Here are the best quotes from Charles Darwin, an English naturalist, geologist and biologist known for his theory of evolution and the process of natural selection. Darwin (1809-1882) developed the theory that he called natural selection, which established that the species that survive are those that best adapt to the environment.
The living beings "that are selected" by the environment, are those that have descendants and with the passing of the generations their genetic characteristics are consolidated. His most radical idea that collided with the status quo of the time was that all living things have descended from a common ancestor, including Homo Sapiens.
Born in England, in 1831 he embarked on the Beagle for a 5-year journey that allowed him to study how species varied depending on the environment in which they lived. After his studies, he formulated his theory that he published in The Origin of Species.
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-A man who dares to waste an hour of time has not discovered the value of life.
-I am not fit to blindly follow the example of other men.
-A man's friendships are one of the best measures of his worth.
-It is always advisable to clearly perceive our ignorance.
-You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.
-Great is the power of constant misrepresentation.
-Free will is to the mind what chance is to matter.
-Beauty is the result of a sexual selection.
-I tried to read Shakespeare too late, so late that it made me nauseous.
-The social instinct guides animals to enjoy the society of their peers.
-It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor is it the most intelligent one that survives. It is the one that best adapts to change.
-If I had to live my life over, I would have made a rule to read some poetry and listen to music at least once every week.
-Often ignorance breeds confidence more often than knowledge: it is those who know little, and not those who know a lot, who affirm that this or that problem will never be solved by science.
-Music awakens in us various emotions, but not the most terrible, but rather sweet thoughts of tenderness and love.
-The very essence of instinct is that it is followed independently of reason.
-Intelligence is based on how efficient species become when doing the things they need to survive.
-If the misery of the poor is not caused by the laws of nature, but by our institutions, great is our sin.
-The man tends to grow at a rate higher than his means of subsistence.
-Love for all living creatures is the noblest attribute of man.
-We stopped looking for monsters under the bed when we realized they were inside us.
-The highest possible stage in moral culture is when we recognize that we must control our thoughts.
-A moral being is one who is capable of reflecting on his past actions and his motives, of approving some and disapproving of others.
-I have called this principle, by which every slight variation, if useful, is preserved, by the term of natural selection.
-Killing an error is as good service, and sometimes even better, as the establishment of a new truth or fact.
-I love silly experiments. I am always doing them.
-It's hard to believe in the gruesome but quiet war lurking just below the serene facade of nature.
-There is no fundamental difference between man and animals, in their ability to feel pleasure and pain, happiness and misery.
-The animals, whom we have made our slaves, we do not like to consider our equals.
-In conclusion, it seems that nothing can be better for a young naturalist than a trip to distant countries.
-Mathematics seems to give one a new meaning.
-The man descends from a hairy-tailed quadruped, probably arboreal in his habits.
-In addition to love and sympathy, animals exhibit other qualities related to social instincts that in us would be called moral.
-A man of science should not have any desire or affection, but a mere heart of stone.
-There is certainly no progress.
-The favorable individual variations and differences, and the destruction of those that are harmful, is what we have called natural selection or survival of the fittest.
-At some point in the not too distant future, measured by centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certainly be exterminated, and will be replaced by the wild races throughout the world.
-The mystery of the beginning of all things is insoluble by us; and for my part I must be content to remain agnostic.
-I became a kind of machine to observe facts and draw conclusions.
-I am a firm believer that without speculation there is no good and original observation.
-We have not obtained any scientific explanation for the ordinary view that each of the species has been created independently.
- I have no doubt that, as a whole, my works have been over and over again valued.
- Little by little I stopped believing that Christianity was a divine revelation. The fact that many false religions spread like wildfire across much of the Earth had some influence on me.
-My mistake was a good lesson that taught me never to trust the exclusion principle in the scientific field.
-In the fight for survival, the strongest wins at the expense of their rivals because they better adapt to their environment.
-It is a demonic curse for any man to be sucked into any matter as I have been.
-With savagery, the weaknesses of the body and mind are quickly eliminated.
-It is the weakest members of a society who tend to propagate their species.
-The surgeon is capable of hurting himself while operating, because he knows that he is doing good to his patient.
-In the history of humanity, those who learn to cooperate are those who have prevailed.
-The shield is as important to overcome as the sword and the spear are.
-In the future I see more open fields for other investigations.
-Sexual selection is less rigorous than natural selection.
-Man selects for his good, nature does it for the common good.
-I die slowly because I have no one to talk to about insects.
-I finally fell asleep on the grass and was able to wake up with the singing of the birds above my head.
-I love insects.
-Insects, like me, are misunderstood by most.
-How easy we hide our ignorance behind the phrase "the plan of creation."
-It is quite clear that organic beings must be exposed for several generations to new conditions of life to cause an appreciable amount of variation.