I leave you the best comforting phrases to reflect on or dedicate, from excellent authors such as Mahatma Gandhi, Benjamin Franklin, Cicero, Robert Louis Stevenson, Leonardo da Vinci, Richard Bach, CS Lewis and many more.
You may also be interested in these quotes to lift your spirits.
-There are better things ahead than those we leave behind.-CS Lewis.
-What a worm calls the end of the world, God calls a butterfly.-Richard Bach.
-I do not think of all the misery, if not all the beauty that still remains.-Anne Frank.
-The one who has left meets us more intensely than the man who lives.-Antoine de Saint Exupery.
-We go to the grave of a friend saying “a man has died”, but the angels crowd around him saying “a man has been born”.- John Henry Newman.
-There is nothing like the active work of comforting the most needy.-Anne Brontë.
-The defects of incredible men end up being the consolation of foolish men.-Isaac D'Israeli.
-A tiny consolation is nothing more than a small memory of grief.-Oliver Goldsmith.
-The memory of the good deeds we have done to those we have loved is the only consolation that remains when we have lost everything.-Demoustier.
-You can not console yourself and heal from a loss until you allow yourself to really feel it.-Mandy Hale.
-What is beautiful never dies, but passes to another type of beauty.-Thomas Bailey Aldrich.
-Don't say with pain "he's not here anymore." Say with gratitude that "he was here." - Hebrew proverb.
-Just like a day well spent gives you a happy dream, a life well lived gives you a happy death.-Leonardo da Vinci.
-Those we love are incapable of dying, since love is immortality.-Emily Dickinson.
-Like a bird singing in the rain, let the memories of gratitude survive in times of grief.-Robert Louis Stevenson.
-Death can not kill what never dies.-William Penn.
-Don't feel pain. Everything you lose comes back in another form.-Rumi.
-Sometimes, the best way to help someone is simply to be close to her.-Veronica Roth.
-Between us there is no goodbye. Wherever you are, you will always be within my heart.-Mahatma Ghandhi.
-Living inside the hearts that we leave behind means not dying.-Thomas Campbell.
-Life is eternal, and love is immortal. Death is nothing more than a horizon and the horizon is nothing except the limit of our sight.-Rossiter Worthington Raymond.
-While we mourn the loss of our friend, others rejoice to meet him behind the veil.-Jhon Taylor.
-The angels are always close to those who feel pain, to gently say in their ears that those they love are safe in the hands of God.-Eileen Elias Freeman.
-When you lose someone you love, you gain an angel you know.
-The life of those who have died lies in the minds of those who still live.-Cicero.
-It is much darker when a light goes out than it could have been if the light had never shone.-John Steinbeck
-Love is stronger than death, although it cannot prevent it from happening.
-When a great man dies, the light he leaves behind illuminates the path of other men for years.-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
-Death can be one of the greatest blessings of the human being.-Socrates.
-I see death as something as necessary to our constitution as sleep. We will wake up refreshed in the morning by thinking that one day we will die.-Benjamin Franklin.
-The call of death is the call of love. Death can be sweet if we answer in the affirmative, if we accept it as one of the greatest forms of life and transformation.-Hermann Hesse.
-The tears shed by another person are not a sign of weakness. They are a sign of a pure heart.-José N. Harris.
-For me it is always great comfort to remember that the Lord, whom I have approached with humble faith, will look at me with love and compassion in heaven.-Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
-The bigger an artist is, the greater the doubt. Perfect confidence is awarded to the least talented as a consolation prize.-Robert Hughes.
-Unless we form the habit of turning to the Bible both in moments of happiness and in difficult circumstances, we will not be able to respond fully to its consolations, because we will have an absence of balance between light and darkness.-Hellen Keller.
-The tombs become the footprints of angels.-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
-Loneliness has become my only deep and mortal comfort.-Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley.
-For a few moments you stayed, but you left a huge mark on our hearts.-Dorothy Ferguson.
