Here are the best quotes about cycling from famous cyclists like Eddy Merckx, Lance Armstrong, Floyd Landis, Fred Perry, Fabian Cancellara, Greg LeMond or Chris Froome.
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- Cycling is for everyone. -Bernard Hinault.
-Crash is part of cycling, just as crying is part of love. -Johan Museeuw.
-I am not a competitor, I am someone who rides a bicycle. -Taylor Phinney.
-Riding bicycles is a sport that goes beyond cycling. -Taylor Phinney.
- Cycling has nothing to do with the Tour de France. -Taylor Phinney.
-With bicycles, you can go to new places that you have not been able to go before. Cycling has nothing to do with racing. -Taylor Phinney.
-Bicycling is a therapeutic mode of transport in which you join a machine that becomes a part of you. -Taylor Phinney.
-I am lucky to have known a lot of the world thanks to cycling. -Marianne Voss.
- Cycling gives you freedom: you just have to get on and start walking. -Bradley Wiggins.