I leave you the best quotes from Warren Buffett (born 1930), one of the best investors in history, and the largest shareholder and CEO of the Berkshire Hathaway conglomerate.
Since he was a child, he sold Washington Post newspapers and even outsourced children. He also bought packages of Coca Cola bottles and sold them individually. By the time I was a teenager I already made twice as much money as the average American family. At the age of 20 he was about $ 10,000 at the time, $ 100,000 today with inflation.
Starting in 1960, he built a company that allowed him to collect an annual fee from investors who participated in it. The model was therefore based on a scalable business that generated profit from the funds of others.
In 1969, the Buffet Association had more than $ 100 million in assets, increasing its personal assets by $ 25 million. Since then, he has continued to build his fortune by owning high-profit private companies and entering the insurance business.
He is currently the owner of the Berkshire Hathaway company, where he owns a third of the shares. However, he is selling part of them to donate his earnings to charity.
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