-Only a great soul is capable of serving everyone, all the time. A great soul never dies and is able to unite us again and again.- Maya Angelou.
-I caught your smile and put it right where the hole in my heart was. That feeling was better than having a good coffee or delicious chocolate.- Cecil Castellucci.
35-Philosophers have the particular characteristic of console themselves with explanations.-Marty Rubin.
-When you think of me, I hope you remember me with smiles and laughter, because that is how I think to remember you. If, on the other hand, you can only remember me with tears, then don't even remember me at all.-Laura Ingles Wilder.
-The intention of humanity is to serve, show compassion and the will to help others as many times as possible.-Albert Schweitzer.
-A resistance that rejects consolations, is eternally stronger than that which trusts them.-Perry Anderson.
-Excessive pain laughs. On the contrary, excessive happiness cries.-William Blake.
-If I got a flower for every time I think of you, I could walk in a garden of my own forever.-Alfred Lord Tennyson.
-Those who love and fail are always connected by the networks of the heart to infinity.-Terri Guillemets.
-Sadness can be calmed with a pleasant sleep, a quiet bath and a large glass of wine.-Santo Tomás de Aquino.
-When you find yourself sad, look again in your heart and you will see that you are truly crying for what has been your charm before.- Kahlil Gibran.
-The gods hide from men the joy of death so that they can more easily bear life.-Lucan.
-The particularity of sympathy allows two hearts to have greater weight to bear a burden and consolidate consolation.-Charles Henry Parkhurst.
35-There is something very morbid in modern sympathy for pain.-Oscar Wilde.
-The unhappiness of life is in what dies inside a man while he is still alive.-Norman Cousins
-There are no goodbyes for the two of us. Wherever you are, you will always be present in the depths of my heart.-Mahatma Gandhi.
-I am a great sinner but I begged the Lord for grace and mercy and he has protected me completely. I have found the most pleasant consolation, since I fulfilled all my responsibilities to enjoy his wonderful presence.-Christopher Columbus.
-An understanding partner can be as loved and respected as a brother.-Homer.
19-Leaving the earth is touchingly bitter, but the idea of having to die without having lived, if we think about it in terms of consolation, definitely becomes something unbearable.-Erich Fromm.
-Stay still, because I know that I will always love you.-Kamand Kojouri.
-You come through these places with the aim of comforting me. That's a lovely thing about you. It's nice to know when a person is understanding! -Oscar Wilde.
-There is a sacred characteristic in tears, they are not a symbol of weakness, but rather of power. Tears speak more coherently than a thousand languages and are messengers of overwhelming and indescribable pain.-Washington Irving.
-The world is full of suffering, but it is also full of overcoming.-Helen Keller.
-The greatest consolation is the pleasure and recognition of unhappiness, of having recognized destiny and life as they are.-Umberto Eco.
-The Bible has been a great consolation for a man abandoned in an old cell with no one to turn to.-Brendan Behan.
-It is always through books that all wise people obtain consolation in the problems that arise in life.-Victor Hugo.
-The system in which we live is full of absurdity. We treat children as guilty in order to have the right to punish them and adults, to deny them comfort.-Claude Levi-Strauss.
-The worry is not capable of being emptied from one day to the next. The important thing is to fill it with comfort to be able to live with strength today.-Corrie Ten Boom.
-There is no comfort or comfort that can with certainty.-Amit Kalantri.
-There are accents and words by which this pain that I feel can be mitigated.-Horacio.
-The only people who are affected by compassion are all those who have good hearts, as in a field of thorns, it only bothers those who bleed.-Rachelle E. Goodrich.
-When you feel sorry for the suffering of others, you forge understanding, but that does not necessarily mean a sign of consolation.-Benson Bruno.
-It is wrong and unfair to cry for the men who died, on the contrary, we should thank God that such men lived.-George S. Patton.
-When the soul is in doubt between life and sleep, it is in religious thought that we must seek consolation.-Gerard De Nerval.