Some of the best atheist phrases were pronounced by wise figures in history such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Albert Einstein, Carl Sagan, Isaac Asimov, Karl Max, Arthur Schopenhauer or Benjamin Franklin.
Atheism is a doctrine that is based on the ignorance of God or any deity. It is based primarily on the absence of empirical evidence for the existence of God, the historical background of the Catholic Church and other religions, as well as reason and philosophy. You may also be interested in these phrases of God.
Symbol coined by atheism. Source:
-Religion is considered by the common people as true, by the wise as false and by the rulers as useful. -Séneca.
-After having contact with a religious person, I always feel that I should wash my hands. -Friedrich Nietzsche.
- Atheism is a non-prophetic organization. -George Carlin.
-Who needs Satan when you have a God like this? -Robert M. Price.
-No religion is worth a single drop of blood. -Marquis de Sade.
-If God exists, I hope you have a good excuse. -Woody Allen.
-Religion is an excellent thing to keep ordinary people quiet. -Napoleon Bonaparte.
-The confidence and ease with which I know that another man's religion is crazy, teaches me to suspect that mine is too. -Mark Twain.
-God does not reside in a sky of clouds, He simply dwells in cloudy minds. -Carl Sagan.
-God is a comedian appearing in front of an audience with a lot of fear of laughing. -Voltaire.
-Religion is what prevents the poor from murdering the rich. -Napoleon Bonaparte.
-Where knowledge ends, religion begins. -Benjamin Disraeli.
-The man is accepted in the church for his beliefs and rejected for his knowledge. -Mark Twain.
-The more I learn about the universe, the less convinced I am that there is some kind of benevolent force that has to do with it. -Neil deGrasse Tyson.
-It is better to be a decreed atheist than a hypocrite. -George Harrison.
-Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature. The opium of the people that makes their suffering tolerable. -Karl Marx.
-Religion does three things quite effectively: divide, control and deceive people. -Carlespie Mary Alice McKinney.
-In Christianity, neither morality nor religion come into contact with each other. -Friedrich Nietzsche.
-Human decency does not derive from religion. It precedes it. -Christopher Hitchens.
-As far as I can remember, there is not a single word in the gospels that praises intelligence. -Bertrand Russell.
-The Christian decision to consider that the world is ugly and bad has turned the world into an ugly and bad place. -Friedrich Nietzsche.
-A believer cannot be convinced of anything, since his belief is not based on evidence, but on a deep and ingrained need to believe. -Carl Sagan.
-The gods are fragile; they can be killed with a vestige of science or with a dose of common sense. -Chapman Cohen.
-Believing is easier than thinking. That is why there are more believers. -Albert Einstein.
-And on the trillionth day, man created the gods. -Thomas D. Pate.
-I'm an atheist and I thank God for that. -George Bernard Shaw.
-Read carefully, the Bible is the most powerful force of atheism ever conceived. -Isaac Asimov.
-Religious faith not only lacks evidence, its independence from evidence is its pride and joy, shouted from the rooftops. -Richard Dawkins.
-Religions, like fireflies, need darkness to shine. -Arthur Schopenhauer.
-Supernatural beliefs are simply the natural consequence of failing to match our intuitions with the true reality of the world. -Bruce M. Hood.
-The way to see through faith is by closing the eye of reason. -Benjamin Franklin.
-Man never commits evil in such a complete and joyful way as when he does it based on religious convictions. -Blaise Pascal.
-I am a polyatheist, that is, there are many gods in which I do not believe. -Dan Fouts.
- "Faith" means not wanting to know what the truth is. -Friedrich Nietzsche.
-Philosophy asks questions that may never be answered. Religion gives the answers to what cannot be questioned. -Daniel Dennett.
-It is easier to believe in God than to accept the blame ourselves. -David Gerrold.
-How much vanity must be hidden, in a not very efficient way, to pretend that we are the personal objective of a divine plan? -Christopher Hitchens.
-A concern for the next world clearly shows an inability to deal credibly with it. -Richard K. Morgan.
-If there is a God, atheism must seem to Him a lesser insult than religion. -Edmond de Goncourt.
