Here are the best hug phrases from excellent authors such as Fito Páez, Leo Buscaglia, Hugh Jackman, Paulo Coehlo, Maya Angelou and many more. They remind us of the great role they play in our day-to-day human interactions and how they are a source of security, comfort, and love.
You may also be interested in this list of emotional phrases.
-One day someone will hug you so tight that all your broken pieces will come back together.
-Happiness is an unexpected hug.
-Sometimes a hug is all we need to move on.
-Hugs are food for the heart. –Lynda Cheldelin Fell.
-One of the best feelings in life is hugging a person after having missed them so much.
-The good thing about hugs is that when you give one, you receive one too. –Diana Rowland.
-A hug is a handshake that comes from the heart.
-Be the first to give a hug, and you will be the most hugged. –Sajid Baig.
-There is more power in a strong hug, than in a thousand well-articulated words. -Ann Hood.
-Never wait until tomorrow to hug someone you can hug today.
-A hug without a kiss is like a flower without its fragrance.
-When we hug someone for real, we gain a day of life. –Paulo Coehlo.
-There is nothing comparable to a mother's hug. –Terri Guillemets.
-A sad eyes should be asked fewer questions and give them more hugs.
-Hugs were invented to let people know that you love them without saying anything. –Bil Keane.
-Hugs are the purest way of giving and receiving. –Carol “CC” Miller.
-One of the best feelings is when you hug someone you love and they hug you back even tighter.
-No matter how long a hug is, its duration is never long enough. –Kyle Schmalenberg.
-There are hugs in which you would stay to live.
-The best hug is not the strongest or the longest, it is that of the right person.
-There are hugs that heal, and they are not prescribed by a doctor.
-Sometimes we just need a hug, without words and without questions.
-When my arms cannot reach the people close to me, I always hug them with my prayers.
-Not all things can be fixed with a hug, but you cannot make them worse either. –Dean Koontz.
-No matter how strong a woman is, everyone has their weak point. And when this happens all you need is a hug. –Melanie McNichols.
-Sometimes I hate when you hug me, because I don't want to let you go, but I know I have to.
-There is something about hugs that always warms the heart, welcomes us back home and makes departure easier. –Johnny Ray Ryder, Jr.
-Every day we must have contact with people. People love a warm hug, or a friendly pat on the back. –Maya Angelou.
-Hug strong to your friends, but more to your enemies, hug them so hard that they can not even move. –Lyndon B. Johnson.
-A hug is a smile with arms, a smile with a greater hook. –Terri Guillemets.
-If life had not given me reasons to know pain and affliction, I would never have known the healing power of a hug. –Richelle E. Goodrich.
-That's what the people he loves do. They put their arms around you and they love you, even if you're not very adorable. –Deb Caletti.
-A hug is the perfect gift, one fits everyone, and nobody bothers if you exchange it.
-Sometimes they can only heal us with a big and warm hug from Grandma. –Dan Pearce.
-A hug is like putting a bandage on an aggravating wound.
-Feel the presence of love, wrapped in a hug. –Robert M. Hensel.
-Hugs are God's way of reminding us how much we are loved. –Gail Lynne Goodwin.
-Your hugs and kisses are like the stars that light up my life when things get dark.
-One hug a day keeps the demons at bay.
-A hug at the right time and having a compassionate shoulder when crying is the spark of magic that allows us to continue walking towards hope. –Mimi Novic.
-Where I live, if someone gives you a hug, it comes from the heart. –Steve Irwin.
-When I get home, my daughter runs to the door to give me a big hug, and everything that had happened that day just fades away. -Hugh Jackman.
-Many times it is better to put love in hugs than in words.
-Hugs may be silent, but they speak eloquently. –Carol “CC” Miller.
-A hug is the shortest distance between friends.
-Eating something fresh out of the oven is like a hug that you can try. –Regina Brett.
-Many times a hug from the right person at the right time makes all the bad go away. –Sarah Ockler
-I'd rather be in someone's arms than on someone's head. –DS Mixell.
-I have a gift for you, but I need to borrow your arms to wrap it.
-Hugs are an awesome thing. They are the perfect way to show what we feel when we can't find the words to express it. –Johnny Ray Ryder.
-They melted into an embrace and silenced the thousand words that piled up in their throats with so many kisses. –Idlefonso Falcones.
-Hugs are so vital that one should never have hugged so few times that it is possible to count them. –Christina Engela.
-Hugs have no side effects and are natural. They don't need batteries, they're inflation-proof, they're grease-free, and they're free. They are non-taxable, do not pollute and have returns.
-Grannies are never short of hugs or cookies.
-When I hug you, I feel that I am in a universe of happiness and that I emerge with the ecstasy of life. –Debasish Mridha.
-Hugs delight us, warm us and captivate us. That must be why God gave us arms.
-Hugs are a universal remedy.
-Everyone needs a hug. Change your metabolism. –Leo Buscaglia.
-As the night gets colder, the hugs get warmer. –Anthony T. Hincks.
-When everything falls apart and I feel like giving up, I wish I had just one more of your hugs that fill me with strength and protection.
-Hugs exacerbate celebrations and alleviate penalties. –Carol “CC” Miller.
-In the end, what remains is to embrace, trust the other, love, and let oneself be loved in the midst of the shooting that is life. –Fito Páez.
-A hug is like a boomerang, come back immediately. –Bil Keane.
-When someone hugs you, let them be the first to let you go. –H. Jackson Brown Jr.
-If you hug me, the world can stop in that instant.
-I love those hugs, that without having to say a word, make me feel that I am with the right person.
-A hug so strong that it breaks your fears.
-I like hugs for no reason.
-The unexpected hugs are the best, they are the ones we least expect but feel the most.
-A hug from you is all I need at this time, (…), because your hugs are unique and are my favorites.
-I like hugs in which, inadvertently, your eyes close.
-A hug from you is the perfect pretext to feel my heart next to yours.
-I need a hug, the kind that without words make you feel that everything will be fine.
-A hug that is worth all these days without seeing you, I do not ask for more.
-A hug makes more sense than a lot of nice words.
-There is nothing like hugging someone after having missed them so much.
-When two souls embrace with a glance, time stops. –Danns Vega.
-Some hugs are trips.
-The distance prevents a kiss or a hug, but never prevents a feeling.
-I want a hug of those that reduce distances and reduce pain.
-A hug is the best way to say goodbye, when tears prevent you from saying it with words.
-If I knew that today was the last time I was going to see you sleep, I would hug you tightly, and pray to the Lord to be the guardian of your soul. -Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
-There are nights when I just need a kiss and a hug from you. And today is one of those nights.
-The hug is the only thing in the world that the tighter it is, the more relief it gives you.
-Hugs are the human expression of the soul.
-We hug so they hug us. –JM Coetzee.
-Loneliness is often discovered in the need for a hug. –Dulce Chacón.
-The man who knows how to hug is a good man. -Orhan Pamuk.
-If I hug you stronger we will turn our backs.
-And if I hug you, it is to feel… that our love will never be rooted out.
-Each person, upon waking up, should receive a big hug to start the day right.