- Top 10 examples of peace
- 1- Intra-family peace
- 2- Peace between neighbors
- 3- Peace among friends
- 4- Inner or personal peace
- 5- Peace between co-workers
- 6- Peace between bosses and employees
- 7- Peace between countries
- 8- Peace process in Colombia
- 9- world peace
- 10- Mandela's National Agreement for Peace
- References
The examples of peace will depend on the field to which it is applied: there can be peace between neighbors, between employees, between countries and in other contexts. Peace is essential for all types of coexistence and interpersonal relationships between peers.
It allows to maintain a more effective and harmonious communication, which facilitates cohabitation, coexistence and interdependence.
Peace is a value without which the world would live in constant wars, full of violence and hostilities.
In the spiritual or interior, peace is the feeling of tranquility and well-being, where there is no presence of negative or disturbing thoughts or feelings of tranquility and balance.
While in the social or political sphere, it is related to the non-existence of armed conflicts or wars between the parties.
Top 10 examples of peace
1- Intra-family peace
When there is a conflict, discussion or some problem in the family, all those affected must get involved, communicate and make their point of view clear, taking into account respect and tolerance for the other.
If it is a household where there are children, adults usually lead by example and call on the parties to reconcile their differences.
2- Peace between neighbors
Good coexistence is one of the most important factors to have peace. If a neighbor has a problem with another, he should seek dialogue as the first instance, providing solutions.
If the dialogue does not work, it is possible to turn to the neighborhood council to intervene and contribute ideas that can solve the problem.
In the event that this does not improve coexistence, judicial support is taken as a solution.
3- Peace among friends
The honesty of friends can sometimes affect the sentimental sphere; This is part of the trust that the dynamics of certain friendly relationships provide.
Thinking before speaking and not judging is a key point in maintaining a peaceful friendship.
4- Inner or personal peace
The current pace of life has been approached with alarm due to the burden of stress and anxiety that it causes in people.
One solution to rid yourself of these negative emotions and sensations is to take time alone to meditate, reflect, and forgive.
This will help eliminate stress and unconstructive thoughts.
5- Peace between co-workers
In the work environment there are various personalities living together in a team, all pursuing a common goal. It is usual that within the labor dynamics there are conflicts between these personalities.
To prevent conflicts and promote harmony, it is recommended to maintain high job satisfaction, assertive communication and avoid taking comments or suggestions personally.
6- Peace between bosses and employees
The existence of a conflict between employee and boss is common after giving tasks that do not meet expectations or when the work environment is toxic.
It is necessary to achieve peace in this area in order to be more productive and have a better job performance.
To resolve the conflict or nuisance, it is important to communicate promptly and give clear work instructions.
7- Peace between countries
The first modern example of peace between countries is the 30-year war, in which several countries in Europe, mostly the powers, had a dispute over different ideals. The end result of this war was huge.
However, contemplating the terrible results of the war gave life to the peace treaty called "Peace of Westphalia", born to end the war. This was based on respect for rights and national sovereignty.
8- Peace process in Colombia
When countries have internal problems, reaching an agreement between the parties is the most viable option.
An example of this resolution of wars is the peace agreement with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), the recent peace process experienced in Colombia.
This was created in order to break with the social and political violence that plagued the country for more than 50 years.
9- world peace
In 1948 the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was celebrated in an assembly of the United Nations Organization.
This declaration establishes that, worldwide, the figure of human rights must be respected and protected in order to guarantee peace, justice and freedom.
Human rights are rights that, if respected, ensure peaceful coexistence.
10- Mandela's National Agreement for Peace
In South Africa, the National Peace Accord was created in order to promote peace and put aside the rejection that dark-skinned citizens were going through.
In the process, a national constituent assembly headed by Nelson Mandela was established. The Commission for Truth and Reconciliation was created and won the Nobel Peace Prize for its work in favor of justice.
In 1996 it was stipulated in the Constitution that human rights will be protected without any discrimination.
- Graham Kemp, DP (2004). Keeping the Peace: Conflict Resolution and Peaceful Societies Around the World. New York: illustrated.
- Guizado, AC (1999). Arming peace is disarming war: tools to achieve peace. illustrated, reprint.
- Richard A. Falk, RC (1993). The Constitutional Foundations of World Peace. New York: Suny Press.
- Solana, G. (1993). Education for peace: questions, principles and practice in the classroom. Madrid: Morata Editions.
- United, N. (1948). Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Paris: Aegitas.