- The 5 typical drinks of Nuevo León
- 1- Mezcal
- 2- White atole
- 3- Champurrado
- 4- Roasted corn pinole
- 5- Beer
- References
The typical drinks of Nuevo León are the result of the fusion between the autochthonous culture of Mexico and the influence that European immigration had at the time of colonization.
Nuevo León is one of the thirty-two states that make up the country and is located in the northeast region of Mexico.
Its geographical and climatic conditions have also had a great influence on the development of the culture of this area.
Its hot and arid climate, as well as its semi-desert vegetation, have made cold drinks become typical of the area and are chosen by its inhabitants.
You may also be interested in the traditions of Nuevo León or its cultural characteristics.
The 5 typical drinks of Nuevo León
1- Mezcal
It is an alcoholic beverage obtained from the distillation of the stem and base of the leaves of the maguey plant.
The traditional artisan mezcal was distilled in clay pots and even today there are indigenous communities that maintain this technique.
The alcoholic graduation is 45% and the drink is practically colorless.
Ideally, mezcal should be served in a container called a jícara, made from the fruit of the güira. If not, it should be served in a wide-mouthed glass.
In addition, good mezcal should have a pearly shine when served. It is recommended to pour the liquid at a distance of 20 centimeters from the glass.
2- White atole
The white atole, also known as atole de masa, is a non-alcoholic drink made from cooked, ground and boiled white corn.
Originally it does not have sugar, but some add cane sugar. It is the base of the other atoles, to which ground fruits and other ingredients are added.
3- Champurrado
Champurrado is a drink derived from atole. Dark chocolate and vanilla water are added to this.
It is a sweet drink with a thick consistency. It is generally served to accompany the typical Mexican tamales.
It is an Aztec drink of pre-Hispanic origin that was used in some rituals and ceremonies.
4- Roasted corn pinole
Toasted corn pinole is a drink made from corn flour, which is ground and toasted, and then sweetened with sugar.
Water, fruit juice, or milk can be added. It is served both hot and cold, and it is usually seasoned with cocoa, cinnamon and / or anise.
On the other hand, this drink can be fermented to produce a low-alcoholic beer called tejuino. This is drunk with lemon, salt and chili pepper.
5- Beer
The beer made in Nuevo León has its origin at the end of the 19th century, when the Cuauhtémoc brewery was founded there with Mexican capital.
Later, it merged with the Moctezuma brewery, which had German and French capital. Currently the company was acquired by the Dutch group Heineken International.
They make several brands of beers, including Dos Equis, Heineken, Superior, Sol, Kloster Light, Tecate, Strongbowy Affligem, Indio, Bohemia, Noche Buena, Carta Blanca and Coors Light.
Beer is a widely consumed drink in the state since, when served cold, it helps mitigate the high temperatures in Nuevo León.
- Dictionary of Traditional Mexican Drinks. (sf). Obtained from Unknown Mexico: mexicodesconocido.com.mx
- White atole or dough atole. (sf). Obtained from Larousse: laroussecocina.mx
- Champurrado Chocolate Atole. (sf). Obtained from MAR: mexican-authentic-recipes.com
- History. (sf). Obtained from Cervecería Cuauhtémoc Moctezuma Heineken: cuamoc.com
- Mezcal. (sf). Retrieved from Wikipedia: wikipedia.org