I leave you the best phrases of Napoleon Hill (1883-1970), considered one of the great authors of self-help and improvement, author of books such as Think and get rich, The laws of success or The positive mental attitude.
Napoleon Hill is one of the best-known authors in the history of the self-help field. After meeting millionaire and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie, he began gathering information and establishing a process to achieve success.
To do this, he interviewed millionaires of the time, including Henry Ford, Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, John D. Rockefeller, Charles M Schwab, Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt and Alexander Graham Bell.
His philosophy was based on the fact that if someone has an obsessive desire to achieve something, they will be so determined and convinced that they will have it, that in the end they will achieve it. In turn, he considered that action was necessary and that this belief was based on democracy, capitalism and freedom, without which success could not be achieved.
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