-Belief is the death of intelligence. -Robert Anton Wilson.
-It's not the parts of the Bible that I can't understand that bother me, it's the parts that I can understand that do. -Mark Twain.
-One would go crazy if one took the Bible seriously; But to take it seriously one must already be crazy. -Aleister Crowley.
-All thinking men are atheists. -Ernest Hemingway.
-Some time ago there was a period when religion reigned in the world. They were known as the Dark Years. -Ruth Hurmence Green.
-The inspiration of the Bible depends on the ignorance of the person who reads it. -Robert G. Ingersoll.
-If there were a God, which I think is very unlikely, he would possess a vanity as uncomfortable as that of those who take offense at those who doubt his existence. -Bertrand Russell.
-I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with the fact of not understanding the world. -Richard Dawkins.
-Children are born without religion, don't give them your neurosis. -Nick Kinnan.
-All religions are based on the fear of the many and the intelligence of the few. -Stendahl.
-I have examined all the known superstitions in the world and I cannot find a single redeeming characteristic in the superstition of Christianity. -Thomas Jefferson.
-The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge. -Daniel Boorstin.
-Scare children with an image of hell and consider women an inferior creation. Is that good for the world? -Cristopher Hitchens.
-Ignorance and fear are the parents of all superstition; the preoccupied imagination of primitive man wove the idea of God. -Emma Goldman.
-We must question the logic of the existence of an omniscient and almighty God, who creates imperfect humans and then blames them for their mistakes. -Gene Roddenberry.
-Those who can make you believe in absurdities are capable of making you commit atrocities. -Voltaire.
-Man created God in his image and likeness: intolerant, sexist, homophobic and violent. -George Weinberg.
-Religion. It gives people hope in a world destroyed by religion. -Jon Stewart.
-Where it is a duty to worship the sun, it is quite certain that investigating the laws of heat is a crime. -John Morley.
-The Bible has noble poetry in it… and some good morals, a wealth of obscenity and countless thousands of lies. -Mark Twain.
-The facts do not cease to exist just by ignoring them. -Aldous Huxley.
-Religion is comparable to infantile neurosis. -Sigmund Freud.
-My favorite definition of mythology: "Mythology" is what we call other people's religions. -Joseph Campbell.
-The presence of those who seek the truth is infinitely preferable to the presence of those who think they have found it. -Terry Pratchett.
-When a person suffers from delusions, it is called insanity; When many people suffer from a delusion, it is called religion. -Robert M. Pirsig.
-Faith does not give us answers, it simply makes you stop asking questions. -Frater Ravus.
-The fact that the believer is happier than the skeptic is not very different from the fact that the drunkard is happier than the sober one. -George Bernard Shaw.
-With or without religion, there will be good people doing good things and bad people doing bad things. But for good people to do bad things, you need religion. -Steven Weinberg.
-I can't believe that the same God who endowed us with senses, reason and intelligence wanted us to not use them and give us information by other means, instead of obtaining it with these. -Galileo Galilei.
-When I was a child I used to ask the Lord for a new bicycle every night. That's when I realized that He doesn't work that way, so I stole one and asked Him to forgive me. -Emo Phillips.
-God is willing to prevent evil, but cannot? So it is not omnipotent. You can do it and you don't? So it's bad. Could it be that he cannot and is not willing? So why do we call it God? -Epicurus.
-Interestingly, I have noticed that both the prayers that I dedicate to the sun and those that I dedicate to God are answered in the same proportion, approximately 50%. -George Carlin.
-If Jesus had been killed 20 years ago, children in Catholic schools would be using small electric chairs around their necks instead of crosses. -Lenny Bruce.
-Tell people that there is an invisible being who lives in the sky and who created the universe and the vast majority will believe you. Tell them the paint is fresh and they will have to touch it to be sure. -George Carlin.
-Monotheism explains order, but not evil. Dualism explains evil, but not order. There is only one logical answer: an omnipotent God created the universe and he is evil. -Yuval Noah Harari.
-Who would say that the devil had a factory where he made millions of fossils whose minions would distribute the length and breadth of the earth to confuse my little brain? -Lewis Black.