers were mobilized under the "Tourism for all" program. This meant an income of 21 million pesos for the state.
You may also be interested in the traditions and customs of Sonora.
The 10 main tourist places of Sonora
1- Main square
Its construction dates from the 19th century. It is surrounded by arches and stone paths. The balconies and rest spaces also stand out.
Its central kiosk is in the Moorish style. It has a small wrought iron frame.
2- Ethnic Museum of the Seris
It is a small museum dedicated to disseminating information about the Seris, an indigenous group originally from Sonora.
It was inaugurated on September 10, 1985 in a ceremony presided over by the governor of that time, Samuel Ocaña García.
In its exhibition you can find almost 500 pieces. Some are more than 100 years old.
All the pieces that are exhibited there are original. In fact, you can also find the first figures that the seris carved in ironwood.
3- Dunes of San Nicolás
San Nicolás is a beach that is 105 kilometers from Hermosillo. It has some dunes that can measure up to 65 meters high.
These dunes have become a space where tourists can practice sandboarding.
Between October and May, temperatures reach close to 39 ° C, allowing you to fully enjoy this destination.
4- Cerro Tetakawi
The Tetakawi hill is about 200 meters high and is the symbol of the San Carlos Bay.
It is a hill that is located on the shores of the Sea of Cortez and sheltered members of the Yaquis, Seris and Guaymas tribes. Its name means "stone mountain" in the language of the Yaqui Indians.
Among the animals that make up its fauna are cenzontles, huitlacoches, cardinals, woodpeckers, bats and seabirds.
Climbing the Tetakawi hill is a challenge for some visitors.
5- Náinari Lagoon
It is an artificial lake that was built in 1956, to the west of Ciudad Obregón. Its name is the adaptation into Spanish of the Yaqui voice «nátnari», which means «bonfires».
Among its fauna are birds such as chanates, turtledoves, ducks, sparrows, storks, herons and pitahayera pigeons, and also turtles.
Its surrounding spaces have been adapted so that families can hike, run or cycle. Nearby is the Ostimuri playground, which has a zoo and a restaurant.
The origins of this lagoon are related to the wetlands that were formed in the flooded lands by the waters that flowed from Zaperoa.
The ranchers spent the night around these wetlands to shoe and heal beasts of fattening and burden.
Over time they stopped calling those spaces "Los Bajíos", and began to refer to them by the name of "Náinari", as the marauding Yaquis called it.
There are chroniclers who claim that rice was grown on the margins of this lagoon, but it is a version of which no evidence has been found.
Over the years and the governments, these wells were shaped and all the infrastructure that today allows you to enjoy this tourist space was built.
6- El Oviachic Dam
The El Oviachic Dam is located in southern Sonora. It was built at the foot of the Sierra Madre Occidental between 1947 and 1952, during the government of Miguel Alemán Valdés.
His name is a Yaqui voice that means "the difficult one." It is also known by the name of Álvaro Obregón Dam. It has a capacity of 2,989 million cubic meters.
It was built to contribute to the irrigation of the Yaqui Valley. Its flow is used to generate electrical energy.
It covers an area of 20,500 hectares and its height is 57 meters above the river bed. Today it has recreational spaces where families can fish, ride a boat or practice water skiing.
7- Museum of Art of Sonora (MUSAS)
It is a museum created in 2009 to promote Sonoran art in all its expressions: music, cinema, painting, among other manifestations.
However, it also houses works by artists from other parts of Mexico and the world. The building consists of 5 thousand m 2 of construction on four levels.
8- Historical temple of Caborca
It is a temple that today is considered a symbol of the city.
On April 6, 1857, a battle was fought against the filibusters, a group of Americans led by Henry Crabb who wanted to annex Sonora to the United States.
The Papago Indians who inhabited the town and the other residents forced them to take refuge in the temple, and they were about to blow them up but they surrendered in time. The next day they were shot.
The façade of the Iglesia de la Purísima Concepción de Nuestra Señora de Caborca, built by the Franciscan missionaries between 1797 and 1809, still bears marks of the feat.
This event is known in the United States as the Crabb Massacre, although for the Sonorans it was a heroic feat in defense of their territory.
9- Petrogravures or petroglyphs La Proveedora
In the hills of La Proveedora there are approximately 6 thousand engravings of animal figures, arrows, geometric figures, arches, suns and moons, which constitute the largest concentration of petroglyphs in the American continent.
The figures are found in the rock of the hills of what was previously the La Providencia copper mine.
It is believed that they were made by members of the Tohono Ootham ethnic group under the influence of some hallucinogen.
Some scientists estimate them to be 600 years old. But there is no total consensus on this or on its possible authors.
They are located about 15 kilometers west of Caborca, within the Puerto Blanco ranches.
10- The Pinacate
It is a volcanic region located northwest of Sonora. Despite the desert appearance, within its more than 714 thousand hectares there is an enormous biological diversity that represents 18% of the fauna of Sonora.
This is home to 41 species of mammals, 237 species of birds, and 45 species of reptiles. It is also the largest active dune field in North America.
Not for nothing was it named a Natural Heritage of Humanity and is part of the network of natural reserves of the UNESCO "Man and the Biosphere" program.
It is an area administered by the National Commission of Protected Natural Areas (CONANP).
For the Papago people it has a special meaning. They consider Pico Pinacate as the origin of everything that exists.
- Cerro Tetakawi (s / f). The Tetakawi hill. Recovered from: cerrotetakawi.wordpress.com
- Sonoran Institute of Culture (s / f). Museum of the seris. Recovered from: isc.gob.mx
- Martínez, Milton (2015). Petrogravures of the Provider in Caborca: ancestral memory of Sonora. Recovered from: arietecaborca.com
- Mexico is culture (s / f). Museum of the seris. Recovered from: mexicoescultura.com
- Executive World (2015). Sonora, a land consented to for tourism. Recovered from: mundoejecutivo.com.mx
- Navas, Melvin (2014). Battle of Caborca (April 6, 1857). Recovered from: lhistoria.com
- Obson (2014). The True History of La Laguna del Náinari. Recovered from: obson.wordpress.com
- Tourism (s / f). Let's travel together through Sonora. Recovered from: turismo.sonora.gob.mx
- Turimexico (s / f). Tourist sites in Sonora. Recovered from: turimexico.com
- Tripadvisor (s / f). Sonora activities. Recovered from: tripadvisor.com.ve
- Vmexicoalmaximo (s / f). El Pinacate biosphere reserve and the great Altar desert, natural heritage of humanity. Recovered from: vmexicoalmaximo.com
- Wikipedia (s / f). Sonora. Recovered: es.m.wikipedia.org